
Biogasinvesteringar i Linköping

samhällsekonomiskt lönsamt eller inte?

Since some years Linköping has invested in biogas production, mainly from offal's, residuals from food industry and manure. The municipality goes for biogas in the local traffic and in all transportation. It is also possible for private car owners to run their cars on biogas. The purpose of this essay is to perform a cost-benefit analysis and examine if the project has been beneficial from a social point of view. The effects have been identified, measured and monetarily valued. The essay is limited to include the year of 2006 only. It is also geographically limited to the region surrounding Linköping, where Svensk Biogas is operating, that is among other cities Norrköping, Motala and Örebro. The effects include for example air pollution reductions, changes in noise pollution, investment costs and increased running costs. The result shows that the investment in biogas has been profitable during the year of 2006. However, it is justified to be sceptical, because the essay might not include all effects and the one included might be wrongly valued.


Maria Noring

Lärosäte och institution

SLU/Dept. of Economics


Detta är ett examensarbete.

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