
Ung och gay ? Informationsbehovet som ung och homo- eller bisexuell i komma-ut-processen

The aim of this Master?s thesis is to examine the information needs of gay, lesbian and bisexual adolescents? when they are coming out. I also examine what kind of information they seek and where they might find this information. The purpose is also to examine what role the public or school library plays. The study is conducted through qualitative interviews with gay, lesbian and bisexual adolescents?. The theoretical framework includes studies about information needs and information use. The results indicate that there is evident information needs at the coming-out-stadium. The information sought is of many different kinds, including gay fiction and also webpage?s containing gay information. Gay fiction is, among other things, used for finding an identity, which can be hard to find in a society where the heterosexual identity is the norm. The questions I am working with are: How do homo- or bisexual adolescents? information needs look like during the coming-out-process? What information sources have been used and how were they used? What purpose has the public library in seeking for information? and What problems has the informants come across in their seeking for information? The results that were found indicate that there is in evident need for information for the adolescents?, the sources that were used was mostly Internet but also books and the library. Among the problems that the informants came across were the lack of information and also the age of the information.


Miranda Andersson

Lärosäte och institution

Högskolan i Borås/Institutionen Biblioteks- och informationsvetenskap (BHS)


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