

56 Uppsatser om Patriarchy - Sida 1 av 4

En jämställd värld? : Innehållsanalys av The Times, Svenska Dagbladet och Iran Times International

This study examined by content analysis and semiotic picture analysis how gender equal the UK newspaper The Times, the U.S/Iranian nespaper Iran Times International and Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet were May 1st 2009 and May 8th 2009. The study had a foundation of feminist theory about Patriarchy and gender theory with a contribution of research about race and its impact on Patriarchy.None of the three papers were fully gender equal. Even though Svenska Dagbladet was found to be the most gender equal when it came to the number of women represented all of the newspapers examined showed patriachal structures since women more often than men were described as victimes, trivialized, incompetent and inferior.  People with a race other than white were in minority but Patriarchy seems to be a stronger form of oppression than racism. White men were in majority and were less opressed than other groups and were because of that most in favour of the newspapers symbolic powers..

Går det att stympa kärlek? : Den liberala och radikala feminismens syn på kvinnlig könsstympning i Etiopien

The purpose of my work is to understand and examine the reasons why Ethiopia has not developed a larger decline of female genital mutilation, despite their ban on it? A ban that has been operating for ten years should reasonably have reached a greater change than the one Ethiopia has developed today. Based on two different branches of feminist theory, the liberal feminist theory and radical feminist theory, I will try to understand the potential power relationship that can be a immense reason for Ethiopia's continued practice with regard to female genital mutilation. I will examine the liberal feminist approach when it comes to seeing the state as the source of the balance of power that generate inequality in the world between men and women. I will also apply the radical feminist theory on my case study and understand the problem of Patriarchy and its already set roles for men and women that we are following in the society today, resulting in gender inequality. The result shows that the radical feminist approach with Patriarchy as essential explanation, which articulates that because of ancient traditions and the exercise of power, the amendment must be the changing of power relations between men and women in the private sphere rather than the liberal feminist approach which applies that the state repair the problem..

Förståelsen av hedersrelaterat våld : En litteraturstudie i ljuset av postkoloniala teorier

The murders of Pela Atroshi, Sara Abed Ali and Fadime Sahindal, started a debate concerning the underlying motives of honour related violence. This paper aimed to describe and explain in what way honour related violence is perceived in publications by academics, public authorities and voluntary organisations to name a few. Different types of literature were thematically analysed as well as analysed using a model by Lorentzon. The scope of this paper was narrowed down to Swedish conditions and excluded men as victims of honour related crimes.The conclusion suggests a definition of honour related violence as a result of general Patriarchy with different features. For example, men?s honour is connected to women?s behaviour and retaining of virginity.

Misogyni i gamingkultur : En kvalitativ diskursanalytisk studie om reproduktionen av patriarkal dominans i gamingkultur

Misogyny in gaming culture ? a qualitative discourse analysis of the reproduction of patriarchal dominance in the gaming culture is based on Teun A. van Dijk's belief that a dominant group continuously produces and reproduces its social dominance over a subordinate group by using the language. The members of this group do not simply do this by being. A person does not want to risk damaging its reputation which makes the dominant group forced to use various strategies to reproduce its dominance.

Omstörtande och återupprättelse : begärsstrukturer och budskap i Aurora Ljungstedts En jägares historier

The aim of this study is to examine how the Swedish writer Aurora Ljungstedt describes relations and desire in her En jägares historier, and what political message she tries to send her audience through that description.I have applied Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick?s theory of erotic triangles to the relationships in En jägares historier and found that they are structured in the way Sedgwick describes. The structure works to uphold and, when needed, re-establish patriarchal order in the book. Most female characters in En jägares historier are ? also in line with Sedgwick?s theory ? no more than articles of trade between men.

En riktig kvinna En studie om traditionell kvinnlig genusidentitet, vad som befäster den samt kvinnans roll inom staten och nationen

This thesis is an attempt to understand how the traditional female gender identity is constructed and what kind of structures that are maintaining it. I also study how this identity is reflected in young women's conception of themselves and in their views upon whether they should sign in to the military service or not.The theoretical framework that I use mainly consists of theories about gender construction, male dominance and the woman's role in the nation-state.The purpose of using this theoretical approach is to illustrate that the traditional female gender identity consists of characteristics that are in opposition to the male ones. The woman should be weaker, less aggressive and more caretaking than men- in sum she is defined as the Other. The structures that constructs this identity is the male dominance, also known as the gender system and the Patriarchy.This traditional female gender identity and citizenship role that historically has been allotted to women in the nation-state is still today very vivant in Sweden and is reflected in the fact that the military service is optional for women. Certain parts of this identity is also reflected in the young women that I interview, in their sense of probably not fitting in to the military service, because of their sex and the characteristics discussed above, that are associated with it..

Attityder till kvinnomisshandel : Attityden till kvinnomisshandel i dagens multikulturella Sverige

Domestic violence against women is a widespread problem around the world, this study aims to investigate Swedish men?s attitudes towards this problem. To investigate this I have done a historic overview of the political attitude change and I interviewed two ethnic Swedish men and two men with a foreign background, this because to get a fair representation of our multicultural society. The results and conclusions is that the attitude haven?t changed that much over the years, it is mostly the latest decades that politicians and the medial debate have acknowledge the imbalance of power between the genders and that the Patriarchy is a major factor towards this attitude.The interviewed showed that the men with foreign background had a tendency to have more traditionally attitude towards women then the Swedish men..

