
Den nya borgmästaren - Ledarrollen, förutsättningar och begränsningar. Det lokalas betydelse för ledarskapet.

Due to globalization, decentralization and the capitalist system's need to physical location cities have become increasingly important economic spheres during thee last decades. City mayors are seen as increasingly important actors, who can shape the future economic development of their cities through networking with businesses and strategic policy development. Therefore several European countries have introduced mayor reforms to enable mayors to take a bigger responsibility for the local development. These reforms raise interesting questions concerning what leadership changes they produce at the local level and if there is a difference between local leaders and leadership in different countries. This paper further explores the connection between the local leader and the locality since this relationship often has been neglect in studies concerning mayor reforms. The method used is essentially a literature study but I have also made two interviews. My paper focuses mainly on France and Sweden to enable the discovery of the relationship between different mayor systems and the locality. The results show a changed leadership role, even in cities ruled by a majority leadership, such as Sweden. Due to a French study the locality also seems to be decisive and the same pattern can be found in Sweden.


Astrid Burhöi

Lärosäte och institution

Lunds universitet/Statsvetenskapliga institutionen


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