
Landsbygdens miljökvaliteter - från folkmun till planering

Abstract Considering the social dimension of sustainable development this thesis focuses on the qualities of life and how the environmental qualities that the inhabitants value can be incorporated in the physical planning of the municipality. The thesis deals with the problems that occur when the physical planning, whit its focus on the environmental aspects, also needs to consider peoples opinions, that springs from the individual experience of the place. The municipality of Mark, where this thesis takes its place, is characterised by the countryside landscape. Mark is situated in the western part of Sweden close to Göteborg, Borås and Varberg. The commuting is extensive and the demand for dwellings in the municipality is increasing. Those who strive to live in the municipality have a conception of what life on the countryside means and of which environmental qualities they want to assimilate. The planners in the municipality of Mark are therefore interested in why their inhabitants strive to live in the countryside and what environmental qualities they value. This study has focused on the individual and his/hers experience of their dwelling and their close surroundings. I have carried out 12 telephone interviews with individuals in the countryside in the municipality of Mark. I have asked them why they have chosen to settle down at the place of their dwelling, why that place is special and what environmental qualities they value and need for their well-being. The result was surprisingly concordant and the environmental qualities that the inhabitants of Mark value are ?a special place and a place of their own?, ?with nature around the corner?, ?peace?, ?close fellowship?, ?freedom? and ?at least a little service?. To consider the different environmental qualities in the physical planning I suggest that the municipality should work on two different levels. On the municipal level it is important to favour a structure in the built environment that enable for the experience of the different environmental qualities. I suggest that the municipality should work according to my concept of ?the small and large village?. The structure of the village can easily enhance the experience of different environmental qualities, where the size of the village shows which priorities between them one makes. For example if one lives in a small village one prefers freedom and isolation, and if one lives in a larger village close fellowship and service is more important. On the smaller level the physical planning comes closer to the individuals own experiences and relationships with places. I suggest that the planners in the municipality should analyse places and changes with regard to the possibility for the individuals to experience the different environmental qualities, an environmental qualities analysis. The analysis can be used on already existing dwellings, when planning for future expansions and when working with new plans. The questions of the analysis can also be used as a starting point in communication with the inhabitants.


Åsa Svensson

Lärosäte och institution

SLU/Dept. of Landscape Architecture


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