

1263 Uppsatser om Advertising music - Sida 51 av 85

En bransch i förändring: Den nya teknikens påverkan på musikbranschen

Innehåll: Uppsatsen tittar på hur de senaste årens tekniska utveckling har påverkat musikbranschen och hur musikbolagen bör utforma sin affärsstrategi för att klara av dessa förändringar. En litteraturstudie har genomförts för att diskutera begreppet affärsstrategi på ett teoretiskt plan, och två fallstudier tittar närmare på musikindustrin. Fallstudierna behandlar MP3.com och Napster, två företag som såg de nya möjligheterna som Internet förde med sig, medan de traditionella musikbolagen fortfarande var fast i gamla mönster. Slutsatsen är att de traditionella musikbolagen fortfarande är alltför rädda för riskerna med piratkopiering för att våga satsa fullt ut på kundorienterade lösningar..

Utan rödvin och körsång är livet inte värt att leva : Kören i människan

People have different hobbies. The people we are going to meet here share the same interest - choir singing. Singing together in different choirs is their hobby (leisure time interest).What brings them together is the singing, getting an opportunity to sing together with people they otherwise would not meet. In this essay you will learn some of the reasons behind the fact that choir singing is a big movement in Sweden (reasons behind choir singing having a great number of practitioners). You will get a direct link to the informants, without having to read answers that have been tampered with.

Utformning och installation av musikstudio samt audiosystem för inspelning och redigering

The education program System design at the University of Kalmar has since it?s beginning been missing a near by studio for it?s students studying towards audio and music. In the choice of examination project I would take upon this task, which was long wanted for the teachers and students at the university?s Musikhuset.Musikhuset became the buyer of the project, and the studio was to be installed at their premises. Unfortunately, the project got jammed by the university?s financial savings calculations, and was due to this delayed in the end for 11 weeks.

Inventering av sidoområden med hjälp av GPS

This thesis is about the public library of Ulricehamn and the cultural activities at the library during the period from 1960 to 1998. We have focused on the study of the cultural activities. It begins with the foundation of the library of Ulricehamn and a historical background to it. It follows with the definitions of the public library and a historical background to the public library in Sweden. Then we present the goal of the public library in general and the goal of Ulricehamn's city library.

Strömningssimulering i ett akvarium på Korsvägen Vetenskapscentrum

This thesis is about the public library of Ulricehamn and the cultural activities at the library during the period from 1960 to 1998. We have focused on the study of the cultural activities. It begins with the foundation of the library of Ulricehamn and a historical background to it. It follows with the definitions of the public library and a historical background to the public library in Sweden. Then we present the goal of the public library in general and the goal of Ulricehamn's city library.

Reklam i din bästa vän? : en jämförelse av uppfattningar av reklam genom E-mail respektive SMS

The work with this paper began with a belief that the permission aspect plays acrucial part when it comes to consumers perceptions of marketing through E-mailand SMS - especially when it comes to advertising that is received through a devicethat the consumer has a strong personal relationship with. The questions to beinvestigated was: "How do users of computers and mobile phones feel aboutadvertisement received through E-mail and SMS?" and "In what way does the usersrelationship to the computer or mobile phone affect how they feel about theadvertisement?". The study was based on a questionnaire as well as an analysis of theresponses in combination with previous research on the subject.The results showed that the majority of the respondents from this papers surveywere found to have a negative attitude toward advertisement through both E-mail andSMS. However, the respondents turned out to have a slightly higher tolerance foradvertisement through E-mail than towards advertisement through SMS.

Produktplacering : En studie om effektiv marknadsföring

PurposeThe purpose of this study is to investigate whether a combination of product placement and traditional advertising can enhance the company's marketing. We perform this study because we believe that the consumers consider traditional marketing in many cases obsolete.TheoryThe study?s theory consists of topics and terms of product placement, traditional marketing, branding and communications. Theories used in this study were the basis to answer the study's research question using empirical data gathered during the study.MethodThe study has a deductive approach with a qualitative focus, therefore, the study is based on existing research, which was later to use for the data extracted from the interviews. The approach is going to show differences and similarities between how it looks in reality versus theory.ConclusionThe results of this study show that product placement can increase the efficiency of traditional marketing.

