

24 Uppsatser om Homeland - Sida 1 av 2

Ett komplext hemland : En kvalitativ studie av televisionsprogrammet Homeland

After 9/11 and the following War on Terror, Muslims are often understood as global enemies. However, the idea of an international, Islamic enemy is in some circumstances criticized, not least after the actions of Anders Behring Breivik in Norway in 2011.This study analyses the North American, Emmy Award-winning television series Homeland. It centres on the War on Terror and the following social and political climate, and there are opposing understandings regarding how religion and ethnicity are portrayed in the series. Accordingly, the aim of this study is to analyse how such aspects are constructed in the series. A text analysis is used methodologically and the theoretical perspective contents of Semiotics, Eurocentrism and Orientalism in general, and Islamophobic themes in particular.This study shows that in Homeland, the portrayal of heroes and enemies plus good and evil is complex.

Spoiler alert : En analys av kvinnliga karakta?rer i tv-serien Homeland ur ett nationsperspektiv

This essay is a comparison according to the ideological thoughts about womens position in the society of Mao Zedong och Josef Stalin. The material I have analysed is writings by Mao and Stalin, in a wide range from leaflets to orders to the armies of the states of China and the Soviet Union. The method I have used is an ideological analysis where the attitude towards women is the target for my survey. The attitude towards women generally was not unified in the world during the time for Mao and Stalin. In many countries the women was intended to take care of the children and the home, not be active in working and fighting.

Från ensamkommande barn till deltagande elev : En undersökning om hur Huddinge kommun, Annerstaskolan och AB Vårljus hjälper de ensamkommande barnen att integreras i skolan

Many children and adolescents up to the age eighteen come from other countries alone to Sweden to seek asylum. Sweden receives many unaccompanied children and the number of unaccompanied children is increasing every year. There are various reasons to why the unaccompanied children flee their Homeland to come to Sweden. Many of the unaccompanied children come from countries such as Somalia, Afghanistan and Eritrea. The unaccompanied children?s families choose to send their children to Sweden to protect them from armed conflict and other social or political unrest going on in their Homeland. This essay aims to explore how the integration of the newly arrived unaccompanied children works in schools.

Vem är där ute? : Att skapa en tibetansk identitet på Internet

This thesis in social anthropology is based on a field study on the Internet exploring Tibetan identity. With a post-modern approach the thesis explores the possibility fora non-tibetan to create a Tibetan Internet identity and become a part of the Tibetan community that exist on the Internet..

Identitetsprocesser bland kurder i Sverige : En jämförande intervjustudie mellan första och andra generationens nysvenska kurder

The purpose of this paper is to study the processes of identity and feelings of connectedness among first and second generation of Kurds in the Swedish society.In previous research I assumed that this sense of belonging to a nation includes identity and language. As regards the theory part, I have chosen to use a number of studies to elucidate this issue. The theories used in the study focuses primarily on the understanding of identity. Identity in this context can include linguistic, religious, cultural acts, even nationality or that claiming membership to a particular group.I have implemented twenty-four depth interviews with first and second generation of Kurds in the ages 21?58.

Bära Sorg Föra Liv : En studie om begravningsritualer bland syrianer/assyrier i hemlandet och i Sverige.

This essay describes the phases of funeral rituals between the Syrian/Assyrian, and compares the Homeland with Sweden. It describes the stage of rituals according to Victor Turner schema of separation, margin or limin, and aggregation. The rituals religious significance agrees with Clifford Geertz?s theory about the importance of religious beliefs for the human being.

Säkerhetspolitik, Medborgare & Frihet

The terror attack in New York year 2001 was a turning point in international politics. New policies were reformed in both USA and EU to secure their citizens from terrorism. The power of the institutions has developed and the question is; how does the new security policy affect people?s freedom? Is it the agencies new policies that are restricting the freedom or the actions of a terrorist? The purpose of this study is to examine if the security policies in USA and EU are protecting their citizen?s freedom. Many individuals are not aware of how much the security policies are affecting their lives.

Internet : och den tibetanska diasporan

Uppsatsen handlar om hur tibetaner använder sig av Internet i strävan efter en nationell identitet och i kampen för ett fritt Tibet. Med information från fyra tibetaner analyseras olika webbplatser kopplade till den tibetanska diasporan för att se om denna koppling finns. Med hjälp av tidigare diaspora forskning och Benedict Andersons tankar om en föreställd gemenskap görs en analys av kopplingen mellan diasporan, Internet och en föreställd gemenskap. Abstracts: This essay discuss how Tibetans use Internet in their effort to maintain a national identity and their struggle for a free Tibet. With information from four Tibetans, Internet sites connected to the Diaspora is analyzed to see if this connection exists.

