

35 Uppsatser om Harbor - Sida 1 av 3

Överraskning - Vilka indikatorer påverkar? : En studie av de två fallen Pearl Harbor och Sexdagarskriget

Principen överraskning är en av de äldsta principer som finns att använda i striden. Principen ses som grunden för striden och för vilka metoder som kan använda för att lyckas i striden. Men vad innebär överraskning egentligen och hur har den använts?Uppsatsen kommer att problematisera principen överraskning och anknyta till forskningen om överraskning till Pearl Harbor och sexdagarskriget, som har setts vara typiska överraskningsanfall. Såg anfallen likadana ut och vilka indikatorer utifrån litteraturen påvisar att det var en överraskning?Inledningsvis kommer överraskning beskrivas utifrån vald litteratur för att åskådliggöra innebörden.

Pearl Harbor, 1941 : En teoriprövande fallstudie av Japans flygstridskrafter under anfallet mot Pearl Harbor

Den 7 december 1941 genomförde japanska flygstridskrafter ett massivt bombanfall mot Pearl Harbor. Intentionen med anfallet var att slå ut den amerikanska Stillahavsflottan och därmed erhålla större inflytanade i Stillahavsområdet. Anfallen riktades huvudsakligen mot amerikanska fartyg som låg vid Pearl Harbors hamn men även flygfält i dess närområde drabbades hårt av den japanska offensiven.Syftet med detta arbete är att, med utgångpunkt från John. A Warden III centrala teorier; tyngdpunkter, fienden som ett system och parallell attack, analysera Japans agerande under attacken mot Pearl Harbor för att därigenom urskilja i vilken utsträckning dessa teorier kan tillämpas på de japanska flygstridskrafterna vid anfallet. Undersökningen syftar även till att utröna om de utvalda teorierna är applicerbara på taktisk nivå.

Tragedi som underhållning

Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur två verklighetsbaserade Hollywoodfilmer, Pearl Harbor och World Trade Center, framställer det amerikanska folket samt dess fiender när landet blir attackerat.Vår studie är baserad på en kvalitativ kritisk diskursanalys förankrad i hermeneutiken, Vi väljer ut två filmer som vi sedan granskar och analyserar.Analysen visar att trots filmerna skiljer sig i handling och när de utspelar sig, så har de många gemensamma faktorer. Det framstår som att USA blir oskyldigt attackerat eftersom det inte redogjorts i filmerna några bakomliggande faktorer till vad som hänt. Genom symboler, handlingar, musik och tal speglas en påtaglig amerikansk patriotism i båda filmerna, det amerikanska folket framställs som hjältar, både uniformsbeklädda och privatpersoner. Fienden är en anonym makt som publiken aldrig får chans att identifiera sig med och framställs som hjärtlös och kall genom musik, färger och bildberättande..

Produktion av dricksvatten och förnybar el i Bläsinge fiskehamn

The fishing port of Bläsinge is located on the east coast of Öland, Sweden?s second largest island. Today the port has a limited supply of freshwater. The economic association of the fishing port wants to expand their business, so that they will also include tourist services. To do this the Harbor will need a more independant source of freshwater, with a higher quality than the present well.

Handhållen kommunikation för produktionsledare

Kandidatuppsatsen skrevs på Göteborgs Hamn, Skandinaviens största hamn. Uppsatsen skrevs isyfte att observera möjligheter med vilka trådlösa kommunikationsmedel produktionsledarna kananvända när de tidsrapporterar. Genom intervjuer och egna observationer visade analysen atthandhållna enheter för tidsrapportering är möjlig i mån om anpassning av handhållen enhet tillverksamhet och målsystemet. Teorin lyfter fram olika möjligheter och komponenter för vadanalysen skall tillämpa villkor, användningsområde, teknologi, objekt och funktioner kommerligger till grund för hur man skall tänka då man implementerar och designar ett nytt eller ettbefintligt målsystem. Resultatet visar att en handhållen enhet är möjlig då man även måste se överett system som passar ihop med målsystem och handhållen enhet samt uppnå de viktiga faktorernasom respondenterna önskar vid övergång från Excel ark till PDA.The thesis was written in Gothenburg Harbor, the biggest Harbor in Scandinavia, and was created toobserve what the opportunities are for a change in the ways of communications for the productionmanagement and if there are opportunities for a wireless communication for time report throughhandhelds.

Överraskning ? Tidlös eller totalt omkastad?

This essay deals with the principle of surprise warfare and its development as well as the adaptation of military action that had to be made to surprise the opponent in the modern era.The concept of surprise is divided into its components in order to clarify what is required to implement a surprising maneuver, to understand the complex concept and form a theoretical framework for gathering facts in the case study.Development and adaption are demonstrated by a comparative case study where Pearl Harbor illustrates an example of historical surprise and Operation Desert Storm illustrates a modern surprise. The product will then be analyzed in order to detect the development and how military conduct is forced to adapt in order to carry out a surprising maneuver. The results shows that the military action of performing a surprise attack has had a major development and is now carried out in a different stage of the attack..

Djurhushållningen i Västergarn : en osteoarkeologisk fallstudie av animalt benmaterial från Snauvalds 1:2, Västergarn, Gotland

In this Bachelor thesis an animal bone material from Västergarn parish is analyzed and discussed. The purpose of this thesis is to gain more knowledge about the Viking Age/Early Medieval Västergarn. Västergarn has a few remains from former days which have been discussed throughout the years and are still a bit of a mystery for archaeologists. The main focus is to inquire into whether Västergarn was an urban, complex society or a rural settlement. This will be done by studying the animal husbandry from the property of Snauvalds 1:2.

