

3793 Uppsatser om Affect of light - Sida 46 av 253

Mäns våld mot kvinnor ur ett teoretiskt perspektiv

The essay begins by asserting that the theoretical approaches of men?s violence against women are just as important to study as its extent. The purpose is therefore to analyse and compare two theoretical approaches which is done by a comparative text analysis of two texts written on the subject. The essay attempts to answer two questions; what the theoretical approaches are and how they can be understood in light of feminist theory.Previous research on men?s violence against women discuss especially three theoretical aspects.

Min pappa är negerkung : En kvalitativ studie av etniska stereotyper i filmatiseringarna om Pippi Långstrump

The purpose of this paper has been to examine various ethnic stereotypes in two Swedish film adaptations of Astrid Lindgren?s character Pippi Longstocking. I have used a semiotic content analysis and postcolonial theory to investigate: 1) how the ethnic groups are represented in the different materials, 2) if there is a hegemonic relationship between the foreign group and one?s own group, 3) whether there has been a "decolonization" during the twenty years that separate the two films. This study has shown that, in the 1949 adaptation, primarily Africans were produced in a negative light and as biologically inferior in relation to the whites.

Visioner och emfaser i naturvetenskaplig undervisning : En kvalitativ studie om hur en lärare uttrycker ambitioner kring naturvetenskaplig undervisnig och hur dessa tar sig uttryck i praktiken

This study examines a primary school teacher?s ambitions within science education and how those ambitions manifest in the classroom. This is being examined by interview with the mentioned teacher and by observations as a participant within four of the teacher?s science classes. The results of this study is categorized and analyzed with assistance of scientific literacy, vision I and vision II, fundamental scientific literacy and Roberts? curriculum emphases.

Tweens' uppfattade värde av ett varumärke : - en studie av konsumenter 10-14 år och hur de relaterar sig till ett varumärke

Background:The value a consumer connect with a certain brand and its design differ from person to person. This value ought to be investigated. Why does people buy expensive things when there are cheaper alternatives? Is it brand equity and/or the perception of a brand?s value that make a difference? People strive to show themselves and to perform through products, which makes it interesting to see to the perceived value of design.Tweens is a group of consumers that are easily influenced to consume products by their surrounding. To choose clothes, shoes and other products after what your surrounding?s demand, is a way of adapting yourself to society.

Antimobbningsplaner : Åtgärder och strategier mot mobbning

AbstractThe purpose of this study is to find out how educationalists who are currently working in school-environments feel about antibullyingprograms. Do they think that the programs are working and do they feel that the measures that they use work as planned? The reason why I choose to investigate this topic is that it will always be at topic interesting to study. Bullying will unfortunately always exist in some way. The whole survey is made in a small/medium seized municipality in Sweden with about 12 000 inhabitants.

Erfarna oskulder och arbetande hemmafruar : en studie kring kvinnor i moderniseringsprocesser

This is a theoretical study of changing relations between men and women in the context of modernisation. Ideas derived from a general theoretical discussion will be illustrated by examples from countries that are going through societal changes affecting the lives of men and women; Uganda, Morocco and Mexico. Focus will be on connections between changes in the public sphere and interpersonal relations in the private sphere. One part examines certain effects of women?s increased participation in politics and in the workforce, concluding that these changes may cause conflicts with traditional values and consequently tensions in inter-gender relations.

Barns samspel sett ur ett genusperspektiv

Is the Swedish author Stig Dagerman an existentialist? This work takes a close look at Dagerman?s novel Island of the Doomed to see if it is possible to consider it an expression of existentialist thinking and to see if it interacts with any specific existentialist tradition. Dagerman?s novel was compared with select works of five existentialist thinkers ? Søren Kierkegaard, Martin Heidegger, Jean-Paul Sartre, Albert Camus and Karl Jaspers, all read in the light of the four categories of existentialistic thinking identified by the Swedish scholar Lennart Koskinen. All the four categories appeared to be central themes within the novel and a few subcategories were identified.

Representation och strukturers betydelse för inflytande : Om fackförbunden inom LOs ungdomsverksamhet

?The importance of representation and structures to establish influence. A study of the Trade Unions Youth Activities within The Swedish Trade Union Confederation.?-Katrin OlofssonThis essay is studying the importance of representation and structures for the youth to establish influence, within the Trade Unions of The Swedish Trade Union Confederation, LO. More specific it is about the youths influence in each trade union´s executive committee.

Hur skapar man en dokumentärfilm, med utgångspunkt från ett dramaturgiskt bildspråk? : Med fokus på trovärdighet

Målet med denna uppsats är att visa hur den dramaturgiska kurvan påverkar publikens sätt att ta till sig dokumentärfilm, med hänsyn till upplevelse och trovärdighet. I följande uppsats kommer man att på viktiga beståndsdelar som bidrar till hur man kan arbeta fram ett dramaturgiskt bildspråk inom det dokumentära skapandet av film. Viktiga punkter som delges innefattar även hur man bygger på trovärdighet mot sin publik och binder detta samman genom en bra dramaturgi, detta i kombination med ett projekt, följt av diskussion och slutsatser. De verktyg, som tidigare forskning hänvisar till, upplevs som positiva hjälpmedel för att genomföra en trovärdig produktion. Dock bör tilläggas att min erfarenhet av detta kandidatarbete, visade på att man bör lägga större fokus på att arbeta i realtid, än att påverka materialet allt för mycket i efterbearbetning.

