

274 Uppsatser om Aesthetic judgment - Sida 17 av 19

Vallbrott med hjälp av grisar :

To investigate the possibilities for effective soil tillage, that could imply lower costs, lower negative environmental impact and in addition a meaningful occupation for foraging pigs, a field experiment was carried out in Gränna, Småland, during growing season 2006. The experiment contained two treatments that were repeated three times and were carried out on a couch grass-infected fallow on a light soil close to Sweden?s second largest lake, Vättern. Ploughing was one treatment and pig rooting followed by ploughing, was the other. The experiment was conducted according to the guidelines of organic growing and seedbed preparation was done the same way in the two treatments. The pigs, three groups of five half-year old Linderödssvin (an old Swedish breed), was encouraged to perform an even tillage by strip-grazing, i.e.

Det allmännas skadeståndsansvar : Skadeståndsansvar för ideell skada enligt frihetsberövandelagen

BACKGROUND: Today?s societal changes, including high rate of change and increasing information flows, are increasing the demand on the individual mental capacity. It becomes increasingly difficult to analytically process all the different dilemmas and everyday decisions as individuals have a limited mental capacity available to make these decisions. Thus, it has been suggested that ego-depleted relies more heavily on intuition, which is less burdensome, when making decision. However little is known about to what extent intuitive decisions differ from analytic.

Det tragiskas hemvist : En uppsats om relationen mellan plats och sanning i Heideggers tänkande

In the 1969 Le Thor seminar, Heidegger stated that his philosophical journey could be characterized by three different themes: meaning, truth, place. The first two of these have been the subject of countless studies and discussions, but the question of place is still relatively unexplored in Heidegger?s thought, despite the increased interest for this topic in his writings. Even though scholars like Jeff Malpas, Edward Casey, Stuart Elden and Miguel de Beistegui have written books and essays on the importance of the conception of place in Heidegger?s thinking, there are still many important aspects of this theme to be discussed, given the importance Heidegger himself ascribed to this topic.In this essay, I therefore wish to pose the question of how one can understand the relation between place and the role of tragedy in Heidegger?s conception of truth.

Öppenhet i redovisning

Öppenhet är en allt viktigare del av företagens årsredovisningar. I en mer och mer komplex värld har öppenheten blivit en större fråga för företagen vid upprättandet årsredovisningarna. Det ostabila förtroendet för företagen har resulterat i större press öppenhet. Därför är det inte konstigt att redovisningskvalité har blivit en viktig aspekt intressenter, problemet är att kvalité ses på olika vis.U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) har i sin senaste utgåva av International Accounting Standards (IAS) skrivit 50 sidor om redovisningskvalité.

Varför väljer elever det estetiska programmets musikinriktning? : En studie över musikestetelevers tankar kring sitt gymnasieval

During the spring of 2013 we developed a visual identity for Jönköping Bandy, a bandy association in Jönköping, which was founded in 1947.Jönköping Bandy?s main problem was the low interest for the association by the local people. The association also had problems with the economy, which made it hard for them to merchandise themselves.In Jönköping, there were a lot of sport associations, and therefore, it was difficult to find sponsors. One way to help the association, was to create a good visual identity for them. A visual identity that would reflect on the proper values of the association.The intention was: ?Through graphical design, we want to convey Jönköping Bandy to a larger amount of people, and get increased knowledge in graphical idiom.? and was torn apart into these three questions:What core values does Jönköping Bandy have, and how can we convey them through the visual identity?Which visual materials does Jönköping Bandy need?How do other teams in Allsvenskan Södra merchandise themselves through their websites?The work began with a study of relevant theoretical literature, with focus on graphical design.

Ett brev från Herr P : om det personliga hos Björn Lövin

For the Swedish artist Björn Lövin, the personal was a problem. In his first exhibition in Moderna Museet, Lövin observed through the fictitious character Mr. P (for »Personality«) the ruptures in the Swedish welfare state. The exhibition Konsument i oändligheten och Herr P:s penningar (Consumer in Infinity and Mr. P?s Money) (1971) was composed of two environments, through which a veridical working class apartment and a high street with life-sized mannequins and furniture characteristic of its time, visualized the societal discrepancies in the welfare state as well as the art world of the early 1970s.

Radio i skolan : En fallstudie av ett estetiskt lärande projekt

Projektet ?Radio i skolan? riktade sig till elever inom det individuella programmet på en gymnasieskola. Det pågick sammanlagt en termin. Projektet innebar ett arbetssätt där fokus låg på innehåll, att berätta om ett ämne. Uttrycksformen för detta var att göra ett eget radioprogram.

Genomleva eller genomlida? : En didaktisk studie av gymnasieelevers upplevelser av litteraturläsning och litteraturundervisning

Denna studie syftar till att undersöka hur gymnasieelever upplever litteraturläsning samt i vilken utsträckning estetiska läsningar görs. Vidare undersöks hur litteraturläsningens potentiella pedagogisk-didaktiska funktioner uppnås och/eller utnyttjas. Data har samlats in genom en enkät med öppna och slutna frågor. Genom diskursanalys har respondenternas svar kategoriserats och kommenterats.Resultatet visar att eleverna både genomlider och genomlever undervisningen och läsningen. Andelen estetiska läsningar är låg jämfört med andelen efferenta.

