

1263 Uppsatser om Advertising music - Sida 52 av 85

Interaktiv Produktpresentation åt Abu Garcia

Detta projekt har producerats i samarbete med Abu Garcia i Svängsta, Blekinge. Vårat projekt är en interaktiv produkt presentation gjord i flash med inslag av 3d, video och ljud. Våran tanke är att användaren ska kunna se hur en Ambassadeur Record fiskerulle ser ut både på insidan och utsidan, hur den fungerar och vad som gör den så unik. Det finns också video filmer som beskriver tillverknings processen, och hur man som förstagångs användare använder en Ambassadeur rulle. Design och bakgrundsljud är anpassad så att den ska väcka en känsla av fiske och fridfull utomhus miljö..

Annonsplacering : Hur placeringen av annonser i artiklar kan optimeras för högre Click Through Rate

The web as an arena for news reporting and information sharing to consumers has grown for many years in the expense of the traditional newspapers. The revenue stream has however not followed the same transformation which has led to a remarkably lower profit when news and articles are distributed through the web. Banner advertising is a method that is commonly used by online magazines to generate profit where advertisers pay to expose their message. One method to measure banner ads effectivity, and indirectly, what the advertiser would pay, is through Click-Through Rate (CTR), how many clicks a banner ad receives in relation to the amount of banner views. One of the variables that play an important role in the banner ad effectivity is the placement of the banner ad.

"Världens bästa reklamfilm" : En studie i hur reklamfilmerna från ICA är konstruerade för att locka kunderna till konsumtion

This paper sets out to investigate how companies can create advertisement that focus not only on selling but also on entertainment. The research is based on seven TV-commercials produced by the Swedish food chain ICA. The commercials were analyzed according to the methods of discourse analysis, semiotic analysis and rhetorical analysis. Furthermore, the research compares the analysis made with the thoughts and ideas of Tobias Karlsson, Head of marketing and communications development at ICA to find out how the comprehension of the commercials correlate with the original intentions made by the company.The study shows that ICA creates a commercial that contains the perfect mix of rhetorical approaches, communication strategies and entertainment mixed with gravity. The study also shows that ICA fails with its primary goal which is to sell selected products; however, by producing the entertaining commercials, they manage to strengthen their brand.

"TV-spel är inga konstigheter!": En enkätundersökning om tv-spel på folkbiblioteken

The aim of this bachelor thesis is to investigate the lending of video games at the public libraries in Sweden. The thesis focused around a web survey, which was sent out to all public library directors, as its research material. The results were compared with those found in a master thesis by Olle Berg and Thomas Nyström from 2008. This was done to gain a better understanding of why the libraries provided video games. The other results of the survey were analyzed with a quantitative method.The results indicate that half of the responding libraries provide video games for borrowing.

Inflytelserika kvinnor i musikbranschen : En studie i vad som krävs för att nå inflytelserika positioner

I Sveriges musikbransch ra?der det idag en skev fo?rdelning mellan kvinnor och ma?n pa? inflytelserika positioner. Den skeva ko?nsfo?rdelningen, da?r det pa? de beslutsfattande positionerna syns en tydlig manlig dominans har blivit starkt uppma?rksammad de senaste a?ren, vilket va?ckt intresset fo?r fo?religgande studie. Studiens fokus ligger pa? de kvinnliga akto?rer som har lyckats inta inflytelserika positioner.

Intuition, Teknik och Erfarenhet : Observation av en lärandeprocess

Detta är en studie om lärande- och skapandeprocesser. Mer specifikt innefattar studien en observation av hur jag arrangerar 3 låtar för olika instrument under en tidsbestämd period. De frågor som behandlas är vilka tekniker jag använder, vilka problem som uppstår och hur det fungerar att arrangera på tid. Slutsatsen av hela observationen har visat att det är en bredd av faktorer som samspelar i kompositionsprocessen. Det har visat sig att jag applicerar intuition, diskursivt tänkande, musikteoretisk teknik och erfarenhet i arrangeringen av musik.

Språkvalets inverkan på effektiviteten av tryckta produktannonser

Although English is commonly used in Swedish advertising, little is known about its effects. The purpose of this paper was to investigate how a Swedish or English language choice in product advertisements affects the effectiveness of the ad. Further, a local/global dimension of the advertisement was created to investigate how the results differ for local and global brands. Subsequently, an experiment was conducted where the effect of language choice on several well-established measures of ad effectiveness such as awareness, comprehension of the ad message, credibility, attitude and buying intentions was analyzed. In line with previous research, English in product advertisements is not completely comprehended since English is not the local language in Sweden.

Ångest vid hjärtinfarkt - En litteraturstudie om situationer som kan skapa ångest hos patienten med hjärtinfarkt och sjuksköterskans omvårdnadsåtgärder.

