

324 Uppsatser om Abnormal returns - Sida 5 av 22

Kortsiktighet i näringslivet : En studie om förhållandet mellan VD, styrelsen, ersättning och avkastning

This study test the short-termism of companies listed on the market OMX Stockholm 30. We will use a deductive point of view where the purpose of this study is to investigate whether corporate short-term returns can be explained by the independent variables related to corporate governance and compensation practices. This is to investigate whether there is an intentional action on raising the short-term return in order to achieve a higher CEO compensation. In the study, theories dealing with corporate governance and agency theory have resulted in two hypotheses. Basic Hypothesis H1 is: if short-termism of Swedish industry due to the company's short-term returns can be explained by the independent variables related to the company's management and compensation. This hypothesis could not be verified through the quantitative study. Alternative Hypothesis H2 is: the compensation of a CEO can be explained by the independent variables related to company performance and size.

Prognostisering av aktieavkastningar med hjälp av makroekonomiska variabler - en svensk studie

Forecasting stock market returns is an interesting topic since more and more Swedes enter and invest in this market. Theory implies, however, that such exercises should be impossible. The aim of this thesis is to investigate the possibility to forecast future stock returns by looking at macroeconomic variables? history. The study is limited to the Swedish market as it is based on the OMXS30-index which represents the 30 most exchanged stocks on Stockholms¬börsen, the Swedish stock exchange.

From Value to Growth Stocks: A Financial Ratio Analysis

The value investing philosophy, which can be traced at least to the teaching of Graham and Dodd in the 1930?s, entails identifying and investing in potentially under valued stocks with a potential for extraordinary returns. The focus of this thesis is to identify patterns and characteristics in financial accounting data preceding creation of shareholder value. The authors of this thesis utilize a multivariate discriminant analysis in order to identify indicators of value creation and subsequent extraordinary returns in value stocks. A discriminant function is derived which successfully identifies which value stocks will eventually become growth stocks.

Ska jag placera aktivt eller passivt? : En studie om premiepensionsvalet

Intention: The purpose of this thesis is to see if an active investment decision in the Swedish Premium Pension System would result in a higher return than a non-active investment decision. A non-active investment decision is equivalent to leaving the money in AP7 Premium Savings Fund.Method: This thesis is a statistical analysis and has a descriptive character in which the calculations are based on secondary data, thus the thesis has a quantitative character. Furthermore three active portfolios in different risk categories have been chosen. These portfolios are compared with the AP7 Premium Savings Fund?s returns.

Att inleda ett arbete med CRO inom webbutvecklingsföretag

This study test the short-termism of companies listed on the market OMX Stockholm 30. We will use a deductive point of view where the purpose of this study is to investigate whether corporate short-term returns can be explained by the independent variables related to corporate governance and compensation practices. This is to investigate whether there is an intentional action on raising the short-term return in order to achieve a higher CEO compensation. In the study, theories dealing with corporate governance and agency theory have resulted in two hypotheses. Basic Hypothesis H1 is: if short-termism of Swedish industry due to the company's short-term returns can be explained by the independent variables related to the company's management and compensation. This hypothesis could not be verified through the quantitative study. Alternative Hypothesis H2 is: the compensation of a CEO can be explained by the independent variables related to company performance and size.

Fissionsreaktion på Stockholmsbörsen : En eventstudie av priseffekterna i samband med kungörelser av börsavknoppningar enligt Lex Asea

Syftet med denna magisteruppsats är att undersöka Stockholmsbörsens reaktion i samband med företagens kungörelser av börsavknoppningar enligt Lex Asea. För detta ändamål genomfördes en eventstudie för alla företag som har kungjort deras avknoppningsplaner mellan åren 2000 och 2005. Undersökningspopulationen för denna studie uppgick till 23 företag som sammantaget gjort 25 kungörelser under den studerade perioden. För beräkning av eventuella abnormala avkastningar användes marknadsmodellen, med uppskattningar baserade på den historiska utvecklingen hos OMX SPI ?indexet och hos de berörda aktierna.

Diskursens konstruktioner i Hasselapedagogiken om beteendet hos ungdomar i LVU-vård

Hasselapedagogy mission in society, as a collective activity, is to help young people in LVU-care. Young people who are in need of help have shown abnormal behavior and thus become analyzed and sentenced for custodial care. The analysis and the establishment of the young people go after the rules for how a healthy life should look like. This means that there is an understanding in society about how we should live in order to fit into society. There is knowledge of normal and abnormal behavior in linguistic structures.

Insynshandel på den svenska aktiemarknaden - genererar insynspersoner abnormala avkastningar?

Syftet med studien var att undersöka om insynspersoner genererar en extra avkastning gentemot övriga placerare på den svenska aktiemarknaden. Eventstudiemetoden ligger till grund för vår kvantitativa angreppssätt. Vi har använt oss av marknadsmodellen för att mäta den abnormal avkastningens effekt av insynstransaktioner. Resultaten visar på många signifikanta resultat. Studien visar att det ofta förekommer abnormala avkastningar vid köptransaktioner på den svenska aktiemarkanden.