How Does Ego Depletion Affect Moral Judgments and Pro-social Decisions?

BACKGROUND: Today?s societal changes, including high rate of change and increasing information flows, are increasing the demand on the individual mental capacity. It becomes increasingly difficult to analytically process all the different dilemmas and everyday decisions as individuals have a limited mental capacity available to make these decisions. Thus, it has been suggested that ego-depleted relies more heavily on intuition, which is less burdensome, when making decision. However little is known about to what extent intuitive decisions differ from analytic.

Modell för ett integrerat skärgårdsskogsbruk : en fallstudie på Kallsö

The forests in the unique archipelago of the Baltic Sea is housing many and high values. For the resident population, which has a central role in sustaining a living archipelago, the forest can contribute to the outcome. The forest also contributes to turn the archipelago into one of Sweden?s most attractive recreational areas. Furthermore, these forests exhibit very high environmental values, and they are an element in the traditional cultural landscape.

Estetisk orientering : En fenomenologisk-hermeneutisk studie om gymnasieelevers upplevelser av en kurs innehållande dans, bild, musik och teater

Detta är en kvalitativ uppsats som baseras på intervjuer med elever som går årskurs två på estetiska programmet och läser den obligatoriska kursen Estetisk orientering. I inledningsavsnittet ges en bild av de estetiska ämnenas funktion och plats i skolan, hur det ses på praktiskt kontra teoretiskt kunnande, att lära med olika sinnen samt de estetiska ämnenas minskade utrymme i skolan. Studiens övergripande syfte är att beskriva gymnasieelevers upplevelse av en integrerad undervisning i estetiska ämnen i skolan. Forskningsfrågorna ringar in hur eleverna resonerar kring sin individuella självbild utifrån undervisning där dans, teater, bild och musik ingår. Elevintervjuerna belyser även gruppens betydelse för formandet av den enskilda elevens självbild samt hur eleven talar om kroppen i relation till rörelsemomenten i estetämnesundervisningen.

"Alla pratar om reception men vad menar dom?" - Lärarutbildares erfarenheter av arbete med estetisk kommunikation ur ett mottagarperspektiv med särskilda aspekter på reception av musik

Title: "Everybody is talking about reception but what do they really mean?" - Teacher trainers' experience of work with aesthetic communication in perspective of a receiver with a special attention to the reception of music. The purpose of this thesis is to study the notion of reception among a group of teachers at the department of education at Malmö University. Our principal aim is to illuminate reception in an educational context as well as experiences of the teachers´ work with aesthetic communication in perspective of a receiver within the main subject KME (Culture Media Aesthetics). We are paying special attention to the reception of music since this is a part of our profession.

Betula : arter och sorter

As birch is one of the most common trees in Sweden, and probably one of the easiest for someone who lives here to identify, it is interesting to note that most people do not know how variable the genus is and how widely it is distributed across the northern hemisphere. One can find birch growing at both high and low elevations, demanding different soil conditions and preferring varying amounts of sunlight. Many people may also be surprised to hear that the colour of the bark can vary from bight white to almost black, and different shades of pink, orange and red can also be displayed. This, together with the astonishing beauty of the genus, the important role as a pioneer in many ecological systems and the difficulty in sorting out the taxonomy of the genus, constitutes the background of this thesis. The thesis is written at the Department of Landscape Development in Alnarp, Sweden with Kenneth Lorentzon, researcher at the Swedish University of Agriculture as a supervisor. The aim of this thesis is to highlight which species and cultivars within the genus Betula could be appropriate for horticultural use in Sweden.

Ögårdsparken - en gemensam park för olika kulturer genom aktivitet

Road safety is the result of measures to reduce therisk of accident and injury. (Nationalencyklopedin,2008). In principle, road safety means to arrive saveand sound.Safe traffic in cities is mainly achieved throughappropriate speed. In Sweden, more than half ofall rides happen with a speed above the legal speedlimit (Holmberg, Hydén m.fl, 1996). To reducespeed in order to increase safety requires measureswhich influence a driver?s motives for his orher choice of speed even if these are not rational(Boverket, 2002).

Sakta ner : åtgärder för förbättrad miljö ochtrafiksäkerhet på gator i bostadsområdeni Varberg, idékatalog ochtillämpning

Road safety is the result of measures to reduce therisk of accident and injury. (Nationalencyklopedin,2008). In principle, road safety means to arrive saveand sound.Safe traffic in cities is mainly achieved throughappropriate speed. In Sweden, more than half ofall rides happen with a speed above the legal speedlimit (Holmberg, Hydén m.fl, 1996). To reducespeed in order to increase safety requires measureswhich influence a driver?s motives for his orher choice of speed even if these are not rational(Boverket, 2002).

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