

46 Uppsatser om Knee - Sida 1 av 4

Träning med mål och coachning för patienter med knäartros

Aim: To investigate if physical exercise in combination with coaching will reduce pain and improve Knee function in patients with mild to moderate osteoarthritis in the Knee compared to physical exercise alone.Method: The study consisted of 42 patients who were randomized to either an intervention group or a control group. Both groups followed a standardized training program at home, but the intervention group received additional support with regard to the aim of their training, as well as extra coaching during the training period of ten weeks. A Visual Analog Scale (VAS) was used to evaluate the patients? pain. A 10 metre walking test, the Index of Muscle Function (IMF) and the Knee injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score (KOOS) were also used to evaluate Knee function.

Behandlingsmetoder vid hopparknä: en litteraturstudie

Jumper´s Knee is a common overuse injury due to repetitive microtrauma to the patellar tendon. It is especially common among athletes who are involved in sporting activities that involve jumping or fast running. The term jumper´s Knee was adopted after Blazina published his original paper in 1973. Its pathology can be considered as a partial or total rupture of the patellar tendon in one of its three insertions. The aim of this literature study was to review the methods used to treat this condition and the results obtained focusing on pain relief and returning to previous sport or level of activity.

ACL-rupturer hos fotbollstjejer ? riskfaktorer och prevention

Non-contact anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries is a serius and traumatic injury to the Knee that is common in female soccer players and often force the player to quit or lower the level of activity because of lost stability in the Knee or from fear to suffer  a new injury. Female soccerplayers have a higher risk than their male counterparts to get an ACL rupture and especially adolescent females have a high risk. The most common causes to a non-contact ACL rupture is side-cutting manuvers and landing after jumping. Every other player with an ACL rupture develops osteoarthritis within 10-15 years from the time of injuryResults: The higher risk for females to incur a ACL rupture is due to smaller intercondylar notch, they?re in the follicular or ovulatory phase of their menstrual cycle, increased Knee laxity, dominance in the quadriceps muscles, flexion in hip and valgus movement in the Knee.

Vibrationsträning vid knäledsartros

In cooperation with Hälsoteamet Halmstad a pilot study was made to see if whole body vibration exercise has any effect on muscle strength, movement and experience of pain in people with Knee osteoarthritis. Today whole body vibration exercise is a revolutionary exercise method that needs more studies to show the positive and negative effects. Osteoarthritis is a degenerative disease where more cartilage is destroyed than replaced. The most common symptoms are pain, stiffness, restricted movement, muscularly atrophy, tenderness and instability. The cartilage needs pressure to rebuild, it is therefore important that the patient exercise.

Kundanpassning av ett rehabiliteringsverktyg

To be able to move around without having to think about each movement is for most people amatter of course. Todays society contributes to a life at high speed where the sparetime is oftenspend doing somekind of sport, even extreme sports which earlier only a few people wheredoing. This leads to not only good health effects but also to more injuries. One of the mostcommon injuries is the Knee injury.Capio Artro Clinic is a clinic specialized in sports medicine and particulary patients with injuriesin Knee, shoulder, foot, hip or elbow. They perform a great part of all the crucial ligamentsurgeries in Sweden and has therefor also a lot of patients in need for rehabilitation of the Knee.During the rehabilitation the load of the injuried Knee is increased in steps.

Patienters upplevelser av bemötande vid postoperativ smärta - efter knä eller höftledsarthroplastikPatients experiences of nursing interaction in the context of postoperative pain - after knee or hiparthroplasty

Elective joint surgery increases for every year and the operations are associated with postoperative pain. Postoperative pain is a well known phenomenon and pain physiology and analgesics are well known by caregivers, but the significance of the interaction between patient and caregiver is not illuminated. There are still patients experiencing unnecessary postoperative pain. Among patients in elective surgery, 25% runs a risk for underestimated pain. The aim of the study was to describe patient?s experiences of nursing interaction in the context of postoperative pain during hospitalisation after going through Knee- or hiparthropasty.

