

27 Uppsatser om Heuristics - Sida 1 av 2

Larmbolagets webbplats : En studie om skapandet av en tillgänglig och användbar webbplats

This paper accounts for the work with a website for a company whose real name will not be disclosed in the text of this paper. Instead, they have been assigned the fictitious name Larmbolaget, which can be translated as ?The Alarm Company?.During our work with Larmbolaget?s website, we consulted a selection of accessibility guidelines from the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, developed by a working group within the World Wide Web Consortium, as well as a number of design principles and Heuristics outlined in this paper. We also conducted several usability tests on users from our intended target group. All the measures taken were an effort to ensure that Larmbolaget?s website be as accessible and usable as possible.Our conclusion is that the resulting website does comply with the accessibility guidelines and design principles described in this paper, and thus we consider it to be accessible and usable to a wide range of users, including those with disabilities..

Sju heuristiker för utvärdering av webb-API:er

The amount of web APIs that are open to the public is increasing fast. Both the free web APIs as well as the ones that cost money to access. Both bigger and smaller organizations, professional and non-professional developers use these web APIs to add value to their systems or use it to create new applications. This is an area study where alot of research has been done in the last few years. In spite of this there are still no user-centered evaluation methods for web APIs.

Beslutsfattande och uppmärksamhet : Heuristikers påverkan på kognitiva resurser inom konsumentpsykologi

Every day we make numerous decisions. Some are better than others. Intuitive decisions usually results in less good decisions when we do not reason about our choices. Research has been interested about the process that is behind how we make good decisions. Decisions we face every day, such as when we shop, determined using various mental shortcuts that we use unconsciously.

En usabilityutvärdering av Umeå Universitetsbiblioteks OPAC

This is a heuristic evaluation of Umeå university library?s Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC). It makes use of four of Nielsen?s ten Heuristics, flexibility and efficiency to use, match between the system and real world, visibility of system status, and aesthetic and minimalist design. The evaluation was done by having 3 evaluators inspect the interface individually, as per Nielsen?s (1990) recommendation of 3-5 evaluators.

De åtta grundpelarna för motivation : En vidareutveckling av ett ramverk för implementering av gamification i pedagogiska applikationer

How to motivate yourself to learn has always been an area of interest, gamification has become a way of capturing and enhancing ones motivation. But how should the learning applications be designded to maximize the users motivation? This paper adresses wether Yu-Kai Chous framework Octalysis, is applicable on learning applications. The study is conducted by using a modified set of Heuristics that are applied to the evaluated applications to gather data that is then used to evaluate the framework. The paper concludes that the framework can be used to evaluate learning applications but it should be modified to improve the results.

Fördelar och nackdelar med utematematik : Lärares, föräldrars och elevers inställning till arbetsformen

Aligning parallell terms in a parallell corpus can be done by aligning all words and phrases in the corpus and then performing term extraction on the aligned set of word pairs. Alternatively, term extraction in the source and target text can be made separately and then the resulting term candidates can be aligned, forming aligned parallell terms. This thesis describes an implementation of a word aligner that is applied on extracted term candidates in both the source and the target texts. The term aligner uses statistical measures, the tool Giza++ and Heuristics in the search for alignments. The evaluation reveals that the best results are obtained when the term alignment relies heavily on the Giza++ tool and Levenshtein heuristic..

Implementation och utvärdering av termlänkare i Java

Aligning parallell terms in a parallell corpus can be done by aligning all words and phrases in the corpus and then performing term extraction on the aligned set of word pairs. Alternatively, term extraction in the source and target text can be made separately and then the resulting term candidates can be aligned, forming aligned parallell terms. This thesis describes an implementation of a word aligner that is applied on extracted term candidates in both the source and the target texts. The term aligner uses statistical measures, the tool Giza++ and Heuristics in the search for alignments. The evaluation reveals that the best results are obtained when the term alignment relies heavily on the Giza++ tool and Levenshtein heuristic..

Skapa, Publicera & Presentera : Utveckling av en befintlig Webcast- produkt genom interaktionsdesign

I detta examensarbete beskrivs uppdrag, tillvägagångssätt och resultat för framställning av prototyper för editering av webbsända presentationer. Prototyperna består av två produktionslägen, On-Demand och Live, anpassat för en befintlig webcast- produkt. Utvecklingen har skett iterativt tillsammans med uppdragsgivaren Qbrick. För att prototyperna ska uppnå en god användbarhet har kognitiva- & heuristiska genomgångar genomförts. Funktioner och tilltänkta arbetsflöden har tagits fram efter en användarprofil utifrån resultat av genomförd förstudie.

Utvärdering av gränssnittet hos en VOD-tjänst : En undersökning av användbarhetsproblem hos Netflix? gränssnitt med hjälp av en lätt modifikation av Jacob Nielsens ?usability heuristics?

For better understanding of how users interact with the video on demand service Netflix a study was conducted in 10 Swedish households. This study is based on the well-established heuristic evaluation method of Jacob Nielsen, which we modified slightly by letting the users to act as ?evaluation experts? and informing them about the heuristic rules of thumb during the evaluation process. The purpose of this study was to identify usability problems when people interact with Netflix? interface.

