

419 Uppsatser om . outdoor. - Sida 6 av 28

Utomhusundervisning för att främja lärandet - En pedagogisk undersökning om minnet och inlärning

Grundtanken med detta arbete är att se om utomhuspedagogik möjligtvis främjar lärandet och om det går att finna stöd inom neurologisk forskning för att ta reda på om lärandet stimuleras vid användandet av utomhusundervisning. Undersökningar har genomförts för att se om lärare och elevers syn på utomhusundervisning sammanfaller. Arbetet bygger på litteraturstudier, intervjuer, en observationsstudie, samt enkätundersökningar för att besvara forskningsfrågorna. I denna studie har det framkommit att utomhusundervisning främjar lärandet, främst beroende på de multipla sinnesintryck som utomhusvistelsen skapar. Denna iakttagelse stöds även av neurologisk och pedagogisk forskning.

Uterum som klassrum : En studie av gymnasieungdomars upplevelser och tankar om att lära ute

Syftet med studien var att ta reda på hur gymnasieungdomar upplever utomhuspedagogiska moment i undervisningen. Det är en kvalitativ undersökning gjord vid Bernadottegymnasiet i Stockholm. Studien baseras på deltagande observationer under drygt två fältdygn och på semi-strukturerade intervjufrågor med tolv elever, i tre fokusgrupper. Resultatet visar att elever upplever utomhuspedagogiska undervisningsmoment positivt.

Hur värderar människor utemiljön och dess funktioner? : två fallstudier - Tarapoto, Peru, och Uppsala, Sverige

This essay discusses people's perception of what is important for their well-being where they live. The main aim has been to find out what factors in the outdoor environments of the city are appreciated and why they are valued positively. A comparison has been made between Uppsala in Sweden and Tarapoto in Peru to see if, and in that case what, differences can be found in the values of people. I chose to carry out a survey study that got a response rate of 57 persons in Tarapoto and 63 in Uppsala. The results show that there are some common basic values, but on the whole the outdoor environments are valued differently in the two cities. In short, the Peruvians value functionality, cleanliness, small distances to family and service, while the Swedes value a central location and short distances to friends apart from functionality and good service opportunities. Conceivable reasons for this might be for example different cultural prerequisits, material standard and climate. .

AUSTERS 1:61 - ett fritidshus på Gotland

A few hundred metres from the beach on Fårö, Gotland, is a small lot with pine trees, green moss and wild fl owers situated, owned by my brother and sister. Eventually they would like tobuild a summerhouse here, in close proximity to their relatives. My project is a proposal for the summerhouse at the site, within the restrictions of 61 m² building area, with focus on interior,exterior and the environment.My proposal is a house close to the surrounding nature, with reference to the the building tratition on the island and with local materials. Orientation to the sun, road and neighbours hasall infl uenced my ideas of this house and the relation between inside and outdoor living, were important in my creative work. The aim was to create a house made for the family and theirholiday lifestyle and allowed consideration for the possibility of a growing family with more children.

Landskapsarkitekturens ekonomiska värde : en explorativ studie om utemiljöers inverkan på fastighetsvärden.

Can landscape architecture be seen as an economical asset rather than as a cost? Can well designed outdoor environments affect real estate values? This study investigates the economical value of landscape architecture and its influence on real estate prices. Research results on the relation between landscape architecture and real estate values are here compiled together with a survey made among players on the Swedish real estate market of their attitudes towards the problem. This study shows that the players on the Swedish real estate market often are unaware of the economical effects of landscape architecture pointed out in the compiled research. The study also shows that to use this information in actual projects several steps need to be taken: better knowledge of the problem, more and better compilations of research results, effective channels to spread the compiled information, proper employment and implementation of the knowledge. Extended knowledge of the relation between landscape architecture and real estate values will result in new ways of making money on outdoor environments. This would in turn have consequences for how the real estate business treat outdoor environments and how landscape architects work. The study is divided into four main questions: 1: Is there a relation between good landscape architecture and real estate prices? 2: What is the view of the players on the real estate market in this matter? 3: Is there more knowledge, research and practical models at hand? 4: What future steps can be taken to broaden the knowledge and apply it to real situations?.

Adaptiv temperaturreglering av bostadshus

The control of indoor temperature must be able to handle large time constants and both measureable disturbances like outdoor temperature, and non-measurable disturbances, like waste heat from appliances. Due to cheaper microcontrollers (small computers with designated tasks) with better performance, more advanced and computation-demanding methods for control can be used.In this thesis, Generalized Predictive Control (GPC) has been implemented and tested on a theoretically derived model of a house. GPC states that a model of the system is estimated in every sample, and the control is carried out simultaneously, based on predictions of the model. Disturbances like solar radiation can be estimated and used in the control as well. The control signals are determined by quadratic programming, which makes it possible to consider conditions, for example limitations on the control signals.GPC requires a number of parameters to be defined, like model order and control signal penalty, but is relatively robust for variations in them.

Besökarstudie i Kilsbergens rekreationsområden : en metod för att utveckla rekreationsmöjligheter på Sveaskogs marker

In this Master thesis an effective method is presented to find out what is requested in a forest or outdoor recreation. The aim with the study is to find out how Sveaskog can increase the general interest for experiences in nature and improve the access for recreation. Some questions that have been used to answer this purpose are: Who is visiting/not visiting the recreation area? How is it possible to increase the number of visits? The study is carried out in Kilsbergen and mainly centered around Ånnaboda, which is the natural place for people to meet at and undertake recreational activities. The method that is used is a mail-survey that was sent to visitors and people living in Örebro. People living in Örebro represent potential visitors who live close to the recreation area.

