

1010 Uppsatser om Abusive relationships - Sida 1 av 68

Skadeståndsrätt - kränkning : Om grundskolelärares möjlighet att erhålla kränkningsskadestånd

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate if elementary school teachers are a vulnerable professional group and if elementary school teachers should be mentally prepared for abusive treatment. Thus determine whether the reduced possibility for certain professionals such as police officers and order guards to obtain compensation for abusive treatment also shall apply for elementary school teachers.To reach that purpose, first the concept of abusive treatment and how compensation for abusive behavior becomes topical have to be straighten out. Then follows an analysis of both the lower possibility to obtain compensation for abusive treatment, but also how elementary teachers can be mentally prepared abusive treatment.It turns out in the conclusion that elementary school teachers are considered vulnerable in relation to the specifications of their work environment and because of that elementary school teachers must be deemed to have knowledge of that they may be subject to abusive treatment. Therefore I believe that elementary school teachers as certain professionals like police officers and order guards may not be granted compensation for every situation of abusive treatment, a lower limit must apply..

Mobbning och kränkande behandling : En undersökning om skolors förebyggande arbete mot mobbning och kränkande behandling

The purpose of the work is to highlight schools work to prevent bullying and abusive treatment, find out about schools work to prevent bullying and abusive treatment follow what is written in the governing documents and how schools can work preventively against the same. The questions have been investigated through qualitative interviews and analysis of documents or in the theoretical background. The interviewees and partially schools were selected through an arbitrarily selection. In each plan against abusive treatment states that the monitoring and evaluation should be conducted in a manner that is not consistent with the responses from leisure educator 1, 2 and 3. School B's plan does not contain an overview of the measures needed to prevent and stop abusive treatment of children.

Vad har jag gjort för att förtjäna detta? : En studie av kvinnors upplevelser i våldsutsatta relationer

The purpose of this study is to gain a better understanding of women who have been abused by their partners. The study also examines how violence takes shape in a relationship. Based on a qualitative text analysis of three autobiographies and one novel, we have obtained the material for this study. The three selected autobiographies are; "I have not told you everything" by Jessie Andersson, "The nightmare" by Maria Dahlén and "It would be a pleasure to kill you" by Magdalena Graaf and the novel "Hidden" by Liza Marklund. To gain a better understanding of this topic, we have used the following theories; the process of normalization of violence, gender and masculinity.

Bara en flickvän som bor långt bort : En studie av tjejers datormedierade relationspraktiker

In this study ? Just a girlfriend who lives far away? ? I interview fifteen girls about their experiences with computer mediated relationships. From a queer theoretical perspective I examine how these girls do and talk about their relationships, in relation to norms about relationships and sexuality as well as notions about online and offline.My aim is to discuss in which ways the performing of these relationships both reproduce and challenge norms about relationships and sexuality. The girls I interview attempt in different ways to show that doing relationships online is just as ?normal? as doing them offline.

Att reglera individers beteende på Internet. En kvalitativ studie om personlig integritet som en viktig aspekt i diskussionen kring övervakning och Internetfiltrering

There has been a sharp increase in high-technology surveillance. Surveillance is almost alwaysproposed as a complete response on a wide variety of safety issues. At the same time, there has beenan increase in criminal activity online. There is therefore a considerable interest in using Internetfiltering to regulate the behavior of individuals on the Internet. In recent years, many countries havechosen to restrict content on the Internet, where child-abusive material is the content that moststates currently block access to.

Kundrelationer och Kundlönsamhetsbedömningar: En fallstudie inom telekom

This paper examines the customer relationships of a telecom operator and how their customer accounting is done. The aim is to use the framework developed by Lind & Strömsten (2006) to categorize customer relationships and see to what extent the framework predicts which type of customer accounting method is used for each customer relationship. A case study was made at Telenor Sverige AB where different customer relationships are identified and linked to the customer accounting techniques that are used for financial measurement of the customers. Findings include that all but one of the customer relationships described in the framework were recognized at Telenor and that most customer accounting techniques mentioned in the framework were in fact used and associated with different customer relationships. The results of the case study also highlight that some differences exist between the predictions of the framework and the observations at Telenor..

Tjejer i vänskaps- och kärleksrelationer : En diskursanalys av tjejtidningen Julia

The aim of this study was to give an insight of the construction of girls in their relationships with friends and lovers in the Swedish magazine Julia. The magazine turns to girls of age nine to fourteen. The research questions were 1) What is the construction of the girls in their relationships with friends and lovers about in Julia? 2) How are girls constructed in their relationships with friends and lovers? Three issues of the magazine from the winter of 2014 were selected as material for the study. Critical discourse analysis (Fairclough, 1992, 2010) was the point of departure in the analysis.

