
Att Spela Roll - Folkrepubliken Kina som Supermakt

Since the abrupt ending of the Cold Wars the international system of politics has been dominated by the unipolar United States. Leading scholars within structural realism sees this stage as just a temporary condition for various reasons. They also target China as aspirant to embody the role of a balancer against USA and pole in a bi- or multipolar system. Some even argue they are destined for superpower.With the help of realisms definition of power I estimate U.S., China's and India's capabilities and judge their potential superpower. I then go on to connect structural realism and role theory to estimate their different statuses in the system. By collecting superpower role conceptions, in speeches conducted by each one of the states in the General Assembly I can determine whether the objects is performing a superpower role or not.The results of the study points towards USA having the greater capabilities, but China isn?t far behind, lacking in power-projection. India and China resembles each other in latent power but the latter is stronger in military capabilities. I argument that states could achieve superpower status before one possesses the capabilities needed and move on to show that that's the case with China.


Axel Jönsson

Lärosäte och institution

Lunds universitet/Statsvetenskapliga institutionen


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