Eynavster : En studie om teknik som hjälpmedel för synskadade i utomhusnavigering

Navigating to different locations isn?t always easy. Imagine then how it is for people with a visual impairment to walk across the street or to get from one point to another. The Swedish Association of the Visually Impaired (SRF) has pointed out that today's society is not sufficiently accessible to people with visual impairment and there are improvements that need to get done. Technology is something that has evolved a lot this last decade and occurs today almost everywhere in our environment.In some areas, technology has facilitated people's daily life very much and we have therefore chosen to examine whether a combination of several technical functions integrated into the fictive artifact called Eyenavster can facilitate outdoor orientation and increase the accessibility for people with a visual impairment.Qualitative data collection methods have been used in this study by six interviews to answer our question.

Viktiga egenskaper hos framgångsrika svenska skolskogar :

A substantial part of the Swedish outdoor education is being practiced in so called ?school forests?. The concept school forest was first introduced in the 1980?s by the organization Skogen i Skolan. The definition of a school forest is an area that is being used for educational purposes, over which the school and the land owner has reached an agreement of how the school may utilize it.

Förskolegårdens miljö : Inbjuder gården till aktiviteter som stimulerar barnets motoriska utveckling?

Through observations of the childrens play, I have made notes of all activities at the pre-school playground. The intention of the observations was to see if the playground environment invites and stimulate the childs motorie development. The study will be a part of a future planning work of the preschool environment.The results show that the pre-school playground environment invites to physical activities that stimulate the childs motory development. The variation of activities is dependent on the design of the landscapes. The pedagogues taking part of the childrens activities are one of the factors which contributed to the childs choice of activity.The preschool plays an important part in the childrens development so it is important that all personnel have basic knowledge on the importance of outdoor activities.Keywords: Fundamental movement, motorie development, preschool playground, outdoor enviroment.

CFD simulering av kallras : Undersökning av temperatur- och luftbeteende intill höga glasfasader och i vistelsezon med golvvärme som en värmekälla

Glass has sophisticated front properties and are used as facades in high buildings. During cold periods, these glass facades could cause thermal discomfort, due to cold downdraught. Cold downdraught can be countered by placing heaters under glass surfaces. Nowadays technology offers highly insulating windows, which is why there is an interest to investigate the indoor climate with only underfloor heating. The research in this area is limited, and few empirical methods are available.

En empirisk studie : Om att arbeta med skriftspråket utomhus på I Ur och Skurförskolor

I Ur och Skur preschools base their teaching on outdoor activities and all educators are called leaders, disregarding their educational background.The purpose of this study is to find out how the leaders of six I Ur och Skur preschools are working, specifically with the written language, in the outdoors environment. The study discusses the concept of literacy, methods leaders use and the advantages and disadvantages they experience with outdoors education and the thoughts they have about outdoor activities. The basis for this study is the objective pursued in the curriculum: "preschools should strive to ensure that children develop an interest in written language and an understanding of symbols and their communicative functions". Respondents have also been asked what outdoors education means to them on a personal level.To achieve my research results five qualitative interviews, with room for follow-up questions, were conducted. One of the respondents felt that she lacked time but still wanted to participate and doing so by answering questions by email.

Möjligheternas skolgård : om att skapa förutsättningar för en välanvänd utemiljö. Exempel från Luleå.

Children's need of a good environment of playing outdoor at schoolyards is, both from a perspective of commonly public's health and from the children themselves, indisputable. Children who have a good and varying playground develop physically, psychologically and socially. As an instrument of pedagogic a playground also is valuable for example in teaching the round, periodical successions and understanding of democratic processes. The conception playground means here in my work the environment outdoor for children at schools up to about twelve years old. What is a good playground then? How is it possible for a landscape architect to contribute improvements? The purpose of my work has been to enlarge my knowledge about playgrounds, understand more of the profession as a landscape architect and apply a perspective of children in the planning. To sum up, the shaping of playgrounds has great importance for the activities of the children and if the teachers make use of it, the teaching. A good playground gives the delight, the excitement and the curiosity free spaces and stimulates new challenges.

Hur ett äkta miljöengagemang ska förmedlas : En studie om Klättermusen

SammanfattningUnder det senast decenniet har en påtaglig förändring ägt rum i samhället, där miljöproblematiken kommit att bli ett av de mest aktuella och uppmärksammade ämnena. Bland företagen förmedlas ett miljöengagemang som ger intryck av att miljörörelsen på allvarhar lyckats flytta in i näringslivet domäner. Den ökade miljöorienteringen bland företagen har medfört att det blivit svårare att urskilja de företag som utnyttjar den nya ?trenden? för att öka affärsnyttan från de företag som verkligen har ett gediget miljöengagemang. Hur kan ett företag som har ett genuint miljöengagemang förmedla detta på ett trovärdigt sätt utan att försvinna i bruset av den ökade miljöprofileringen? Med utgångspunkt från Klättermusen, ?ett av Sveriges mest miljömedvetna företag? söker denna uppsats svar på hur man kan kommunicerar sitt miljöengagemang på ett effektivt och trovärdigt sätt och hur vida detta skapar positiva attityder hos konsumenter på outdoor marknaden i Sverige.

Föreställningar om barn inom I Ur och Skur - en idé- och ideologi analys

Sweden is currently a country in which a large amount of children?s time has changed to be spent within institutions, for small children these institutions are preschools. These are places where notions are created regarding what children are, what?s good for children, what?s normal and desirable regarding children. The purpose of this study has been to decipher what?s considered desirable and what notions or ideas regarding children are prevalent in preschools with an I Ur och Skur profile.

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