
Kassaflöde och Kapitalbindning. En studie av vilka åtgärder och faktorer som vägs in i beslutssituationer i bygg- och anläggningsbranschen.

Background: Today there are high claims on organizations to show a positive economic view. To satisfy the demands and expectations from interested parties it is very important to carefully plan the companies tied up capital and cash flows. Purpose: The purpose with the thesis is to describe what actions organizations take to resolve the conflict between showing a positive cash flow and the need to tie up capital.The purpose is also to explain the different factors that must be considered when making decisions regarding cash flow and capital tied up. Method: A qualitative study of the actions and factors wich must be considered when decisions in swedish construction companies are made regarding cash flow and capital tied up. Results: A model of the factors and actions that affect cash flow and capital tied up in projects. This is based on a a priori-model, wich can be used to describe and explain relations in the construction industry.


Ann-Marie Petersson Susanne Thörn

Lärosäte och institution

Linköpings universitet/Ekonomiska institutionen


"Magisteruppsats". Självständigt arbete (examensarbete ) om minst 15 högskolepoäng utfört för att erhålla magisterexamen.

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