Samverkan mellan mark- och flygstridskrafterna : En nulägesanalys utifrån samarbetet kring Close Air Support

There are many kinds of joint operations and combinations of combined arms. This thesis puts its focus on Close Air Support, CAS. Throughout history there have been several cases of success, regarding these kinds of operations, but also failure. Much can be taught from organizational behaviour studies, applied on these military organisations in their cooperation with each other. The purpose of this thesis is to analyze the cooperation between the Swedish army and air force to determine the functionality of their process.

Hur påverkar nationalkultur Lean-principernas framträdande? : En marknadsundersökning för Abou AB:s internationaliseringsprocess

The purpose of this paper is to examine how six students who attend a high school relate to their multilingualism and emphasize how their multilingualism has affected their views of themselves and their identity. The fundamental questions were:How do six students who attend a secondary school relate to their multilingualism?How has students' multilingualism affected their views of themselves and their identity?I did use a qualitative research method in terms of interviews to receive answers for my inquiries.Carla Jonsson (2010) speaks inter alia about ?the third space? which concerns adolescents creating a ?third room?. Almqvist (2006) believes that adolescents that are exposed to discrimination and prejudices can lead to them turning their backs on society in disappointment. Boyd (1985) has, in his thesis, found that multilingual students communicate with the majority language and with their mother tongue with their parents.

Förstår barnen innebörden av sin tvåspråkighet och i så fall vilka fördelar respektive nackdelar finns de enligt dem. : En studie om tvåspråkiga barns uppfattning om sin egen tvåspråkighet.

This study aims to find out what students think about bilingualism as well as whether there are advantages and disadvantages of it, based on the children's perspective. All children in this class are bilingual, is thus a mother tongue other than Swedish. All were born in Sweden but has parents who are originally from / born in other countries in addition to having mom who was born in Sweden but originally from another country. In my study I have chosen to use qualitative methods in which I used semi-structured interviews and non participant observations. In the study, I have come to interview the children think that being bilingual is good, they mean that there are some drawbacks to this except that it can sometimes be a bit hard when someone does not understand.

Att inte anse sig vara eller kunna bli svensk : Fyra svensksomaliers uppfattning om identitet

Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att redogöra för hur fyra svensksomalier ser på svenskhet och undersöka eventuella hinder de identifierar för att bli betraktade som svenska. Jag har tittat närmare på hur de ser på sin identitet och vilket samband det har med vad de betraktar som sitt hem respektive hemland. Jag visar att mina informanter förhåller sig på ett delvis varierande sätt till svenskhet och att det bland dem också finns flera gemensamma sätt att resonera på. Att bli helt svensk är något de både väljer bort och något de inte anser sig ha möjlighet att bli. Hur de betraktar sig själva är i högsta grad beroende inte bara av andras bemötande utan även vad de antar att andra har för uppfattning om dem.

?Jag kommer aldrig säga att jag är svensk? : En kvalitativ studie kring sex elevers förhållning till sin flerspråkighet och hur den har påverkat synen på dem själva och deras identitet

The purpose of this paper is to examine how six students who attend a high school relate to their multilingualism and emphasize how their multilingualism has affected their views of themselves and their identity. The fundamental questions were:How do six students who attend a secondary school relate to their multilingualism?How has students' multilingualism affected their views of themselves and their identity?I did use a qualitative research method in terms of interviews to receive answers for my inquiries.Carla Jonsson (2010) speaks inter alia about ?the third space? which concerns adolescents creating a ?third room?. Almqvist (2006) believes that adolescents that are exposed to discrimination and prejudices can lead to them turning their backs on society in disappointment. Boyd (1985) has, in his thesis, found that multilingual students communicate with the majority language and with their mother tongue with their parents.

En nationell sorg En analys av effekterna av mordet på utrikesminister Anna Lindh utifrån ett nationalistiskt perspektiv

In September 2003 the Swedish minister of foreign affairs Anna Lindh was murdered. The murder shocked Sweden and the picture of a safe Homeland was challenged. The Swedish people joined together in different manifestations and rituals to show their appreciation for the minister and to mourn together. A few days later the nation was going to vote on whether Sweden should join the euro and the minister was involved in the campaign. The aim for this thesis is to understand how this national crisis was handled in Sweden.

Integration av mångkulturella elever i skolan : En kvalitativ studie från skolkuratorers perspektiv

The Swedish school in today?s society is multicultural. One of the main questions is how to integratethese students in the Swedish society. The purpose with the study is to explore how schoolcounsellors? work to promote the integration of multicultural students and what factors can influencethe integration of these students.

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