Solvens II : En konkurrensfördel för de svenska försäkringsbolagen?

The purpose of this essay is to investigate whether the implementation of the Solvency II directive will create a competitive advantage for the Swedish insurance companies compared with other insurance companies in Europe.Therefore the theoretical perspective illustrates the specific requirements and risk culture of the insurance industry and defines the critical success factors for a successful implementation of the directive. The empirical foundation is built on the QIS 5 reports for Sweden and Europe, interviews with the financial services and If insurance company as well as information from a seminar organized by KPMG. The analysis shows that the Swedish insurance companies meets the capital requirements of Solvency II by a large margin and that they are accustomed to risk management and reporting requirements from the traffic light model. This implies that the three critical success factors for a successful implementation of Solvency II are met, although with some limitations, and that Swedish insurance companies could possibly have a competitive advantage.     .

Hegemoniska diskurser i gymnasieskolans verksamhetssystem och betydelsen av dessa för gymnasisters utvecklande av demokratisk kompetens: : En diskursanalytiskt inspirerad studie från ett socialkonstruktivistiskt perspektiv med fokus på hegemoniska struktu

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to increase the understanding of how a bank?s features and internal factors have affected its choice of method in calculating the capital requirement.Theoretical and Empirical Method: The research strategy of this study has been of a qualitative nature with a deductive approach. The choice of method was depth interviews with respondents from a targeted sample of Swedish banks. These respondents were chosen based on the knowledge they possess as key employees in the capital requirement process and their involvement in choosing their banks? method for calculating the capital requirement.

Viktreducering av hydraulmaskin F11-010

Möjligheter att reducera vikten på en hydraulmotor, som tillverkas på Parker Hannifin AB i Trollhättan, har studerats. Målet med arbetet var att ge förslag på hur motorn kan göras lättare för att nå det framtida målet att erbjuda kunder en lättviktsmotor (LWM) lämpad som fläktmotor.För att identifiera komponenterna och deras vikter vägdes alla delar var för sig. Värdena visade att trumhus, lagerhus, axel och lagerpaket stod för ca 75 % av motorns totala vikt. Arbetet koncentrerades därför på att reducera vikten på dessa delar.Flera koncept togs fram med lägre vikt och bibehållen prestanda. Vissa delar kontrollerades mot hållfasthet med handberäkningar och FEM-analyser.

?Det behöver inte vara värsta Rihanna för att det ska vara ett A? ? : Om betyg och bedömning i sång på grundskolan.

Uppsala University Library owns eight volumes of manuscripts attributed to the academy equerry Johan Leven Ekelund (c.1701?1775). In this thesis, I apply methods from the field of material culture studies in order to establish which of the volumes that formed the donation from Leven to the library mentioned in his will. By mapping certain markers such as places, names and dates I am able to identify to some extent where Leven gained his practical skills and which writers influenced him. By analysing the texts, I draw the conclusion that the manuscripts can be divided into groups aimed for different audiences.

Hur skapar man en dokumentärfilm, med utgångspunkt från ett dramaturgiskt bildspråk? - Med fokus på trovärdighet

Målet med denna uppsats är att visa hur den dramaturgiska kurvan påverkar publikens sätt att ta till sig dokumentärfilm, med hänsyn till upplevelse och trovärdighet. I följande uppsats kommer man att på viktiga beståndsdelar som bidrar till hur man kan arbeta fram ett dramaturgiskt bildspråk inom det dokumentära skapandet av film. Viktiga punkter som delges innefattar även hur man bygger på trovärdighet mot sin publik och binder detta samman genom en bra dramaturgi, detta i kombination med ett projekt, följt av diskussion och slutsatser. De verktyg, som tidigare forskning hänvisar till, upplevs som positiva hjälpmedel för att genomföra en trovärdig produktion. Dock bör tilläggas att min erfarenhet av detta kandidatarbete, visade på att man bör lägga större fokus på att arbeta i realtid, än att påverka materialet allt för mycket i efterbearbetning.

Framtidens energieffektiva flerbostadshus

The housing sector of today represents for almost 40% of the energy consumption, an energy consumption of which the major part consists of non-renewable energy sources. This is not sustainable and utilization of new energy-efficient technologies in buildings can be a step in the right direction, towards a sustainable energy society.This report has been made on behalf of and in cooperation with Älvstranden Utveckling AB in Gothenburg to examine how future energy-efficient technologies can affect the energy demand in energy-efficient multi-dwelling buildings.The report is based on Älvstrandens passive house, Hamnhuset, a house whose energy consumption is far below the BBR's requirements. The report looks at the opportunities for improvement within windows, insulation, solar energy technologies, as well as white goods. Computer simulations are then made to apply the selected technologies into a reference building. Technologies are selected from an energy efficient perspective and no account has been taken of other aspects such as the economy.

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