
Kreativitet i skolan

funktion och förtjänst

This dissertation examines how creativity can be of benefit for the school. It discusses if there is a need or demand for it and how the present situation is in Swedish schools. Defining creativity accurately is difficult but it is relevant to look at the environments that use creativity. There is a vast amount of literature that uses creativity and it varies to some extent. Creativity originates from meetings and combinations, both within and outside of the individual. The essay will show psychologists and pedagogs view on encouragement for creativity and it will especially study the art subjects in relation to the other ones in order to se what gains collaborations between them may bring . More thorough collaborations may be a good cross disciplinary structure in ?projektarbete? (cross-cultural communication) which stimulates creativity in both education and within the school. Just as creativity is found in various environments the school benefits from studying the parts of society that uses creativity, to see what the expectations may be on the students in the future.


Jakob Anckarsvärd

Lärosäte och institution

Södertörns högskola/Lärarutbildningen


"Kandidatuppsats". Självständigt arbete (examensarbete ) om minst 15 högskolepoäng utfört för att erhålla kandidatexamen.

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