

4511 Uppsatser om Literature - Sida 1 av 301

Skönlitteraturens roll i svenskundervisningen : Litteratursynen som speglas i läroplanen och motiveringar till litteraturundervisning

The aim of this study is to investigate the view of Literature that shines through in the Swedish curriculum for secondary school, Läroplan, examensmål och gymnasiegemensamma ämnen för gymnasieskola 2011. The idea is that this view of Literature becomes visible when analyzing the curriculum?s ways of legitimating the teaching of Literature and its relation to the use of a literary canon. The analysis compares the phrases from the curriculum regarding the teaching of Literature and compares these phrases with the various literary visions that earlier scholars advocate. Based on these comparisons, discussions are raised about the pros and cons of the curriculum's ways of legitimating the teaching of Literature and its relation to the use of a literary canon.

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AbstractThis research is about how some swedish teachers in high school choose Literature in schools. The purpose is to underline the reasons for how some teachers think about selection, canon, classic and contemporary Literature. Two survey methods were used to find the answers, wich consisted of interviews and questionnaires. The letter methods was used to obtain informations about student´s views on Literature.Previous research shows that there are different opinions in what kind of Literature the pupils should read in school. The results of Literature, questionnaires and interviews also showed that the underlying reasons for the choice of Literature, varied among those interviewed further forward ofthe students also prefer to read books during lessons, and that they prefer reading books by popular contemporary writers..

Religionslitteraturen och dess låntagare: en studie på två folkbibliotek

This thesis treats lending figures of Literature on religion at libraries in Vårgårda and Lerum.Formulated hypotheses are: The use of Literature on religion is higher at the library in Vårgårdathan at the one in Lerum; In Lerum the most Literature on religion is used by highly educatedpeople; Ethnic groups and librarians have an influence on the stock.The Christian Literature has other patterns than other Literature regarding selection criteria,reviews and distribution. The conclusions are: The fact that there are many members ofChurch and Chapel in Vårgårda, does reflect the number of loans of Literature on religion in apositive way; Education does not influence, but distance between school and library; Thelibrarians' interest and therefore knowledge regarding religious topics has an impact on theirtreatment of religious books, while ethnic groups do not effect stock and use in either Vårgårdaor Lerum..

Vilken ställning har dagens ungdomsbok? En studie om hur dagens ungdomslitteratur bemöts av sin målgrupp

The purpose of this study was to investigate young teenagers 13-16 reading habits and attitudes concerning todays modern teenage Literature especially written for the young teenagers. The study also includes the readers apprehension of the Literature and how the target group is reached. The study is based on results from questionnaires, interviews and by compiling summaries of Literature relevant to this study. Earlier research has been compared with results from this study. Reflections made by teachers and librarians concerning the youths reading habits are an integral part of the study.

Litteraturanvändning i skolan: : En undersökning av lärares och elevers syn på svensk litteratur

AbstractThis research is about how some swedish teachers in high school choose Literature in schools. The purpose is to underline the reasons for how some teachers think about selection, canon, classic and contemporary Literature. Two survey methods were used to find the answers, wich consisted of interviews and questionnaires. The letter methods was used to obtain informations about student´s views on Literature.Previous research shows that there are different opinions in what kind of Literature the pupils should read in school. The results of Literature, questionnaires and interviews also showed that the underlying reasons for the choice of Literature, varied among those interviewed further forward ofthe students also prefer to read books during lessons, and that they prefer reading books by popular contemporary writers..

Strong girls now and then - a comparison between strong girls in classic and modern children?s literature as : The Secret Garden and Harry Potter and the Philosopher?s Stone.

The aim with this essay is to compare strong girls in classic and modern Literature and see how the differences in expectations on these girls are reflected in Literature. This study is done with the aid of historical, feminist and new criticism..

Men när sitter ni och läser alla böckerna? En intervjuundersökning av bibliotekariers syn på skönlitterära kunskaper

The aim of this thesis is to study librarians attitudes towards fiction and reading. I have examined librarians fiction reading habits and how they handle the expectations that users may have regarding their knowledge in fiction Literature. There have been many studies concerning the librarians information literacy. This work explores librarians competence in fiction Literature. The primary question posted in this thesis is: What kind of fiction are librarians reading and how do they feel that they can correspond to the users expectations? The data collection is based on Literature on the subject and qualitative interviews with eight librarians from different kinds of libraries.

Bjud inte med armbågen! : -en studie om marknadsföringsstrategier inom hotellbranschen och hur dessa implementeras på de bokare som verkar i Umeå.

AbstractReading books to children is often an integral part in preschool activities. The purpose of thisstudy is to investigate how educators think about the educational function of Literature inpreschool activities. I have in my study used qualitative interviews with active educators andobservations to answer my questions about why the educator reads to the children, how theeducator thinks about the choice of Literature and if the Literature can contribute to thechildrens development and if so, how. The knowledge- and research background presentsLiterature and previous research done on the subject. The results of my study shows that theeducators have many thoughts about the importance of Literature in preschool.

