
Att resa till och från Arlanda med bil

Bakomliggande orsaker och motiv

The main purpose of this study is to clarify the underlying reasons as to why people choose to travel by car or taxi, and to do so by using people´s choice of transportation to and from Arlanda Airport as an example. Furthermore it is also in our interest to see what changes are needed to make more travellers use the available public transportation.Because of the increasing pollution rate from the means of conveyance headed to and from Arlanda Airport, Luftfartsverket is attempting to decrease the amount of emission from the connecting transportation sources. Luftfartsverket has a pollution limit which is about to be reached in a few years, based on a prognosis made by Arlanda´s office of environmental issues. In order to investigate people´s travel mode choice a survey was conducted at Arlanda Airport, Stockholm. 82 travellers were interviewed on a three day basis inside terminal 4 and 5. The procedure of analysis was based on a phenomenological approach. The results of this study showed that the motives behind car use mainly are that travelling by car is the fastest, and also that people find it comfortable to travel without stops, from one point to another. Studies have shown that the habitual factor strongly influences the travel mode choice as well.


Pierre Ottebratt Anders Paulsson

Lärosäte och institution

Lunds universitet/Institutionen för psykologi


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