Aktiesammanställare med teknisk analys och simulation

Websites today only offer simpler form of technical analysis and are not fun to use, therefore student decided to build a website that makes technical analysis a bit more fun by giving user possibility to experiment with settings for technical indicators and also see clear visible results from analysis. Student decided to build website in ASP.NET. Technical indicators for this project only consist of those who give buy and sell-signals via cross-over, no divergence or pattern finding.This project has three questions that define this project. It?s important that there is good functionality so that performing an analysis is perceived as simple, one question is therefore; what functionality for website is needed in order for analysis to be perceived as more simple?Technical analysis is a pretty complex subject and demands an interface that is perceived as easy to understand and easy to use, it?s therefore important that the interface is well designed, second question is therefore; how should the interface be designed to be user-friendly?When systems grow large they often become hard to develop and later on unmaintainable because of the accumulated complexity and dependency between classes, the code is a mess, the last question is therefore; how can the systems complexity be eased with object-oriented design principles?Jakob Nielsens ten Heuristics for User Interface Design were used as inspiration for designing the interface for the website.

Heuristiker för Sociala Spel : En studie om design och utvärdering av sociala digitala spel

Sociala digitala spel har ökat i popularitet sedan genren etablerades år 2007. Sociala spel är en vardag för många människor och återfinns på- eller runtomkring sociala nätverk, exempelvis Facebook. För att skapa kvalitativa sociala spel kan tydliga direktiv användas för hur design och utvärdering ska genomföras. En brist uppmärksammades av denna typ av direktiv i form av färdigutvecklade heuristiker för att designa och utvärdera sociala spel. För att undersöka hur sociala spel kan designas och utvärderas användes initiala heuristiker som kompletterades via en litteraturstudie.

Det emotionella valet - ett alternativ och komplement till rationaliteten

The purpose of this thesis is to evaluate and develop a useful theory of human behavior that recognizes the importance of our emotions. The new framework, called the theory of emotional choice, is developed by a holistic method in which results from the fields of psychology, sociology and (neuro-) biology are used to mutually support the conclusions. The theory is distilled into six preliminary points, which are based on the finding that we are not thinking as logical, rational and longsighted as is often assumed. Instead the regular human thinking is suggested to be shortsighted, intuitive and ruled by our emotions and our needs for generality, causality and normality.To demonstrate the usefulness of the new framework, it is used in an analysis of financial bubbles. Additionally, the fields of negotiation, election and ethics are suggested as potentially interesting to analyze with the new theory..

Disputing the Economic Man - a quantitative study on whether investor decision-making can be distorted by altering the presentation of an Exchange Traded Fund

During recent years, financial innovation has given rise to numerous structured investment opportunities aimed towards the general public. These have enabled private investors to engage in high-risk investments offering as much as 400 per cent leverage while oftentimes not fully having grasped the risk involved. The issuers of these securities have been criticized for using advertising of a too aggressive and misleading nature.By presenting 819 potential investors with two different investment opportunities yielding the same return over a six day period, we have aimed to assess whether the inclination of being affected by judegmental Heuristics varies with factors such as knowledge, overall attitude towards the asset class, risk appetite and experience from previous investments.We have observed that investors' perception of the attractiveness of an investment can be distorted by altering the information presented to the investor. However, our findings show that this tendency decreases with an increased level of knowledge, experience and risk appetite..

Elevers möte med det naturvetenskapliga arbetssättet

Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur elever samtalar när de möter en uppgift som syftar till att öva deras förmåga att använda ett naturvetenskapligt arbetssätt. Undersökningen genomfördes genom att fyra grupper om två elever fick en uppgift där de formulerade frågeställningar kring en isballong (en frusen vattenballong). Samtalen spelades in på band. Inspelningarna transkriberades och analyserades med hjälp av en praktisk epistemologisk analys utifrån tre olika kategorier: samtal inom diskursen, samtal om diskursen och samtal utanför diskursen. Resultatet av undersökningen visar att de flesta eleverna har, trots att de har ringa eller ingen erfarenhet av att arbeta med natruvetenskapligt arbetssätt, ganska lätt att ta till sig uppgiften.

Skapandet av en webbaserad informationsplattform : Designprocess från koncept till slutprodukt

Jag kommer i denna uppsats beskriva den designprocess som pågått vid skapandet av en webbaserad informationsplattform från koncept till slutprodukt.Mitt uppdrag har varit att effektivisera en webbyrås nuvarande sätt att hantera och sprida information på, som bestod av en blandning mellan digital och analog information, och skapa en ny webbaserad informationsplattform. Den nya webbaserade informationsplattformen ska kunna samla all information på en plats och skapa ett effektivare informationsutbyte mellan de anställda på företaget.Jag har använt mig av två teoretiska ramverk; Nielsens tio Heuristics samt Krugs visuella design hierarki.Jag har arbetat nära beställaren för att kunna skräddarsy webbplatsen till deras behov.Resultatet efter ett omfattande arbete med designmallar och front-end kodning blev grunden för webbyråns webbaserade informationsplattform, utvecklad för att effektivisera spridningen av information på företaget..

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