

421 Uppsatser om Meetings - Sida 1 av 29

IT-företag möter kund ? en pedagogisk betraktelse.

The aim of this thesis is to analyse and if possible improve the communication, mainly seen from a pedagogical perspective, between the IT company (Nostratic) and their clients in a first meeting. The analysis covers the preparation part, communication during the Meetings, the technical terminology used during the Meetings as well as the follow up of the Meetings. Due to the lack of research within this area and the lack of personal experience on my part, the conducted study has been explorative with the use of qualitative methods. Although my first aim was to put emphisis on the pedagogical part of the communication, I found while conducting the study that there were other areas of higher importance to analyse in order to improve the customer Meetings. Unfortunately the company went bankrupt in the middle of my study which resulted in me not beeing able to try out the potential improvements.

Folkrätt och kärnvapen : Om tillämpningen av NPT som icke-spridning och nedrustningsavtal

To work in an unpredictable work environment requires communication that functions well. In every organization it?s important that employees receive information that is relevant yet not confusing. Due to that, our ambition with this study is to understand how rescue effort organizations communicate in Meetings; and whether their communication is clear or not. Our subject for this case study is the Emergency Services in the region of Karlstad.

Meningsskapande i formella och informella möten : En studie av Räddningstjänsten Karlstadsregionen

To work in an unpredictable work environment requires communication that functions well. In every organization it?s important that employees receive information that is relevant yet not confusing. Due to that, our ambition with this study is to understand how rescue effort organizations communicate in Meetings; and whether their communication is clear or not. Our subject for this case study is the Emergency Services in the region of Karlstad.

Resefria möten : Ett projekt för att minska slöserier på arbetsplatsen

AbstractThis degree project is about having Meetings in The Swedish Social Insurance Agency, which is awide organisation. This work will concentrate on one of the projects going on within theorganisation which is travel-free Meetings, where they are building a video meeting system thatallows the employees in the organisation to be able to meet with each other through the use ofvideoconferencing instead of physical Meetings.In this work we will show how Kaikaku (radical system changes) along with Kaizen (continuouschange) can support an organisation to become more efficient and reduce wastage. We have donethis work in an organisation that is present in over one hundred locations in Sweden.The Social Insurance Agency has over 13 000 employees at over one hundred locations inSweden.The organisation has to be close to their customers and provide the best service aspossible. To be able to work in a uniform way, the employees get together and have Meetings.Some Meetings are just progress Meetings and takes perhaps no more than two hours to complete.However, if seven employees from seven different locations need to have Meetings, in the worstcase, they all have to meet in a common place.This is expensive for the organisation in travel costs, time and absence from work, but thetravelling also contributes to environmental pollution if the employees are travelling by a fuelpoweredvehicle.A whole day could go lost for having a meeting in about two hours if all sevenemployees went from their own cities to e.g. Stockholm for the meeting.Muda (wastage) of travel created several different types of Muda, namely:? Wastage with anticipation when the employees had to wait for e.g.

Svåra samtal? Hur sköterskor på barnavårdscentraler samtalar med föräldrar till överviktiga barn : En intervjustudie

AbstractThis degree project is about having Meetings in The Swedish Social Insurance Agency, which is awide organisation. This work will concentrate on one of the projects going on within theorganisation which is travel-free Meetings, where they are building a video meeting system thatallows the employees in the organisation to be able to meet with each other through the use ofvideoconferencing instead of physical Meetings.In this work we will show how Kaikaku (radical system changes) along with Kaizen (continuouschange) can support an organisation to become more efficient and reduce wastage. We have donethis work in an organisation that is present in over one hundred locations in Sweden.The Social Insurance Agency has over 13 000 employees at over one hundred locations inSweden.The organisation has to be close to their customers and provide the best service aspossible. To be able to work in a uniform way, the employees get together and have Meetings.Some Meetings are just progress Meetings and takes perhaps no more than two hours to complete.However, if seven employees from seven different locations need to have Meetings, in the worstcase, they all have to meet in a common place.This is expensive for the organisation in travel costs, time and absence from work, but thetravelling also contributes to environmental pollution if the employees are travelling by a fuelpoweredvehicle.A whole day could go lost for having a meeting in about two hours if all sevenemployees went from their own cities to e.g. Stockholm for the meeting.Muda (wastage) of travel created several different types of Muda, namely:? Wastage with anticipation when the employees had to wait for e.g.

Förändrade resemönster i Gävleborgs län : En sammanställning av kostnader och klimatpåverkan vid tjänsteresor samt analys av sociala effekter vid ett skifte mot videkonferens i en organisation

The world we live in becomes more globalized as a result of new communication media. Communication occurs over greater distances which leads to increased travel. In the report AR5, by IPCC, it is showed that the human impact of climate change is clear and that something has to be done. Therefore its very important to change the human impact. A part of it is to change the way we travel within the service which leads to the purpose of the thesis.

Social interaktion : -en kvalitativ studie om vägledning mot arbetslivet

Using a qualitative research method to get the empiricism for analysis, we have analyzed advisors and job seekers experience of management Meetings at the job center in Halmstad. We used a semi-structured interview form when we collected the empiricism from four advisors, four job seekers and one complementary actor in the form of a job coach, with a hermeneutic approach to interpreting the informants? subjective experience. We also chose to analyze our results using theories by Asplund, Von Wright, Mead, Scheff, Barth and MalténsThe results presented have shown that time is what they all described as lacking. It was found that the job seekers had a reasonable degree of common experience in both the management Meetings and the working role of the advisors, while the advisors themselves were divided on how their role would be applied.

