
Crip is hip - En intervjustudie om funktionsvarierades aktivism och motståndsstrategier i Göteborg

During the last two years Gothenburg has become a central point in Sweden foractivists in the area of disability. The essay explores which strategies that activist usesin purpose to pay attention to and criticize the Normate. By doing so, five cripactivists have been interviewed about their experiences and feelings about how theymanage to stand up against different types of power relations. The activists describehow they develop different strategies to change their identity positions and takecontrol over themselves.The essay intends to contribute with a crip theoretic view in combination withmaterial feminisms and resistance theory. The conclusions of the essay shows that thenormate is incorporated in both social and material matter and how the activist?s usesthe strategy Critical Disability to negotiate their identity position. It also concludesthat the society is structured by the expectations of the category abel-bodieness.Meaning of language and its contribute to the activists resistance strategies are alsocentral in the essay.


AnnaSofia Alexandersson

Lärosäte och institution

Göteborgs universitet/Institutionen för kulturvetenskaper


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