Inköpssamarbeten mellan oberoende företag

The aim of this paper is to present a case study that increases the understanding of pooled purchasing between independent companies, but also acknowledges the importance of relationships. While previous research has established the advantages and disadvantages of pooled purchasing, our paper shows that successful relationships can render additional synergies and benefits. At the same time, one must consider the time and resources needed to create successful relationships as well as the resulting interdependencies. These implications are well established within the field of purchasing and network theories. However, the authors believe that these implications need to be more explored in regards to pooled purchasing..

E-handelsrelationer: en fallstudie av hur e-handelsföretag
arbetar med sina relationer till konsumenter

The purpose of this thesis is to examine how e-commerce companies work with their relationships to customers. We have conducted a case study of two companies, Koll and Webbshoppen, both active in the e-commerce industry. Our empirical study has shown that it is important for e-commerce companies to create long-term relationships to their customers, but it can be difficult to create these relationships since the companies have little contact to the users of Internet. To build relationships, e-commerce companies market themselves through different types of media to create awareness. It is also essential to be situated high in search engines.

Folkbibliotek och IT diskurser om folkbibliotek och informationsteknologi i fyra bibliotekstidskrifter

The aim of this Masters thesis is to examine public library and information technology IT discourses to see which relationships are established between them in four library journals. This is done in two steps, where first discourses are defined followed by an analysis of the relationships established between the public library and IT in each discourse. The questions from which the analysis emanates are as follows: What discourses exist around the public library and IT in the library journals? What conceptions of the tasks of the public library are constructed in the discourses? What conceptions of the tasks of IT are constructed in the discourses? What conceptions of the relationships between the public library and IT are constructed in the discourses? The theoretical and methodological starting-points are found in Ernesto Laclaus and Chantal Mouffes discourse theory. 37 articles from four library journals Biblioteksbladet, Bibliotek i Samhälle, DIK-forum and Ikoner - are analysed through a model in five phases.

Relationer och projekt : En studie av det mellanmänskliga i det rationella

Projects are often spoken of in the terms of rational systems. However, some researchers point out the relevance of viewing projects as sets of relationships. Little is published about what aspects of relationships that are important for the managing of projects. We have argued for the necessity of such research. With previous research, our case study and interviews we indentified communication, responsibility, cooperation, togetherness and trust as important relational aspects in projects.The overall perceived success for projects in this case, was increased with the adoption of new agile methods.

Smältdegel IKEA : En jämförelse mellan IKEA: s organisationskultur i Ümraniye och Örebro

The purpose of this essay is to illuminate in what aspects IKEA?s organizational culture in Ümraniye in Turkey differs alternatively resembles with IKEA?s organizational culture in Örebro in Sweden. The aim with organizational culture is to analyze the relationships between the leaders and co-workers and the relationships between the co-workers.The study is based on a combination of interviews and questionnaires. We have interviewed people in leading positions and made surveys among IKEA co-workers in two different stores located in two different countries. This combination of the methods gave us a better understanding for how the organizational culture is experienced from two different perspectives.

Diskrimineringsersättningen och dess avskräckande verkan : Förarbeten och praxis ur ett arbetsrättsligt perspektiv

The aim of this study was to give an insight of the construction of girls in their relationships with friends and lovers in the Swedish magazine Julia. The magazine turns to girls of age nine to fourteen. The research questions were 1) What is the construction of the girls in their relationships with friends and lovers about in Julia? 2) How are girls constructed in their relationships with friends and lovers? Three issues of the magazine from the winter of 2014 were selected as material for the study. Critical discourse analysis (Fairclough, 1992, 2010) was the point of departure in the analysis.

Effektiv prestationsmätning : en studie av prestationsmätning i kund-leverantörsrelationer

Background: Performance measurement as a management control tool has received considerable academic attention. As the number of inter-organisational relationships, such as customer-supplier relationships, increases, there is a new scope for performance measurement as a management control tool. In order for a company to assess the effectiveness of its supplier relationships it has to define, measure and evaluate variables that are critical for the success of the relationship. The role of management control, and thereby of performance measurement, has increasingly been discussed in theory. However, empirical research in this area is still somewhat limited.

Så gör pojkar och män: representationer av maskuliniteter i nära relationer i svensk sex och samlevnadslitteratur 1996 och 2012

The objective of this thesis is to analyse how masculinity in close relationships is represented through imagery and writing in Världens viktigaste bok and Pojkkön, which are instructive books about sexuality and relationships written for primary school teachers and students. This thesis is based upon theories regarding masculinity and family, and the theorists used are Connell (1996), Prusank (2007), Greif (2009) and Bergnéhr (2008). The methods used are framing and picture analysis to investigate how masculinity in close relationships is represented implicitly and explicitly. The results of this study show that masculinity in close relationships is represented by a man who provides, has an active lifestyle, is outgoing and displays a limited emotional capacity..

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