
Exil hederskultur-ett narrativ

Drawing on a broad theoretical framework that includes theories about globalisation and honourculture, this thesis aim is to demonstrate that globalisation and honourculture, constitute a conceptual network, i.e a structural relational matrix in which concepts are embedded. Being part of conceptual network, these concepts are related to each other ontologically. The idea of conceptual network, and the thesis as a whole, draw upon what has been called ?relational perspective?This study aims to show the impact of globalisation on honourculture. The study shows the importance of narrative in the construction of discursive boundaries. Boundaries create and establish ?us? and excluding ?others?. Boundaries are also related to power.Nyckelord: globalisering, relationell sociologi, narrativ, hederskultur, exil hederskultur


Petra Mårtensson

Lärosäte och institution

Lunds universitet/Statsvetenskapliga institutionen


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