Revisorers perspektiv på implementeringen av ett nytt regelverk : ? fallet komponentavskrivningar enligt regelverket K3

This essay deals with the principle of surprise warfare and its development as well as the adaptation of military action that had to be made to surprise the opponent in the modern era.The concept of surprise is divided into its components in order to clarify what is required to implement a surprising maneuver, to understand the complex concept and form a theoretical framework for gathering facts in the case study.Development and adaption are demonstrated by a comparative case study where Pearl Harbor illustrates an example of historical surprise and Operation Desert Storm illustrates a modern surprise. The product will then be analyzed in order to detect the development and how military conduct is forced to adapt in order to carry out a surprising maneuver. The results shows that the military action of performing a surprise attack has had a major development and is now carried out in a different stage of the attack..

Beckholmen : Varv & Marina

A new shipyard on the island of Beckholmen consisting of a new ship hall and complementary workshops. The program is extended with rentable industrial space for other smaller companies to take advantage of synergies with the yard and to create an active maritime cluster around Beckholmen. By building a marina and a port at the northern shoreline of the island the shipyard can expand their potential customers to non-commercial and larger recreational boats that are becoming increasingly common in Skärgården. The port is also supplemented with a combined naval fuel station, Harbor office and a small café. The boat traffic in the region gets a additional stop at the end of the port and act as an additional gateway to Djurgården. Several small retail spaces with direct access to the water is created along the promenade between the port and Djurgården. The shipyard gets a modern and efficient industry building, while the island is made available to the public again, and Beckholmen will hopefully take an equal place in the city's consciousness as it does visually in the inlet to Stockholm..

Hur såg Birkas hamn ut och vilka transporter behövdes?

What is located on the bottom in the water outside of Birka? Remains of a water palisade or jetties and other constructions.Birka a Viking Age town that existed between AD 750 and 975 was located on the northwestern part of the small island of Björkö, in the Mälar archipelago of the Baltic Sea in Sweden. The Town was protected onshore by a hill fort and a town rampart. It is a widely spread assumption that Birka had a water palisade as a part of its defense. There are logs and other remnants on the bottom of the lake dating back to the Viking age.

Den Nöjda Expatriaten - De viktigaste komponenterna inom ett kompensationspaket och hur de bidrar till lojalitet samt motivation hos expatriaten

A global world and international business induces not only opportunities for organizations such as increased possibilities to reach new markets but also challenges to maintain a coherent business. To meet these challenges, organizations need to Harbor a global workforce where employees are sent abroad. These employees are called expatriates and receive very lucrative compensation packages to cover their increased expenses. Compensation packages are not only expensive but represent in their totality also a complex strategic challenge for both the organization and the expatriate. The purpose of this paper is to investigate which components of a compensation package that are important for different segments of expatriates.

Det fiktiva bibliotekets vindlande gångar

Libraries exist around us and for most of us they are a part of our every day life. But how often do we stop and think about their meaning?Libraries in fiction are usually not the center of the narrative, they play a role quietly in the background and offer a backcloth to the story. Yet they are a vital part of the story. Without them a big part of the magic in the stories would be lost.And what is their role in our lives? What do the libraries mean to the books they Harbor, the readers who seek them out and society in which they have their axiomatic role?This essay?s focus is my story ?Between the shelves?, which is about the young girl Julia and the mysterious passageway she discovers in her local library.

Allt utom byn Sökandet efter en vikingatida by i sydöstra Blekinge, med områdena runt Järrestad på Österlen och Sorte Muld på Bornholm som jämförelsematerial.

The purpose of this essay is to see if villages or bigger settlement locations can be found in south-eastern Blekinge during the viking age. There have been many archaeological findings from this period in Blekinge, for example grave findings, ring-forts , old roads and ancient Harbors. But no evidence of a village has been found yet. If south-eastern Blekinge is compared with the area surrounding Järrestad on Österlen in south-eastern Skåne and the area surrounding Sorte Muld on Bornholm, many likenesses can be seen. In this essay, the findings in Blekinge will be used as different components when the three areas are compared with each other.

Att bygga för att synas - city branding i stadsplaneringen :

Spectacular buildings and categorized districts are becoming more common elements in cities. In many cases, they are the result of city branding, which means choosing a city image and dealing with it like a brand to profile and compete against other cities. This essay study what impact on and roll in urban planning the trend might have. The first part relies on literary studies and describes what has been written about city branding. The globalization, the experience economy, urban management, urbanization and the theory of the creative class are pointed out as driving forces of the popularity and the spread of city branding.

Same same - but different? - A Comparative Four Case-study of Differences in Modern American Presidents' Personality, Leadership Style and Political Skills, Concerning Management during Crisis

The word crisis is often used in everyday language, but according to political theory it actually refers to a crisis situation within a country where national interests suddenly are at stake demanding that important and complex decisions must be made within certain time constraints. These decisions can in turn lead up to most fatal consequences. USA, being one of the world's superpowers is most certainly involved in crisis situations directly or indirectly, frequently or more seldom. Amounts of people get suddenly involved and even more people can be drawn in by the decisions that are made thereby. Research has shown that the character of a leader affects decision-making.

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