Patienters upplevelser av bemötande vid postoperativ smärta - efter knä eller höftledsarthroplastik Patients experiences of nursing interaction in the context of postoperative pain - after knee or hiparthroplasty

Elective joint surgery increases for every year and the operations are associated with postoperative pain. Postoperative pain is a well known phenomenon and pain physiology and analgesics are well known by caregivers, but the significance of the interaction between patient and caregiver is not illuminated. There are still patients experiencing unnecessary postoperative pain. Among patients in elective surgery, 25% runs a risk for underestimated pain. The aim of the study was to describe patient?s experiences of nursing interaction in the context of postoperative pain during hospitalisation after going through Knee- or hiparthropasty.

Skadeförebyggande träning inom elitdamfotbollen : Tränarnas fokus på att förebygga en främre korsbandsskada

This quality study was carried out with seven semi-structured interviews and five of them were with elite women´s football coaches. What has been studied is how elite women?s football coaches are working with injury prevention training to their Knees for the women?s football players. An anterior cruciate ligament injury in elite women?s football is both common and serious Knee injury.

Jämförelse av effekter från gruppträning i bassäng med landträning hos patienter med knäartros : Utvärdering av effekter på smärta, funktion i det dagliga livet och fritid- och idrottsaktiviteter

AbstractAimThe aim of the pilot study was to compare short- and long-term effects from group exercise in water with land-based exercise on pain at rest and pain with movement, along with the effects on function in daily life and practice of sports and leisure activities in patients with Knee osteoarthritis. The aims were: Is there a difference in short- and long-term effects on pain intensity at rest and pain with movement after exercise in water or land in patients with Knee osteoarthritis? Is there a correlation between the degree of pain intensity at rest and with movement, respectively and long-term effects from the two different exercises on function in daily life and practice of sports and leisure? MethodThe study was a randomized intervention study without a control group. Twenty patients with radiographic Knee osteoarthritis were under a total of eight weeks treated with either land- or water-based exercise lead by a physiotherapist. The patients rated pain intensity at rest and with movement on a numerical rating scale (NRS) before and after the first training session, before and after the eighth training session, before and after the fifteenth training session and before the last and sixteenth training session.

Intensivträning i grupp efter knäartroplastik

Syftet med studie var att undersöka om intensiv knäträning i grupp kunde förbättra rörlighet, funktion och styrka i knäet efter artroplastikoperationen i jämförelse med sedvanlig rehabilitation. Interventionsgruppen tränade 2 gånger/vecka i cirka 14 veckor i jämförelse med kontrollgruppen som fick rutinmässig träning via primärvårdens sjukgymnaster. Interventionen utvärderas med Knee injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score (KOOS) och smärtskattning (Visuell Analog Skala) och funktionstest med modifierad Functional Assessment System (m- FAS), före operation och fyra månader efter operation. Resultaten visade att det fanns ingen signifikant skillnad mellan grupperna efter interventionen beträffande någon utvärderings parametrar. Resultatet visade en liten tendens (inte signifikant) för bättre rörlighet i knäet, mindre smärta och bättre funktion i det dagliga livet och bättre livskvalitet för interventionsgruppen.

Långdistanslöpning och artros : En systematisk litteraturstudie

Sammanfattning Syfte och frågeställningarSyftet med denna studie var att sammanställa kvalitet på och resultat av studier som undersökt om långdistanslöpning ger artros i höft-, knä- eller fotleder. Finns det vetenskaplig evidens för att långdistanslöpning ger artros i höft-, knä- eller fotleder? Vilka styrkor och svagheter har de studier som försökt utröna om samband finns mellan långdistanslöpning och artros i höft-, knä- eller fotleder? MetodSökning av litteratur utfördes i PubMed, CINAHL, Cochrane Library och PEDro. Detta resulterade i att tio artiklar inkluderades för närmare granskning och sammanställning. Utifrån artiklarnas sammantagna bevisvärde poängsattes och graderades artiklarna efter evidensnivå enligt Statens Beredning för medicinsk Utvärderings (SBU) granskningsmallar för kohortstudier med kontrollgrupper. ResultatEndast en av tio studier visar ett positivt samband mellan långdistanslöpning och artros i höft-, knä- eller fotleder, i detta fall höftledsartros.

