
?Hon är inte som ?dem? men inte heller som ?oss?? Konstruktioner av identitetsföreställningar

The aim of this thesis is to seek understanding of which images there are about the ?others? in the society. For this study, four women in the ages of 21-23 years old were interviewed during April 2005. The empirical material was analysed with Laclaus and Mouffes discourse analysis. One conclusion is that the images of the ?immigrant? and the ?immigrant women? are created opposite to the ?Swedes? and the ?Swedish women?. The construction of the ?Swedishness? and the ?non Swedish? are not only oppositional but also contains a hierarchy where the ?immigrant women? is portrayed in more negative terms.The thesis also shows that the subject depending on the context places it self in different subject positions. In some cases another person allocates the subject the subject position. In other cases the subject have the possibility to define her self and demonstrate how she wishes to be conceived. The women interviewed often portrayed themselves as educated but this was a subject position that caused a conflict with societies images of them as ?oppressed?.


Yordana Palacios Tardio

Lärosäte och institution

Lunds universitet/Statsvetenskapliga institutionen


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