

274 Uppsatser om Aesthetic judgment - Sida 19 av 19

Johannishusparken : historia, nutid, framtid

Summary The estate of Johannishus is situated in the south of Sweden and in the province of Blekinge, about 8 kilometres from the city of Ronneby. The main building together with the park represents the province´s only example of a well preserved estate environment from the early 1800th Century, and was declared as a historic monument in 1982 because of its unique role in the province. Johannishus Park has during 300 years developed in close relation to the main building, the landscape and the surrounding infrastructure. Each century and owner has had an influence on the park, which has resulted in an interesting visible cross-section of 300 years of Swedish garden history. Most noticeable today are the traces from late 19th Century, but in its oldest parts the park contains structures from the early 18th Century.

Om fototextpoesi : Läsningar av mötet mellan fotografisk bild och poetisk text

What is the relation of image and word, of sentences and pictures? What kind of message does this combination produce when juxtaposed on a single material plane? And how do we read its ?infinite? relation? These are the questions at the center of this inquiry. My main interest concerns the exact nature of the relation between photographic images and textual elements of poetic language when these are juxtaposed in what I call Phototext poetry.The thesis calls into question the conventional reading habits of the conjunction of photographs and texts, and seeks to understand the more complex connections intrinsic to the relation image/word and its material and perceptual play in poetic works. Does a text always ?anchor? the multiple meanings of an image, as Roland Barthes argues? What if the alterations of an image could ?anchor? certain fractions of a poetic, polysemantic textual construct? Is a photograph indifferent to the visual, material permutations of texts that certain contemporary poetic practices produce?I discuss phototextual works and collaborations of various kinds, from Molin fontän [?Molin?s fountain?] (1866) over classic surrealist poetry to language-oriented writing.

Förslag på sju olika träd som kan ersätta befintliga träd på kyrkogårdar

Växtligheten på dagens kyrkogårdar har i regel knappt en 100?200-årig historia. Det var i slutet av 1800-talet som kyrkogården efterhand fick det utseende som vi förknippar med en gammal kyrkogård, med höga kyrkogårdsträd och en kyrkogårdsmur.Det trädsortiment som har använts i trädkransen som inramar kyrkogården eller trädrader längs gångar, har varit begränsat beroende på traditioner och trädens lämplighet. Man valde ofta arter utifrån de lokala förutsättningarna, såsom alm, lind, lönn och björk. Under en längre tid har sjukdomar på en del trädarter brett ut sig och hotar trädbestånden på våra kyrkogårdar.

Landscape urbanism : from a methodological perspective and a conceptual framework

Landscape urbanism has for the last decade been a topic for debate among practitioners and theorists involved in forming the contemporary city. The advocates for landscape urbanism mean that traditional dichotomies like city and country are invalid to illustrate the contemporary urban realm. Rather, a new urban morphology has evolved, which calls for new methods and models when approaching the city. Landscape urbanism suggests a revaluation of landscape in order to develop these approaches. This paper sets out to map how this is addressed within landscape urbanism.

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