

274 Uppsatser om Aesthetic judgment - Sida 18 av 19

Skötsel av tätortsnära skogliga rekreationsområden : besökares upplevelser i norra och södra Sverige

The main purpose of this M. Sc. thesis is to increase the knowledge about managing urban forestry for recreational use. The analysis is focusing on differences between visitors? experiences in the north and south of Sweden, represented by Nydalasjön and by Härlanda tjärn.

Den positiva hälsovågen : En kvantitativ studie om hälsofrämjande arbete

The construction of buildings and paved surfaces changes the natural water balance.Precipitation generates surface runoff and storm water instead of infiltrating into the soil.Storm water has come to be considered as a major source of pollution in lakes and streams inthe vicinity of urban areas. Reduction of pollutants in storm water is a key action in order toprotect sensitive recipients and maintain high water quality. Storm water is traditionallytransported by storm sewers to the nearest recipient. In recent years the approach to stormwater management has changed; storm water should primarily be disposed of on site, throughlocal disposal of storm water, LOD. LOD is created by a combination of the function ofseveral smaller local facilities and the general sewer system.

Samspel och utvecklingsmöjligheter på jobbet : En kvalitativ studie om HR-medarbetares och chefers upplevelse av att arbeta tillsammans

In the new Library Act of 2014, it is stated that public library supply should be characterized by quality. To investigate what this means for the library, I do a functional analysis of ideas of librarians' views on quality and how they work with purchasing, weeding and mediation. I have chosen to limit the essay to fiction for adults in Swedish public libraries. By combining the basal idea analysis, where I investigate librarians' ideas about quality, with an operational analysis of ideas, where I examine the effects librarians' quality ideas get for the daily work, Iwant to find out the librarians' quality ideals.The material I analyze consists of 18 questionnaires, filled out by librarians with responsibility for purchasing and / or thinning in libraries across Sweden. The analysis is done with an analytical schedule, that consists of a number of opposing ideal types taken from previous research on quality, purchasing, thinning or mediation.

Präglad av kvalitet? : En idéanalys av folkbibliotekariers syn på skönlitterär kvalitet och hur den påverkar deras arbete

In the new Library Act of 2014, it is stated that public library supply should be characterized by quality. To investigate what this means for the library, I do a functional analysis of ideas of librarians' views on quality and how they work with purchasing, weeding and mediation. I have chosen to limit the essay to fiction for adults in Swedish public libraries. By combining the basal idea analysis, where I investigate librarians' ideas about quality, with an operational analysis of ideas, where I examine the effects librarians' quality ideas get for the daily work, Iwant to find out the librarians' quality ideals.The material I analyze consists of 18 questionnaires, filled out by librarians with responsibility for purchasing and / or thinning in libraries across Sweden. The analysis is done with an analytical schedule, that consists of a number of opposing ideal types taken from previous research on quality, purchasing, thinning or mediation.

Röster, blickar och möten : Om berättande och etik i Sara Lidmans Tjärdalen

Sara Lidman?s first novel, Tjärdalen (The Tar Pit, 1953), addresses ethical issues in a remote village in the north of Sweden. This essay discusses the novel?s narrative technique and the ethical aspects implied by the narration and aesthetic design. The approach is based on Adam Zachary Newton?s narrative ethics, which links narrative theory and method with an ethical perspective.

Lokalt omhändertagande av dagvatten i Västerås - Möjligheter till ökad användning i befintliga innerstadsområden : Local disposal of storm water i Västerås - possibilities for increased use in downtown areas

The construction of buildings and paved surfaces changes the natural water balance.Precipitation generates surface runoff and storm water instead of infiltrating into the soil.Storm water has come to be considered as a major source of pollution in lakes and streams inthe vicinity of urban areas. Reduction of pollutants in storm water is a key action in order toprotect sensitive recipients and maintain high water quality. Storm water is traditionallytransported by storm sewers to the nearest recipient. In recent years the approach to stormwater management has changed; storm water should primarily be disposed of on site, throughlocal disposal of storm water, LOD. LOD is created by a combination of the function ofseveral smaller local facilities and the general sewer system.

Kvinna, Snygg och Smart : - Estetisk kompetens mer än koketteri på arbetsmarknaden

Syfte: Denna uppsats är skriven utifrån ett genus perspektiv och behandlar främst kvinnors förhållningssätt och erfarenheter av skönhet och utseende inom yrkeslivet samt deras medvetenhet gällande begreppet estetisk kompetens. Begreppet estetisk kompetens är relativt nytt och betonar vikten av utseendets betydelse inom arbetslivet. Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur kvinnor förhåller sig till och är medvetna om vikten av skönhet och utseende samt betydelsen av begreppet estetisk kompetens inom arbetslivet.Metod: Arbetet har utgått från en kvalitativ datainsamlingsmetod genom intervjuer med ett flertal kvinnor. Materialet från de genomförda intervjuerna har därefter sammanförts med diverse olika informationskällor. Sedermera har respondenternas svar noga analyserats med relevant litteratur för att därefter finna en användbar teori.Resultat & slutsats: Kvinnorna i studien var av den uppfattningen att utseende var viktigt och att det var betydelsefullt att vårda sitt utseende.

