
Skötsamhetens makt - Den moraliska sensibilitetens struktur och maktgörandets beståndsdelar

Hur kan dygderna fördjupa förståelsen kring empowermentprocesser?

This essay shows how the concept of virtue can deepen our understanding considering processes of empowerment. A virtue is understood as a trait of character, manifested in habitual action, that it is good for person a to have. Virtues are interpreted as socially constructed. Empowerment is presented as a process toward self-confidence and self-determination where recourses and freedom propels the development toward power for the individual, the household and the community. Why does the concept of virtue deepen our understanding? It is argued that our theoretical perceptive of empowerment needs to better encompass values, norms and practise. The concept of virtue delivers a deepened comprehension of how these elements are constructed and operates. It is also argued that virtues structure our perception of the world and our moral sensibility. Thus, it is shown how processes of empowerment depend on the communities' moral demands. The concept of virtue is applied at different levels of power.


Ingemar Hansson

Lärosäte och institution

Lunds universitet/Statsvetenskapliga institutionen


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