
Droppbevattningens inverkan på kvalitet och kvantitet hos Solanum tuberosum L i jämförelse med konventionell spridarebevattning

A literature study and a field trial have been carried out in order to investigate the physiological response of potato plants to different soil moisture levels. Higher yield, quality and number of tubers can according to the literature be obtained if constant high soil moisture is kept during major parts of the growing season. A field trial was set up where drip irrigation was used as an alternative to conventional irrigation techniques to maintain high and constant soil moisture. The application of water in the drip irrigated area was monitored and adjusted on a daily basis so that the soil moisture stayed as close as possible to the recommended level. The sprinkle irrigated area was irrigated according to traditional practices with approximately 35 mm every 7th to 10th day depending on the whether. The result from the field trial was in line with the information found in literature; constant high soil moisture gave on average 11 % higher yield, higher quality and higher number of tubers. The marketable yield increased with 28 % in the drip irrigated area compared with the sprinkle irrigated area. The conclusion from this study is that drip irrigation can be used as a cost effective alternative to traditional sprinkle irrigation.


Joakim Evert Ekelöf

Lärosäte och institution

SLU/Dept. of Landscape Management and Horticultural Technology


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