
Exkludering som demokratiproblem - En fallstudie av Bolivias demokratiska situation

Bolivia is a multiethnic country where the indigenous people constitute the majority of the population. Despite two decades of attempts to take the democracy further is its foundation more volatile than ever. The aim of this bachelor thesis is to examine if exclusion is taken place in Bolivia from year 1982 until today and if so in which way political exclusion constitute problems of democracy in Bolivia. The answer depends on the understanding of democracy used in the analysis. In this thesis I use theories of process-, participation- and deliberative democracy. According to the theory of process democracy Bolivia did not have any democracy problems. Though, Bolivia could not fulfil the requirements of participation democracy before Evo Morales came to power, because of the external exclusion. Indigenous people were not allowed to participate in discussions, dialogues and decision-making. But when Morales became president the indigenous people could participate and then reach the demands of participation. According to the most demanded view of democracy, the deliberative democracy, political exclusion still exists, but now within the dialogues and discussions.


Isabelle Andersson

Lärosäte och institution

Lunds universitet/Statsvetenskapliga institutionen


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