
Prefixet "B?-" och dess svenska motsvarigheter. En jämförelse av prefixet "B?-" och partikeln "ut"

The aim of this text is to compare the semantic profile of the Russian prefix B?- with that of the Swedish particle "ut". It follows Janda's categorization of Russian B?-verbs into semantic groups and compares Swedish phrasal verbs with the particle "ut" to the semantics of the Russian prefix B?-. The material consists of Russian B?-verbs and their Swedish translations retrieved from Norstedts ryska ordbok. The results show that over 60% of the Swedish phrasal verbs with the particle "ut" are categorized in the prototypical container construction "Out of a container", but also that the Swedish particle shares other meanings of the prefix B?-. However, to draw definite conclusions the subject of shared semantics between B?- and "ut" more extensive research is required.


Daniel Bjurbom

Lärosäte och institution

Göteborgs universitet/Institutionen för språk och litteraturer


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