
Kaijsers algoritm för beräkning av Kantorovichavstånd parallelliserad i CUDA

This thesis processes the work of developing CPU code and GPU code for Thomas Kaijsers algorithm for calculating the kantorovich distance and the performance between the two is compared. Initially there is a rundown of the algorithm which calculates the kantorovich distance between two images. Thereafter we go through the CPU implementation followed by GPGPU written in CUDA. Then the results are presented. Lastly, an analysis about the results and a discussion with possible improvements is presented for possible future applications.


Sebastian Engvall

Lärosäte och institution

Linköpings universitet/Linköpings universitet/InformationskodningTekniska högskolan


"Högskoleuppsats". Självständigt arbete (examensarbete) för att erhålla högskoleexamen

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