Ikeas familjer : En semiotisk analys av män, kvinnor och barn i Ikeas katalog 2014

The purpose of this study is to see how men, women and children are made ??in the Ikea 2014 catalog, this from a gender perspective. It will also examine if gender stereotypes are seen and how equal the people in the images is produced.This essay is studied on the basis of gender theory and theories about stereotypes and how men, women and children are prepared in advertising and commercials. The method that was used during the analysis process was a qualitative semiotic method. The analysis tool that was used from the semiotic method was denotation, connotation and metonymy.The result of the study shows that the major part of the pictures that was analyzed was gender stereotypical and that a few of the pictures showed some kind of equality between men and women, both between grow ups and children.

Lära att öva : Högskolestudenter beskriver sin väg till övning

Den här uppsatsen handlar om en viktig aspekt i instrumentalundervisningen - övning. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka om det finns någon viss ålder då man lär sig att öva,hur det går till, om man övar för någons skull och vad man måste ha lärt sig för att kunna öva.Undersökningen bygger på elva intervjuer med högskolestuderanden på musiklärarprogrammetsom har intervjuats om sin väg till den övning de har idag.Undersökningen visar att resultatet av processen att lära sig öva kommer ganska sent imusikutbildningen samt att de intervjuade studenterna har liknande orsaker till att de börjadeöva mer metodiskt. Orsakerna visade sig vara bland annat sökningar till nya utbildningar, elleren önskan att utvecklas mer på sitt instrument..

Sökande till IMH (Ingesunds Musikhögskola) som möjlig indikator på förändrade instrumentpreferenser bland barn och ungdomar

Detta är en undersökning av fördelningen av sökande till en musikhögskola vid tre söktillfällen med fem års mellanrum, 1997, 2002 och 2007. Mot denna bakgrund diskuteras förändringar i instrumentval som antas spegla förändringar för ca 20 år sedan då de sökande antas ha gjort sina val.Förändringar som jag har iakttagit är att instrument som går under den klassiska genren har tappat sökande men den är fortfarande den största genren. Instrument under afrogenren blir mer och mer populära och folkmusikgenren blir större och större..

Vad har hänt på biblioteket? En studie av kulturaktiviteter på Ulricehamns stadsbibliotek

This thesis is about the public library of Ulricehamn and the cultural activities at the library during the period from 1960 to 1998. We have focused on the study of the cultural activities. It begins with the foundation of the library of Ulricehamn and a historical background to it. It follows with the definitions of the public library and a historical background to the public library in Sweden. Then we present the goal of the public library in general and the goal of Ulricehamn's city library.

Vad sjunger pedagogen? : En studie om genus i den svenska vistraditionen

The purpose of this thesis is to find out how gender roles are described in musical lyrics written for children. I used gender theories that describe how stereotypical gender roles are displayed in music and these theories were later compared with the songbooks I studied. The thesis is a qualitative study to detect masculine and feminine related differences in the texts. After having read, analyzed and compared over 200 songs I found that the stereotype notions of masculinity and femininity is reflected in songs. Society has transferred in this way normative values on to the children through the songs that teachers choose to sing in schools..

Datainsamling av privatpersoners internetbeteende : En studie av medvetenheten hos privatpersoner

Internetövervakning har under senaste tiden blivit ett aktuellt ämne i media. Det rapporteras bland annat om att företag som samlar in information om privatpersoner. Datan som samlas in kan innehålla information om användares beteende på internet såsom besökta sidor, sökhistorik, aktivitet på sociala medier med mera. Men hur mycket av detta vet en vanlig användare om? Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka hur medvetna privatpersoner är om internetövervakning som bedrivs av företag och den datainsamling som den bygger på.

Varför slutar barn att sjunga? : En studie om barns sångutveckling ur ett genusperspektiv

The study deals with three questions concerning attitudes to singing: When does the joy of singing with girls and boys change to a feeling of ?I can not sing?? What is it that affects them? Are there any differences between girls and boys attitudes to singing?A questionnaire with 12 questions about singing was distributed to 5 girls and 5 boys in (Swedish) grade 1, 4 and 8. It turned out that the girls in the study ?play with singing? together or by themselves, while the boys are satisfied singing in school on music lessons. Because of this, the singing interest for boys gets lower and lower between 10 and 14 years.

Applikationsutveckling i språket Objective-C för iOS

Applications for mobile devices, also known as apps, are today the backbone of a huge market where the company Apple is one of the key players. Apple develops, among other things, handheld electronic devices, which are powered by the operating system iOS. Through iOS, millions of customers get access to Apple?s App Store.During a period of two months, an app in the form of a game has been developed for iOS in the programming language Objective-C. The user of the app is presented intuitive menus and interactive graphical objects that seemingly obey physical laws.

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