The purpose of this review was to examine in what situations patients with myocardial infarction could feel anxiety. We also wanted to examine what a nurse could do to relieve the anxiety. The results are based on eight scientific articles and one literature review. The results shows that the patient could feel anxiety before examinations and transfers. The patient's anxiety increased if relatives had anxiety and if there were a lack of information from the nurse.

Trombon i blodet? : Vilka faktorer påverkar trombonelevers val av sitt instrument?

In this survey I have been trying to find out which factors influence the students? choice of instrument. I hope to, through the results, gain knowledge about how to reach interested students in my future work as a trombone educator.I have let 15 students that have played trombone in the County Music Academy one to three years, answer my inquiry concerning their choice of instrument. The students? parents were also asked to give an explanation to what they think made their child play the trombone and whether they tried to influence their child in the choice of instrument.

Musik på Internet: en undersökning av bundling

The market of electronic commerce is under constant growth and change. New technology makes it possible for the consumer to obtain digital products in a quick and easy manner. Record companies adjust more and more to this ever changing environment. The purpose of this thesis was to evaluate how Swedish retailers of MP3 work with bundling strategies. A case study was conducted on two Swedish retailers, CDON and Homedownloads.

En reklambyrås utveckling. En studie av anställdas attityd och motivation på arbetsplatsen

This thesis emphasizes the importance of understanding the employees? attitude and motivation towards their workplace at a company that works in the advertising business. An example company; thcommunication agency PS Communication in Stockholm, was used for the empirical part to investigate the purpose. The topic is interesting since the company works in a fast changing environment with new techniques,tools and professionals and the company is also going through an expansion that include many new recruitments.The purpose in this thesis is as follows: ?the purpose of this study is to elucidate the fate of attitude and motivation of employees in relation to the workplace during business expansion, if performance is reduced and competition increases.?The analysis and results shows that attitudes andmotivation among the employees in the workplace has deteriorated, the employees agree that it is due to expansion the company is undergoing.

Populärmusik, konstmusik eller bara musik? : En undersökning av konstmusikaliska inslag i tre populärmusikaliska verk

Det är inte ovanligt att viss rock- och annan populärmusik tillskrivs konstnärliga ambitioner, eller förses med epitet som "konstnärlig" och "konstmusikalisk". Sällan utvecklas emellertid på vilket sätt detta konstnärliga tar sig uttryck. Uppsatsens syfte är att musikanalytiskt undersöka vad som kan motivera formuleringarna och om de kan anses adekvata. Materialet för undersökningen är tre verk/låtar ur rockgenren, som beskrivits med ovanstående begrepp: Close to the Edge med gruppen Yes från 1972, Sense of Doubt med David Bowie från 1977 och Sleep med gruppen Godspeed You! Black Emperor från 2000. Metoden är den auditiva musikanalysen, vilket innebär att analysen utgår från ett aktivt lyssnande på musikens förlopp.

Emotioner och marknadsföring : en studie om parfymannonser

Reaching out with a specific message to consumers is the idea of marketing. Advertising is among the most common elements when it comes to marketing a product or a service. There are various ways to provide marketing with a message. A relatively new way that has become larger in marketing is to provide marketing with emotions. It has been shown in several studies that emotions can have a direct or an indirect effect such as ad-attitude and brand-attitude, and that is what our essay is about.

Ska vi leka med musik? : Om förutsättningar för barns eget kreativa musikutforskande inom ramen för förskolans verksamhet och tillsammans med vuxna

Uppsatsen strävar efter att utveckla kunskap om sambandet mellan förskollärares didaktiska ingripanden och förskolebarns möjligheter till att kreativt utforska och uttrycka musik. Undersökningen utgår från ett kulturpsykologiskt perspektiv som betonar interaktionen och det individuella kreativa prövandets betydelse för det musikaliska lärandet. Förskolebarns musikaliska utveckling påverkas av förskollärares musikaliska kompetens och didaktiska förmåga att uppfatta och stödja barns egna musikaliska uttryck. För att kunna observera barn och pedagogers förhållningssätt till spontant kreativt musikskapande, erbjöd jag tre pedagoger och deras barngrupper en överraskning, en resväska fylld med ordinära och hemgjorda rytminstrument som jag kallat den hemliga lådan. Metoden gav mig också möjligheter att utforska musikdidaktiska alternativ till förskolans traditionella musikverksamhet, de gemensamma och vuxenstyrda sångsamlingarna.


The goal with this project, was to explore the producing of a musicvideo with a synergistic focus in a practical way. Beside the practical work with the recording and editing of music and video, I wanted to explore the sound engineers role in such a project? To my help I had the video producer Hannes Knutsson from the small film- collective Lefvande Bilder and the singer, guitarist and songwriter Conny Flink. The result of my work is a musicvideo published on the internet website YouTube and the report of the making of it along with my work around the question above is published in this report. The name of the recorded and filmed song, written and performed by Conny Flink is ?My Way?. .

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