

44 Uppsatser om Masculinities - Sida 1 av 3

Maskuliniteter i The O.C. : En textanalytisk studie av maskuliniteter i teveserien The O.C.

The purpose of this study is to examine the popular cultural form of television within the field of gender studies. The study focuses on the representation of Masculinities in the American television series The O.C. This is done by using textual analysis to gain information from the first and the second season of The O.C. The theoretical framework used is based on Judith Butler and R.W. Connell.

The Warrior vs The Underdog : En kritisk diskursanalys av filmen ?Warrior?

This study is focused on representations of power and Masculinities in the movie ?Warrior?(2011). By using the notion of interdiscursivity, as discussed by Norman Fairclough, my goal isto analyze how the roles of the characters relate to existing discourses in today?s society. I amprimarily interested in discourses revolving around MMA-fighters, Masculinities and familyrelations.The movie to be analysed in this study is suited for interpreting new sorts of Masculinitiesthrough the sport of MMA, which itself is fairly new and therefore might represent a new type ofmasculinity in the making.

Det manliga köttet: Om köttets roll i skapandet av maskuliniteter, och den svenska hållbarhetsdiskursens genus(o)medvetenhet rörande ekologiskt hållbar köttkonsumtion

Several studies indicate that Swedish men consume more meat than women, more frequently appear in advertisements for meat and more often than women handle the grilling of meat. Production of meat is one of the largest contributors to greenhouse-gas emissions and thereby poses a challenge for ecological sustainability. Several Swedish politicians and authorities have argued that reduced meat consumption is necessary to prevent continued global climate change. To understand and change consumption patterns we need to understand the consumer. This essay uses textual analysis to examine how Swedish men through text and images in three cookbooks use preparation and consumption of meat to construct different Masculinities.

Manliga veganer : En narrativanalys om manliga veganer och maskulinitet

The purpose of this essay is to investigate the subject field of male vegans and Masculinities through empirical method interviews and narrative analysis. The starting-point for this essay is animal ethics, feminist ethic vegetarianism and theories that suggest that eating meat is one part of the social construction of Masculinities. The problem formulation is such as follows:How do male vegans construct masculinity? In an attempt to answer such a question there are three problem formulations:What do male vegans think about the connection between manhood and eating meat?How do male vegans relate to the norms in society?What do male vegans think of stereotype conceptions about vegans?I will come to the conclusion that male vegans think that eating meat, as well as drinking beer, is one part of the social construction of Masculinities. Male vegans are aware of norms in the surroundings and the strong attachment of meat normativity in the western culture.

Maskulinitet och makt : En studie av Georgs maskulinitet i Lars Noréns drama Natten är dagens mor

In the following essay I have read the drama Natten är dagens mor (The Night is the Day's Mother) by Lars Norén. My main focus has been on the older brother Georg. By using post structuralist gender theories I have sought answers to the following two questions: How is Georg's masculinity constructed and maintained, when seen from a gender perspective? What power structures arise between Georg's and the other men's Masculinities? In my analysis I have approached Georg via three perspectives. First, I have by the help of Judith Butler's theory concerning gender performative actions tried to define the men's gender codes.

Huddinge kommun ur ett genusperspektiv : Bild- och textanalys av Huddinge kommuns personaltidning

The aim of this paper is to critically examine and analyze how the informal performance about Masculinities and femininity are being expressed and produced by the text and pictures in Huddinge kommuns internal magazine for the staff working within the public administration. The concrete questions are:By which patterns constructs the performance of gender in Huddinge kommuns internal magazine for the staff working within the public administration?Are the femininity and Masculinities being expressed in a static way or have it changed in Huddinge kommuns internal magazine for the staff working within the public administration throw the examined years 1985, 1995 and 2006?A quantitative and qualitative method is used. The point of departure is organization theory in a gender perspective. With the gender organization theory we examine the structures, leadership, symbolics and changes through the examined years.

?En ja?vla freakshow? : Representationer av maskulinitet i svensk wrestling

The aim of this thesis is to examine representations of masculinity in the activities of a local professional wrestling promotion. After briefly outlining what professional wrestling is, the study draws on a body on feminist and intersectional theory which critiques the notion of gender as a binary and essential category. The material comprises 10 recorded shows and oth- er material published on Sthlm Wrestling?s website between 2010 and 2013, and is analyzed using a qualitative methodology derived from cultural studies. The thesis argues that there are many different types of Masculinities in the narrative, which are constructed in relation to different power hierarchies such as ethnicity, class, sex and sexuality.

