

1263 Uppsatser om Advertising music - Sida 28 av 85

Anpassningsbar musik i spel

Hur musiken fungerar i spelet Mirrrors Edge..

?Dubbelt uppdrag blev trippelt?: måluppfyllelse, värdegrund och? marknadsföring! : - En kvalitativ studie av musiklärarens utåtriktade verksamhet

My research interest in the upcoming paper is the increased need for promotion of schools. I. e. the individual school´s needs to be able to show its existence, in the huge flow and availability of information; schools and universities, study circles, streamed lectures on the Internet, public schools and private schools, different educational directions, et cetera. The schools? needs to market itself, make good PR and sell their pedagogical idea, and that has become increasingly important. My purpose is to clarify how music teachers, in the Swedish primary and secondary school, skills and competences are used in outreach activities within but also outside, the school premises.

Flöjtglädje : En undersökning om vad flöjtelever tycker är roligt med sitt spel och sina flöjtlektioner.

This is a study of how young flutists experience playing their instrument and having music lessons, especially what they think is most enjoyable. 27 flutists between the ages of 8 and 19 years old, from three different municipal schools of music in central Sweden, were interviewed during spring 2000.Some of the conclusions are that enjoyment coincides with meaningful when you are in a musical context, and when your progress is confirmed by the teacher.The study is to be seen as some examples of different things that young flutists find enjoyable. It is not an enumeration of recommended items in teaching, rather some thoughts about the positive experiences of playing the flute, and how teachers may relate to that..

Musikundervisning på anstalt - terapeutiskt verktyg eller känslomässigt andningshål?

Syftet med denna undersökning är att undervisa i musik och ensemblespel på en anstalt och studera vilka effekter undervisningen har på internernas aggressiva beteende och destruktiva tänkande. Aktionsforskningen baseras på teorin om att ensemblespel även är en utmanande och effektiv gruppsykologisk övning. Situationen tvingar dig att ta ansvar för din uppgift i gruppen i realtid. Den negativa, kollektiva konsekvensen av en persons misstag är snabb och konkret. Studien vill se om musik och ensembleundervisning kan användas i såväl träningen av interners samarbetsförmåga och tolerans som ett verktyg för interners utveckling inom kognitivt beteendeterapi.

"What does music mean?" : En underso?kning av Leonard Bernsteins pedagogiska metoder i hans fo?rsta Young People's Concert

Dirigenten och komponisten Leonard Bernstein (1918-1990) var en av sin tids ledande kulturella celebriteter i Amerika. Bernsteins berömmelse vilade på hans mångsidighet inom skilda artistiska områden. Särskild uppmärksamhet fick dock hans banbrytande verksamhet som musikfolkbildare i tv. En allmän uppfattning är att Bernsteins personliga karisma och affinitet för tv-mediet var anledningen till programmens succe?.

Och nu blir det reklamfilm : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av de sju svenska politiska reklamfilmerna inför EU-valet 2009

Och nu blir det reklamfilm - En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av de sju svenska politiska reklamfilmerna inför EU-valet 2009Seminar date: 2010-01-14Department: Media- and Communication scienceReport category: Degree project undergraduate levelAuthors: Johan Heikensten and Elin LarssonAdvisor: Kristoffer HoltPurpose: When TV4 for the first time offered advertising time to the Swedish political parties for the upcoming election of the European Parliament in 2009, a huge debate broke loose in the media. Regardless of opinions on the matter, we find it safe to say that political television commercials will have a great influence on future election campaigns in Sweden. Hence, we find it of great interest and importance to examine these seven commercials in order to look for tendencies, strategies and trends within the material. Theories: The theory chapter includes Communication, Political communication, Videostyle, Commercial strategies, Rhetoric and Semiotics. Methodology: The survey is based upon two qualitative analyses, a rhetorical analysis and a semiotic analysis.

Språk genom musik - Musikens funktion som motivationsskapare för språkinlärning

Title: Language Through Music. Music as a Motivator for Language Acquisition.The purpose of this essay is to examine what there is to gain by integrating music and language to promote language learning. Theory: Different theories will be presented to orientate music in history. Theories on the connection between music and language will follow and among others suggestopedi will be explained. Theories that will be presented point to positive connections between music and language concerning language acquisition.

