
Hjalmar Söderberg och romanen Doktor Glas

i samtidens genuspolitiska diskussioner

women. The womens social movements for emancipation and equality within marriage created both freedom and anxiety among the population. A Swedish suffragette, Ellen Key was in the forefront to form opinions that reached the population. In addition, she also became a friend to the Swedish journalist and writer Hjalmar Soderberg. In this way, Key influenced Soderbergs social knowledge and writing. Most likely she had an impact on his novel Doctor Glas, which he worked on during their long acquaintance. Moreover, several of the Nordic novelists during the period, were introduced to the writings of the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche. Particularly, Key was one of the first women to read Nietzsche as she could oversee with his misogyny and turned it into benefits to the emancipation.The aim of this essay is to examine the influence of the emancipation debates on the novel Doctor Glas. In addition, I also examine the influence of the German philosopher on the thinking of the Nordic writers. Particularly, I will try to explain the behaviour of the protagonist of the novel that ended in the death of the priest. My conclusion is a misled doctor by a twisted mind filled with philosophical beliefs of ?superior? mentality.


Karsten Lindström

Lärosäte och institution

Södertörns högskola/Institutionen för kultur och lärande


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