Vad är en man? : En kvalitativ studie om hur unga män kan konstruera maskulinitet

The aim of the study has been to examine how young men from Stockholm construct "Masculinity". This has been done by examining what men think is an ?ideal man?, what "makes a man a man", which expectations they meet as men and how the life of a man differs from the life of a woman. This has been examined through three semi-structured group interviews with the total of ten men. The results have been analysed with Raewyn Connells Theory of Masculinities, the idea of ?Doing Gender? by Candace West and Don.

Bilden av mannen i svensk kriminallitteratur

The aim of this Master?s thesis is to examine the image of the man in Swedish crime fiction. Gender theory based uponRobert W. Connell theoretical framework which discusses Masculinities in plural is used. The method used is idea analysis and my supply for analyse is constructed on thebasis of Connell?s four ideal types regarding masculinity.The material in the investigation comprises of five novels published in Sweden 2007.The investigation reveals the complexity in forming Masculinities; traditional male values remain mostly intact, but at the same time men must deal with emotions andrelations with women in a world where the male norm often is questioned.

Man nog för jämställdhet? : en studie av Järva Mansmottagning och omvandlingar av hegemonisk maskulinitet i jämställdhetsdiskursernas tidevarv

Equality between men and women has as an ideal won an increasing impact on the contemporary Swedish society and has established as a factor influencing all areas of society from politics to business and private life. The focus of this essay is to explore the impact of equality on hegemonic masculinity and relations of Masculinities. The aim of the essay has moreover been to investigate the consequences of an increased focus on men and critique of masculinity due to a growing influence of feminism and women?s movement in Sweden. The study is based on interviews with four members of staff working in a men?s clinic for sexual and reproductive health in Stockholm, Järva Mansmottagning.

Maskuliniteter : Genusnormernas inverkan på individers sociala förutsättningar

The purpose of the thesis Masculinities ? Gender and its Impact on the Social conditions of individuals is to perform a critical study of how gendered norms influence the social conditions of individuals. This has been done by a problematization and the attempt to answer the question of how the hegemonical masculinity can be analyzed as a discourse, and how the structural aspects of this discourse inflict on the social conditions of Masculinities.The question was divided into the analytical themes: the boarders of the discourse, the institutionalization of the discourse, the actuation of the discourse and the agents of the discourse. The theoretical frame is constituted by the theory of discourse by Michel Foucault, the theory of the hegemonical masculinity by R.W. Connell and a subversive identity theory by Judith Butler.

Där män är män? maskulina subjektspositioner i Michael Moorcocks fantasyromaner

The aim of this Masters thesis is to examine subject positions of masculinity in the fantasy novels by Michael Moorcock, spanning from the sixties to the present. Questions are: Which positions of masculinity dominate in four fantasy works by Michael Moorcock? How do these positions differ from each other or are there similarities? Do they strengthen or undermine the hegemonic masculinity? How do these positions of masculinity relate to historic configurations of masculinity? In order to find feasible answers to these questions I have used a theoretical and methodological approach rooted in the sociology of literature, mens studies and discourse analysis. Different Masculinities are defined as subject positions. The hegemonic masculinity is defined as the image of masculinity that dominate and that every man has to relate to, in one way or another.

"Hon är ju tjej, tänker man" : Mäns erfarenheter som offer för våld i nära olikkönade parrelationer

Increasing attention has been given to men?s experiences as victims of intimate partner violence in the Western world, mostly in quantitative research, within different research fields. The aim of this research paper is to explore men?sspecific experiences of intimate partner violence in heterosexual relationships in a Swedish context, through a gender perspective and with a qualitative research approach. The paper begins by briefly mentioning key findings in existing quantitative and qualitative research, focusing on Sweden.

Pojkars maskulinitetsskapande i samtida skönlitterära ungdomsböcker

The aim of this Master?s thesis is to examine boys?/young men?s forming of masculinity and gender identity and how discussions around gender stereotypes and conceptions represents themselves in contemporary youth novels. Gender theory based upon R.W. Connell?s theoretical framework which discusses Masculinities in plural is used.

"Ta det som en man?" : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys med fokus på maskulinitetsdrag hos karaktärer i Svenska filminstitutets rekomendationer för Skolbio

This study is a qualitative content analysis which sets out to examine the representation of stereotypic masculine traits amongst the main characters in two films from The Swedish Institute of Film's (Svenska Filminstitutets) selection for ?School Cinema? (Skolbio). The study is operationalised through the use of a scheme, constructed by Lorraine Evans and Kimberly Davies for their study No sissy boys here, which maps stereotypical masculine and feminine traits and originates from Sandra Lipsitz Bems ?Sex Role Inventory?. The masculine traits in the scheme are: aggressive, competitive, argumentative, decisive, assertive, risk-taking, self-reliant and adventurous, and the feminine are: affectionate, emotionally expressive, impetuous, nurturing, panicky, passive, tender, and understanding.

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