
Maskuliniteter i The O.C.

En textanalytisk studie av maskuliniteter i teveserien The O.C.

The purpose of this study is to examine the popular cultural form of television within the field of gender studies. The study focuses on the representation of masculinities in the American television series The O.C. This is done by using textual analysis to gain information from the first and the second season of The O.C. The theoretical framework used is based on Judith Butler and R.W. Connell. The result of the study is that The O.C. can be said to show that alternative masculinities are less worthy and lower in the hierarchy. Another result is that the series is heteronormative.


Melinda Degerman

Lärosäte och institution

Stockholms universitet/Stockholms universitet/Stockholms universitetCentrum för genusstudier


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