
"Intersecting Theories" eller Mångkulturalismens dilemma

En teoretisk studie om intersektionalitet.

This study is mainly critical-theoretic and explores the theoretic jungle of the concept of intersectionality with the use of Post-colonial and Feminist theories. The purpose of the thesis is also to investigate the concept of intersectionality further by looking upon its practical use as theoretic tool. This is performed in a discourse analysis of two programs developed by Swedish Liberal Party autumn of 2005. Another purpose is to discuss the multiculturalist dilemma as well as the phenomenon of a hegemonic western Feminism. One conclusion of this thesis is that the use of intersectionality is not unproblematic. It needs to be more practically developed in an analysis. Another conclusion is that the practical equivalence of intersectionality is difficult to find in the programs. There might be some hint of an interacting perspective of power relations in these texts. One other aspect is that there was not one combined program adressing the double oppression for example immigrant women. However making use of intersectionality might still in practice be rather hard to handle. It is therefore important to investigate the concept further and make it more of practical value for employers, professors and politicians in position of changing their environment by policys and behaviour, in particular in dialogue and policys.


Kristina Wilhelmsson

Lärosäte och institution

Lunds universitet/Statsvetenskapliga institutionen


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