
Min musikaliska resa i Zarathustras religion

Current technology offers many possibilities for remotecommunication. Nevertheless, people with cognitive and communicativedisabilities have limited access to common communication technology like textmessaging via a mobile phone. This study is part of the project Text messagingwith picture symbols - a possibility for AAC users and people with cognitiveimpairments. Semi structured interviews were used to investigate three menand four women?s experiences of using Windows mobiles with adaptedfunctions for text messaging. The participants? opinions about the content andorganisation of the project were also evaluated. All participants except oneexperienced increased possibilities for remote communication via textmessaging. Technical aids and interventions were individually tailored and themajority of the participants thought that Talking Mats for goal setting andrepeated interviews during the project had been successful methods.


Saman Alias

Lärosäte och institution

Göteborgs universitet/Högskolan för scen och musik


"Masteruppsats". Självständigt arbete (examensarbete) om 30 högskolepoäng (med vissa undantag) utfört för att erhålla masterexamen.

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