
Påverka på hemmaplan? 24-timmarsmyndigheten och den lokala demokratin

In this thesis we investigate the level of deliberative democracy in the current implementation of the 24/7 Agency in the local government. We are interested in how the combination of the two seemingly opposing ideals of Demokratiutredningen and the 24/7 Agency is solved. Our analysis is based on interviews with civil servants from three kommuner in Skåne and a schematic overview of their websites. As a theoretical framework we use New Public Management Theory, Deliberative Democracy Theory, and Citizen Theory.We have found that the local 24/7 Agency is initiated and implemented by public servants. Their experiences and worldview is mirrored in both process and result. Politicians have been absent in the 24/7 Agency process so far. Neither have citizens participated to any large extent, nor are they expected to. Our conclusion is that the ideal propagated by Demokratiutredningen, Deliberative Democracy, is present only marginally and that the driving force so far has been cost cutting, efficiency and the solving of administrational problems.


Andreas Larsson Bengt Nilsson

Lärosäte och institution

Lunds universitet/Statsvetenskapliga institutionen


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