Sjukgymnastiska interventioner vid patellar tendinopati

Introduktion: Patellar tendinopati (?jumper´s Knee?) drabbar idrottare inom många olika idrotter, med högst prevalens inom idrotter där många hopp förekommer. De bakomliggande orsakerna vid patellar tendinopati är ännu inte klarlagda. Durationen på symtomen är ofta lång och mycket besvärande för den drabbade idrottaren. Syfte: Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att göra en evidenssammanställning av de sjukgymnastiska rehabiliteringsalternativ som finns vid patellar tendinopati.

Kan mjuka golv i grisningsboxar minska skador på klövar och ben hos smågrisar?

The incidence of damage to the claws and legs in piglets caused by the floor in farrowing pens is a widely known problem and very common in today's pig herds. Although the association between floor and damage has been known for over 35 years, no suitable solution has been found to reduce the negative impact. The purpose of this study was to make a literature study to document the experiences of the use of different types of flooring in farrowing pens and also, in an own study, examine if soft floor in farrowing crates could lead to reduced damage to the claws and legs in piglets compared to concrete floor. The study was conducted in two herds, A and B. In each herd, farrowing pens with concrete floor and concrete floor with polyurethane coating were compared.

Hur upplevs en främre korsbandsskada som ådragits för mer än 10 år sedan påverka den skadade idag?

Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate how women who have incurred ACL injury for more than 10 years ago, feel that the injury affects them today.Method: A qualitative semi-structured interview survey with five women who 10- 28 years ago incurred the anterior cruciate ligament injuries when playing handball or soccer has been performed. The study has been inspired by a phenomenological concept of science, mainly by life-world concept. Data were analyzed using qualitative content analysis.Main result: Some informants have experienced severe loss of physical ability in both daily living situations and in training, while others did not appreciably felt impacted in daily living and experienced great opportunities for physical activity. Limitations which emerged were restrictions in movement, joint stiffness, pain, swelling, and crepitations that led to the loss of physical ability. One respondent had been diagnosed with advanced osteoarthritis.

Tidigt insatt hög-intensiv vadmuskelträning efter knäplastikoperation : Effekt på vadmuskelstyrka, självvald gånghastighet och självskattad symptom, smärta, ADL funktion samt livskvalité

SyfteSyftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka genomförbarheten av en hög-intensiv träningsintervention efter knäplastikoperation samt hur knäplastikopererade personers självvalda gånghastighet, maximal vadmuskelstyrka, vadmuskeluthållighet och självupplevda symptom, smärta, ADL funktion och hälsorelaterad livskvalité påverkas av tidigt insatt hög-intensiv styrketräning av vadmuskulaturen.MetodFemton forskningspersoner randomiserades till en träningsgrupp (n=7), som utförde hemträningsprogram i form av hög-intensiv vadmuskelträning samt till en kontrollgrupp (n=8) som utförde samma rehabiliteringsprogram som träningsgruppen utan hög-intensiv vadmuskelträning. En testprocedur genomfördes 3 respektive 12 veckor efter knäplastikoperationen. Självvald gånghastighet mättes genom ett 30 meters gångtest, vadmuskeluthållighet mättes med ett standardiserat tåhävningstest på ett ben, maximal isometrisk vadmuskelstyrka mättes med hjälp av en isometrisk dynamometer och självskattad symptom, smärta, ADL funktion och livskvalité utvärderades genom Knee injury Osteoarthritis Outcome Score (KOOS).ResultatDenna studie påvisar viss problematik med följsamheten i träningsregim för båda grupperna. Båda gruppernas sammanslagna resultat uppvisade signikant förbättrad självvald gånghastighet, maximal vadmuskelstyrka och uthållighet över tid. Trots detta ökade träningsgruppen den självvalda gånghastigheten signifikant mer än kontrollgruppen över tid.

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