Kommer produktplacering att ersätta traditionell TV-reklam?

The reason for this essay is to investigate if productplacement will replace the traditionall advertising on TV..

Pitch Correction - ett måste? En intervjuundersökning om åsikter kring användning av pitch correction i dagens musikskapande.

Pitch Correction - is it a must? An interview inquiry about opinions concerning pitch correction in music making today. This work intends to find out what music producers, singers and those with a great interest in music really think about the use of pitch correction programs, both in the studio and live. The thoughts concerning this came when I began to work with these programs in a studio, mostly for vocal use. I realized that the thoughts and opinions about the use of pitch correction varies a lot.

Musik och genus - Hur genus konstrueras i musikundervisning

Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att undersöka hur genus - vårt socialt skapade kön skapas i en musikpedagogisk verksamhet. Finns det någon skillnad mellan pojkar och flickors intresse i ämnet musik, val av instrument eller agerande i undervisningen? Hur bemöter eleverna varandra, hur bemöter läraren eleverna och tvärtom ur ett genusperspektiv? Studien utfördes på en grundskola i klasserna sju och nio med hjälp av observationsmetoden och videokamera. Resultaten visade på skillnad mellan könen genom att pojkarna generellt dominerade musiklektionen genom att prata, bråka och ta mer uppmärksamhet än flickorna. Undervisningens innehåll och lektionstid blev kraftigt negativt påverkad då lärarens uppmärksamhet riktades åt pojkarnas bråk.

Klart ungen gillar musik - En studie om föräldrars syn på sitt barns musikaliska utveckling

Barns musikaliska intresse och utveckling kan bero på föräldrarnas påverkan genom uppväxten. I den här rapporten presenteras resultatet av kvalitativa intervjuer med sex mammor med barn i en ålder under två år. Tre av mammorna ägnar sig åt musik i sin profession, medan de andra tre har ett mer allmänt musikintresse. Oberoende av föräldrarnas bakgrund visar det sig att de anser musikalisk stimulering vara någonting viktig och nyttig för deras barns utveckling. Till exempel har alla i intervjugruppen deltagit i någon form av musikalisk aktivitet ämnad för barn.

Att syna en Joker: En filmanalys av ber?ttandets och musikens roll i Joker

This essay focuses on the film Joker (2019) directed by Todd Phillips. It examines the narration and the use of music as a narrative device to discuss questions about identification and perception through close textual analysis. The aim is to research this in combination with the film?s complex storytelling and unreliable narration. The essay use several narratological and psychological theories as well as psychopathology.

Marknadsföring av folkbibliotek i teori och praktik ? En studie av marknadsföringsarbetet på två folkbibliotek

The competition for people´s attention becomes harder and harder. If the libraries want to continue to attract visitors it´s important that their business is promoted. The purpose of this thesis is to in-vestigate how two public libraries work with marketing. The study is based on a marketing model, introduced by Philip Kotler and further developed by Eileen Elliott de Sáez. Kotler believes that marketing is a social process and that everything can be promoted.

Utsmyckningar a la Telemann : Larghetto TWV 41:C5

In this study I research and reflect on my way to embellish music from the baroque. I focus on Georg Phillipe Telemanns music. I work with embellishments in the second movement (Larghetto) from Solo X, Essercizii musici (Hamburg (1740)) for recorder and basso continuo (TWV 41:C5). I try diffrent versions to embellish this movement. I record these versions and enclose a score with all diffrent versions.

Resultatet - när under året justeras det mest? : En studie av earnings management

Title: Artists? identity and image ? a brand perspective The purpose of this study has been to create an understanding of how artists in the music business can be seen as brands and to see what stands out when having this approach. During the study we have focused on the two terms identity and image. We find this issue interesting and relevant since branding has been widely discussed in business economy, but not enough when it comes to artists in the music business. To answer our research question we have targeted three aims for this essay, which is to clarify and analyze:? Identity and image when people are viewed as brands? What specifically characterizes the image of the artists when they are seen as brands and what it might mean that artists are considered as brands? How artists identity and image can be highlighted, shaped, influenced and how it can changeIn this study we have used a qualitative approach to get the topic in depth and gain a greater understanding for the subject.

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