
En (o)balans av berättelser

En kvantitativ studie om mångkulturell litteraturundervisning i gymnasieskolans svenskämne

The purpose of this essay is to examine what literary heritage teachers communicate in the school subject Swedish at upper secondary school. The overall research question for this work is: Which authors and/or works are mentioned by the teachers in the school subject Swedish at upper secondary school? How well do these authors and/or works answer towards a multicultural perspective? Which factors affect teachers´ selections of texts? Based on this purpose and these research questions, the aim is to answer the didactic question of what.To accomplish the purpose of the study a quantitative method has been used. The survey was conducted in two medium-sized cities in central Sweden, and was answered by 17 teachers. The study shows that the teachers ascribe the Western and Swedish literature great importance. Authorships and/or works outside the Western literary culture sphere are very few, as well as texts written by women and by Swedish writers with immigrant origin or belonging to national minorities. The factors that govern teachers? selection of texts are agreement in the form of solid reading lists, cooperation and coordination, thematic work, resources and students. The conclusion that follows is that it seems to be the conservative and liberal multiculturalism that emerges most strongly when it comes to teaching literature in the school subject Swedish.


Hasibe Rexhepi

Lärosäte och institution

Karlstads universitet/Estetisk-filosofiska fakulteten


"Uppsats för yrkesexamina på avancerad nivå". Självständigt arbete (examensarbete) om 30 högskolepoäng utfört för att erhålla yrkesexamen på avancerad nivå.

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