Trailer Equipment Design : Utveckling av verktygslåda för lastbilar

Thesis completed by Johan Arvidsson, Alex Rasooli and Pontus Winroth, students at master program Product development and Design at the School of Engineering in Jönköping Sweden. The project comprises 30 ECTS credits and was carried out during the semester in the autumn of 2007.It was carried out in cooperation with Eksjöverken AB, subcontractor within the truck industry with special knowledge within the area of complicated machinery construction work. Job initiators at Eksjöverken were Mats Svanberg and Kjell Nygard. Dag Holmgren was acting as a tutor from the university. The task was to develop tools for trucks, primary toolboxes but in case of time also under run protection.

Städer och planetära gränser : En utvärdering av Stockholms ochNorra Djurgårdsstadens påverkan påde planetära processerna

The concept of planetary boundaries was introduced in the year 2009 by a group ofresearchers led by Johan Rockström and Will Steffen. The group presented a draft of thelimits of the planet regarding nine Earth System processes concerning climate change, oceanacidification, stratospheric ozone depletion, atmospheric aerosol loading, interference with Pand N cycles, global freshwater use, land-system change, rate of biodiversity loss andchemical pollution. The starting point for the study presented in this report was that asustainable development only can be achieved if humankind stays within the boundaries. It istherefore, based on the ongoing urbanization, relevant to evaluate how cities affect the EarthSystem processes. The aim of the study was to investigate if Stockholm Royal Seaport (NorraDjurgårdsstaden), a district in the northeast of Stockholm with a clear environmental profile,affects the Earth System processes less than Stockholm in general does.

Design som marknadskommunikation : En studie om olika fo?retags nyttjande och effekt av estetisk och strategisk design fo?r att sta?rka sitt varuma?rke

Det finns mycket tidigare forskning och litteratur om hur design som kommunikationsmedel kan tilla?mpas i praktiken, ba?de genom estetisk och strategisk design. Da?remot framga?r inte huruvida tilla?mpningen av design som kommunikationsmedel a?r branschspecifik eller generellt ga?llande fo?r fo?retag oavsett bransch. Fo?retag kan nyttja design som ett kommunikationsmedel fo?r att kommunicera sin varuma?rkesidentitet till konsumenterna sa? att deras syn pa? imagen blir liksta?lld med identiteten.

Kungsängsverket : ett reningsverk omvandlas till park

Today, there are few industries left in our cities. Industrial areas thatare located in urban settings close to water or city centers are oftenreplaced by housing. In my thesis I want to explore how such industrialsite located in an urban setting can be transformed into anindustrial park where the industrial structures are saved. By approachingthis type of environment in a positive manner, I wish tohighlight the potential aesthetic and functional value in the existingindustrial structure. Through the transformation and design of anexisting industrial site I will convey the previous use and history ofthe place.The wastewater treatment plant, Kungsängsverket, is located in thedistrict of Kungsängen in the southern part of Uppsala.

VART LEDER EN BRO AV POESI? ?Jo, jag g?r i f?rskoleklass och jag kan skriva dikter.?

In autumn of 2021, the anthology A Bridge of Poetry was given to all six-year-olds in Sweden. The anthology contains both older and contemporary poetry, as well as both children?s poetry and poetry written for experienced readers. The idea is that, with the help of an adult, texts and images, and in some cases short movies, will together stimulate children?s thoughts and initiate conversations, as well as arousing children?s curiosity about poetry.

Åtgärder för biologisk mångfald i parker : Fallstudier i Botkyrka, Haninge och Nynäshamn

Biodiversity consists of all life on Earth and in all forms. Biodiversity is often discussed at three levels: ecosystem, species and genetic variation within species. Biodiversity also provides many of the ecosystem services performed by nature and that we depend on, including cultural services such as aesthetic values, education and recreation. In Sweden the environmental objectives are central; there are 16 environmental quality objectives, and "A rich plant and animal life" is one of them. Conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity is a prerequisite for achieving also most other environmental objectives. Another environmental quality objective that is tied to a rich biodiversity in cities and biodiversity is "Good built environment" where cities, towns and other built environment should provide a good living habitat and contribute to a good environment.

Grönplanering i Gråbo - Förnyelse och förädling av platser och stråk

SAMMANDRAGLerums kommun har en vision om att bli Sveriges ledande miljökommun till år 2025 eller tidigare. En stor del av arbetet, som kännetecknas av hållbarhet, kreativitet och inflytande, sker i Gråbo. Det är idag en ort som känns bortglömd och är lätt att passera utan vetskap om dess placering. Samhället har såväl synliga baksidor som är i behov av förbättring och förnyelse, som outnyttjade tillgångar som bör lyftas fram.Syftet med föreliggande arbete är att ta fram förslag på hur Gråbo kan förbättras både med avseende på hållbar samhällsutveckling samt estetiska och funktionsmässiga förbättringar av samhället.Arbetet påbörjades med en faktainsamling, som sedan låg till grund för en inventering på plats i Gråbo. Detta sammanställdes till en analys där tillgångar och problem presenterades med hjälp av Adobe Illustrator till flera kartor.

Stockholms Energiframtid : En backcastingstudie för ett fossilbränslefritt Stockholms län 2050

This study concerns the energy future of the county of Stockholm up until 2050 and describes how the energy consumption can be compared to today with the use of scenario methodology. Within energy future studies the backcasting approach is well known and has been put to use in this study. Due to the characteristics of backcasting the study is self-fulfilling, i.e. the future energy scenarios presented in this study satisfy the targets set up in this study. In the light of what may be the largest challenge of our time ? the climate change - the aim of this study is to describe how the energy consumption in a fossil fuel free Stockholm county in the year of 2050 may be.

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