Nobel och August på biblioteket ? Bibliotekariers attityder och förhållningssätt gentemot litterära priser

The aim of this Master?s thesis is to examine attitudes and standpoints amongst librarians at the Swedish public library towards literary awards and awarded Literature. The questions posed in the study are: What attitudes are expressed amongst these librarians towards the Nobel Prize in Literature, the August Prize and literary awards and awarded Literature in general? What significance do the Nobel Prize in Literature, the August Prize and other literary awards have concerning purchase and display at these public libraries? How is awarded Literature perceived and how do they talk about it concerning quality and are questions of quality significant? Qualitative interviews with seven librarians at four different public libraries have been done. Theories regarding J?rgen Habermas the bourgeois public sphere and Pierre Bourdieu?s terms habitus, field and capital have been used as to explain the library as a public sphere.

Barnlitteraturens pedagogiska funktion : Pedagoger om barnlitteraturens roll i förskolan

AbstractReading books to children is often an integral part in preschool activities. The purpose of thisstudy is to investigate how educators think about the educational function of Literature inpreschool activities. I have in my study used qualitative interviews with active educators andobservations to answer my questions about why the educator reads to the children, how theeducator thinks about the choice of Literature and if the Literature can contribute to thechildrens development and if so, how. The knowledge- and research background presentsLiterature and previous research done on the subject. The results of my study shows that theeducators have many thoughts about the importance of Literature in preschool.

?Tärningen är kastad?: Rollspelslitteratur i samhället och på bibliotek

The role-playing game attracts a growing number of practisers. The aim of this master?s thesis is to examine role-playing Literature as phenomenon in libraries through librarians´ attitudes. The paper is based on qualitative interviews with eight librarians: one personal interview with two librarians and six e-mail interviews with six librarians at different libraries. The paper starts with a definition of the term ?role-playing game?, its different categories and genres and a description of its background.

Litteraturförmedling på folkbibliotek: Bibliotekariers tankar om kompetens och betydelsefulla egenskaper

This thesis deals with questions about competences and qualities that librarians inpublic libraries find that they need to be qualified suppliers of Literature (books andmagazines).Our aim is to problematize the competence of the profession in relation to promotingLiterature, knowledge in Literature and reading habits. We want to know what librariansthemselves think about their own competences when it comes to supplying andpromoting Literature. Does it have to be a leisure interest or do they get the possibility toread during working hours?What do librarians think it means to be a qualified promotor of Literature and how dothey acquire the right competence? Do they believe that their competence correspondswith the occupational requirements? How much of their knowledge about Literature andpromoting Literature comes from personal interest and commitment?We primarily used the theories about competence by Per-Erik Ellström. One of thetheories is the one of implicit and explicit knowledge.

Guds bekräftande blick : en undersökning av anknytning i kristen själavårdslitteratur

This paper is based on Bowlby's attachment theory in the exploration of Christian pastoral care Literature. Kirkpatrick and Granqvist account for the majority of previous research on the subject, however, not related to counselling or counselling Literature. The selected pastoral Literature, which is three books by each author: Liselotte J Andersson and Margareta Melin provide several possible associations with attachment theory. In the process, nonetheless, more Literature has been studied than those reported here. This paper aims to investigate whether a relationship with God is given as an attachment relationship of the selected pastoral Literature.

Katalogisering och klassificering av sagor och folklore ? en historisk översikt

This essay is dealing with the difficulties of cataloging and classifying anonymi and other kinds of Literature without the components which have set the norm for bibliographic cataloging, i.e. a defined author, a standardized title etc. A typical example of this kind of Literature is folklore and folktales, which are dealt with thoroughly here. The character of and the society's historical view upon the folk Literature, as Literature considered, are being described, as is the evolution of rules for cataloging in general. The folk Literature is mostly systematized after a different pattern from other Literature, since bibliographical facts are often missing.

?Men de används ju inte.? - en undersökning om distributionsstödda böcker från bibliotekariers synpunkt.

The purpose of this study is to investigate librarian?s opinions concerning Literature with state supported distribution and how to mediate and market these in the library. The types of mediation and marketing that have been studied are positioning, labeling and oral mediation.The study is qualitative with interviews at seven main public libraries in central Sweden. The respondents of the study were responsible for the Literature with state supported distribution within the library.The study is based on a theoretical frame of reference containing theories from Jofrid Karner Smidt, regarding librarian?s mediation in libraries, and François Colbert?s theory on marketing planning for arts and culture.The results of our study showed that librarians have both positive and negative opinions when it comes to the Literature with state supported distribution.

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