
Problematiken kring stenålderns periodindelning - En inledande granskning av stenålderns periodindelning och förslag till en revidering

Since 1865 when Lubbock introduced the Palaeolithic and Neolithic to the surrounding archaeological world there has been an apparent problematic in how we define the different periods. When the Mesolithic age was introduced to fill the hiatus between the Palaeolithic and Neolithic, the problematic became even more noticeable. By examine different subjects which distinguish the different periods I wish to highlight the problematic in viewing them as characteristics. The problem lies in seeing the characteristics as defining only one period when they actually can be seen in two or all three of the periods. I then tried to give the different period's new better suited definitions. I quickly realised that the chronology of the periods was going to look different depending on which subject i.e. microliths or ceramics you put most significance on. Therefore I choose to give five different chronology alternatives to show the problematic we still have to deal with


Emelie Säll

Lärosäte och institution

Lunds universitet/Arkeologi


"Övriga arbeten". Paper/studentarbete skrivna inom studentens första termin inom ett ämne (eller 1,5-30 högskolepoängsnivån)

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