En ny man : om skapandet av och synen på svensk manlighet och känslor.

Manlighet och känslor är, historiskt sett, två sällan sammankopplade fenomen. Mannen har i stor utsträckning setts som den rationella och känslokalla av de två könen. Manlighetsidealet håller dock på att förändras och både forskning och mina informanter menar att mannen idag tillåts visa känslor i mycket större utsträckning än vad som var tillåtet i det manlighetsideal som fanns förr. I Sverige verkar det som att vi numera har androgynatet som dominerande patriarkatfas, vilket innebär mer jämlikhet och individualism. Detta verkar innebära mer frihet för mannen att välja vilka delar av manlighetsidealet han ska internalisera i sitt liv.

En ny man : om skapandet av och synen på svensk manlighet och känslor.

Manlighet och känslor är, historiskt sett, två sällan sammankopplade fenomen. Mannen har i stor utsträckning setts som den rationella och känslokalla av de två könen. Manlighetsidealet håller dock på att förändras och både forskning och mina informanter menar att mannen idag tillåts visa känslor i mycket större utsträckning än vad som var tillåtet i det manlighetsideal som fanns förr. I Sverige verkar det som att vi numera har androgynatet som dominerande patriarkatfas, vilket innebär mer jämlikhet och individualism. Detta verkar innebära mer frihet för mannen att välja vilka delar av manlighetsidealet han ska internalisera i sitt liv.

Bang! Let's smash the patriarchy Hur svenska serietecknare konstruerar och förhandlar feministiska diskurser

This essay analyzes three Swedish cartoon artists: Elias Ericson, Lisa Ewald and AmandaCasanellas. The aim is to examine how they construct feminist strategies through their workand how they convey this visually. The issue of whether these Swedish cartoons can be seenas a part of a bigger political platform is central. Through semiotics and post-colonial andqueer feminist theory, some answers to these questions are searched for.The result shows that all three of the artists can be seen in a bigger activist context, even ifthey work in and through different platforms. Casanellas questions the racism in Swedenand how we should prevent it.

Hedersrelaterat våld : En studie om socialarbetares förståelse av hedersrelaterat våld

After the honor killings of Fadime and Pela, an extensively discussion started in the media, debating honor-related violence and oppression. This debate also made us, the authours of this paper, to pay attention to the problem. As a professional in social work, there are several good points to be made by having an in-depth knowledge in the field, both to discover individuals exposed to honor-related violence and to be able to protect them. The study was conducted by four qualitative interviews with professionals in social work with a professional experience of honor-related problems. Through the interviews, the social worker's view of honor problems emerged.

?Poor, fucked-up, kinky, philanthropic Christian Grey? : en studie i maskulinitet och fantasier om manlig sexualitet i romansviten Fifty Shades of Grey

The current paper is a study of the character Christian Grey in the EL James trilogy Fifty Shades of Grey. The main aim is to find out how masculinity, sexuality and gender are constructed in this erotic fantasy. More over terms as femininity, unmanliness and gender have relevance to the study. Several studies have been done on romance novels and Harlequin in particular from a gender perspective, but few of them from a masculine point of view. Hence, no earlier study has been done on Fifty Shades of Grey with masculinity studies as the main tool of masculinity, or with theories of romance.

'Vi' och 'dem' : -En diskursanalys av konstruktionen av gruppidentitet hos Moderaterna, Sverigedemokraterna och Vänsterpartiet

The aim of this essay is to show if and how group identities are being constructed in maindocuments from three political parties in the Swedish parliament, focusing on class, genderand ethnic identities. The three parties who?s documents are being analyzed are theModerate Party, the Sweden Democrats and the Left Party. The conclusion of the essay isthat the Moderate Party is so focused on the individual that they are not promoting groupidentity based on class, gender or ethnicity. The Sweden Democrats are mostly discussing,and therefore creating a discourse of, cultural identity, where Swedish, Nordic, Europeanand Western culture are being created as the ?us?, and others are being created as ?them?.They are also promoting difference between men and women, therefore dividing the sexesin groups.

Bortom det kroppsliga : Prostitution som martyrskap i europeisk film

Here I study some European films from the late 1950?s and the early 1960?s by directors like Fellini, Visconti, Pasolini and Godard. By comparing them with different sociological studies on the subject of female prostitution I try to find out if these films are interested in the actual situation of the prostitute, or in their own image of the phenomenon. Is she an object used for sex or just an sex object? Is she positively or negatively pictured? With realism or as a stereotype? Which aspects of her situation is shown and which ones are concealed? What is the view on the men who actually use her services?It seems natural that different types of films, with different types of prostitutes, illustrates different aspects of what prostitution might be.

Spornosexualitet : Män, maskulinitet och den manliga kroppen

During the last decade of the twentieth century both ?manhood? and gender studies seems to have undergone changes. With the field of masculinity and the critical studies of men, added as ?subsections? of broader gender studies, new knowledge has been produced to better grasp the production of gender and power relations of Patriarchy. During the same decade as the ?metrosexual? first appeared of the urban stage, acts of homophobia and attitudes towards ?manhood? seems to have changed.

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