Dynamisk investeringsstrategi på den svenska aktiemarknaden

The purpose of this paper is to investigate if a dynamic investment strategy on the Swedish asset market can accomplish better returns then a static investment strategy. The dynamic investment strategy is created by incorporating business cycle predictors and firm-level variables to predict future stock returns. The predictive regression is calculated wih 60 months of observation (1999 01-2005 12) and is then used to estimate future returns for 23 months in the period 2004 01 -2005 11. The structure of the regression, with linear functions of ? and ?, goes back to Shanken (1990) and Avramov and Chordia (2005) has had success with the variables chosen.

Ta rygg på insiders? : En studie om möjligheten till abnormal avkastning genom replikering av insiders köp & säljtransaktioner

Ända sedan handeln med finansiella instrument utvecklades under början av 1900-talet har problematiken kring insiderhandel existerat. Denna problematik bottnar i att personer med ett informationsövertag, dvs. insiders kan enligt vissa tidigare utförda studier generera abnormala avkastningar vid exempelvis aktiehandel. Oenigheten på detta forskningsområde är relativt stort. Det skulle därför vara intressant att titta på möjligheterna till abnormal avkastning genom att replikera insiders köp- och sälj transaktioner på den svenska aktiemarknaden.Denna studies frågeställning formuleras således; Kan utomstående investerare generera abnormal avkastning genom att replikera insiders köp- respektive sälj transaktioner på Stockholmsbörsens Small Cap lista?För att svara på denna frågeställning genomfördes en kvantitativ studie innehållande 60 stycken bolag noterade på Stockholmsbörsens Small Cap lista.

Att kommunicera skapar incitament till att investera : En studie om investor relations påverkan på aktiekursen

Purpose: To examine how IR-related press releases affect share price for stock companies, and to explore how said companies practice Investor Relations.Methods: The study was conducted using an event study as well as e-interviews. The event study has a quantitative deductive research approach where the market model is used for calculating the abnormal return based on press releases. The e-interviews have a qualitative research approach and follow a semi structured interview guide. The study includes all listed stock companies within the Swedish construction industry and includes press releases from the last decade.Theory: The study is based on the efficient market hypothesis and its semi strong form, theories within Investor Relations and previous research.Results: The event study shows a significant negative abnormal return during a four day period starting the day after the press release event. The negative abnormal return could derive from investor relations being used by companies as damage control, or that the investors? expectations are too high as a result of IR.

Svenska Börsintroduktioner : En studie av avkastningen på Private Equity-noterade bolag

I den ha?r uppsatsen analyseras avkastningen pa? bo?rsintroduktioner genomfo?rda av Private Equity-firmor pa? den svenska marknaden under perioden 1993-2011. Studien underso?ker huruvida bo?rsintroduktioner genomfo?rda av Private Equity genererar en abnormal avkastning relativt bo?rsintroduktioner som genomfo?rts av icke Private Equity, sammanlagt 97 bo?rsintroduktioner. Ba?da urvalsgrupperna relateras gentemot ja?mfo?relseindex i form av kontrollfirmor pa? kort och la?ng sikt.

Besökares påverkan på Nordens Arks vargflock :

Zoo animals can be more or less disturbed by the presence of care takers as well as visitors. This may lead to stress and/or abnormal behaviour. The purpose with this study was to give a time budget of the behaviour of the captive wolves? (Canis lupus) and occurrence of behavioural disturbances and how this is affected of human visitors. For this purpose the wolves at Nordens Ark have been studied during off season as well as on season. The zoo Nordens Ark is an idealistic foundation which was founded in 1988 and is located at Åby säteri, 130 km north of Gothenburg.

Hästar som utför vävning

The horse is an animal that often becomes humanized. Despite domestication, the horse still has a need to interact with other horses, be able to move for the most of the day, and being able to graze. If these needs cannot be fulfilled, the horse can be negatively affected and develop abnormal behaviours. An example of abnormal behaviours is weaving; the horse performs a swinging motion in the front area of the body during a long time. This literature review aims to investigate how different stabling forms (box/stall) affect the incidence of weaving, and also how this behaviour can be prevented or limited.

Är företagets lönsamhet och finansiella ställning avgörande för beslut beträffande företagets expansion?

Even if the main purpose is to decide if the companies profitability and financial position is a determining factor for its growth, the purpose is to determine if there are any differences between big and small companies in there economical positions then they grow, in the selected industry. This thesis is mainly a quantitative study. The selected industry for the study is extraction of turf. The financial measurement that most clearly differ the growing companies from the not growing companies or the companies that didn?t change there amount of employees was the returns of the companies own capital.

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