Biblioteket som mötesplats ? vad menas med det?

This thesis examines how library employees experience the library as a meeting place. Our questions are: What effect has the concept of a "library as a meeting-place" for library staff?How do they see the library as a meeting place? How do they see their workplace as a venue for Meetings? The respondents interviewed work in public libraries. We were inspired by a cultural geographic theory that we re-designed. The following divisions were made in order to give the work a definitive structure:The "mental space"The library as a meeting place on a global and universal level;The "conceived space"Librarians and planners' thinking on the specific library as a meeting place;The "living space"How library staff perceive that the library is used as a meeting place in reality.In our analysis, we use a phenomenographic qualitative interpretive methodology.

WTO - spelarena för utvecklingsländer? En studie om avgörande faktorer för utvecklingsländers förmåga att implementera sina regimpreferenser

This Bachelor Thesis is entitled "WTO-spelarena för utvecklingsländer? En studie om avgörande faktorer för utvecklingsländers förmåga att implementera sina regimpreferenser". Through our empirical results in conjunction with realist theories, this Bachelor thesis attempts to answer the questions: (1) How does the decline in American power, the nature of existing institutional structure and Third World unity, influence the ability of developing countries to secure its preferred regimes? (2) What function do informal Meetings in the WTO have? (3) How does access to informal Meetings influence the ability of developing countries to secure its preferred regimes? The paper makes use of case studies from the Ministerial Meetings in the Doha development round.The conclusion is that access to these Meetings is an important variable to explain the extent to which the Third World can be able to secure its preferred regimes. The degree to which developing countries can secure their preferred regimes is therefore a function of four variables: the nature of existing institutional structures; Third World unity, the attitude and power of the United States and foremost access to informal Meetings..

Samtal på bokbussen - en kvalitativ studie om de samtal och möten som sker på en bokbuss

This Bachelor ?s thesis is about the conversations and Meetings that take place in the mobile library. The research questions will try to answer: What do the staff talk about with each other, what conversations do the staff engage in with their users and what do the users talk about amongst themselves? The thesis main question is trying to answer of what is characteristic for the mobile library ?s conversations and Meetings. Is the mobile library as a meetingplace any different in comparison with the city library? Focus lies on the eveningtours of the mobile library and excludes those tours that service schools and learning-centers.

Europeiska mötesdestinationer : En jämförelsestudie om professionella möten & mötesindustrin i Stockholm, Warszawa & Rom

The meeting industry is a growing industry around the world, and the technological development in recent decades is one of the contributing factors to the increased travel opportunities and meeting industry's expansion. It can be assumed that the technology could replace some of the personal Meetings, but humans have always had a need to meet in physical locations in work related purposes, therefore there is no evidence that personal Meetings will disappear. Technological development should be seen as complementary rather than a substitute to the existing professional Meetings. Public and private sectors within countries has drawn attention to meeting industry's potential, as favored destinations in terms of economic administration, image creation, expansion and acquisition of further market share in the global market. Meeting industry is complex precisely because there are so many different actors and stakeholders that integrate.

Kommunikation i möten : Två blivande förskollärares reflektioner över samtalets svårigheter med föräldrar och kollegor

This essay deals with the various difficulties that can arise in conversations and Meetings with parents and colleagues in the preschool world. The essay is based on two self-perceived stories that culminate in dilemmas that are difficult to assess, where our own actions come into question.The purpose of this essay is to gain a greater understanding and awareness of why we become insecure when our communication with others fails. Our research questions assist us in gaining an understanding that our own and others' behavior in Meetings and conversations can be influenced by past experience, ourvalues and our emotions. This means, for example, that we must be aware that our values - ideal images, functions as both our guide and trip wires. We must also bear in mind that our ability to manage our own emotional reactions is  significant when it comes to facing our own and others' feelings.

Ledningens skådespel: Hur tolkar aktieanalytiker bolagsledningars framföranden?

There has been an increase in the importance and amount of information concerning publicly traded stocks in recent years. When analyzing and valuing stocks finding new ways of collecting information has therefore increased in importance. This thesis aims to explore how Meetings with management can impact the stock valuation done by the security analysts. Furthermore the case study examines what kind of information analysts can receive by interpreting management at these Meetings. This case study of ten Swedish security analysts show that the analyst?s stock valuation is directly or indirectly affected by the Meetings.

Anonyma Alkoholister : Vilken inverkan självhjälpsgruppen har på gruppdeltagarnas välbefinnande

AbstractWe are interested in group Meetings of the self-help group Alcoholic Anonymous and the emotional energy created therein. We examine which impact self-help group AA has on its group participants regarding: group Meetings, dealing with alcoholism and identity. Group membership has great value for individuals; it provides social identity and possibility to self-value. Previous research shows that group members of self-help groups who have been sober for a period of time experience higher self-esteem and less anxiety compared to non-members. Our thesis is based on a hermeneutic approach.

Kvarteret Mjölnaren : bostadsgård på bjälklag

Uppsalahem, Uppsalas municipal renting company, builds about 250 new apartments every year. Mjölnaren in Kungsängen is a project which contributes with about 130 new renting apartments finished in 2010/2011. This report has lead up to a proposal. Focus lies on how to create a courtyard on beam joists where shape, style and different types of functions are important elements. The report also brings up ground materials, details, plants, availability and built up plantings. All these aspects together are what create a well functioning and pleasant courtyard. All through the work with this report I have taken part of the Meetings concerning the project.

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