

585 Uppsatser om Dimension - Sida 1 av 39

Nyexaminerade lärares första år som yrkesverksamma

This essay is about how newly graduated teachers experience their first year in teaching. The main focus is linked to the theory about the pedagogy triangle of Bermuda. It involves two Dimensions with six main aspects. The first Dimension is the psychosocial-, including, ambition, demands and the possibility to achieve ambition and demands. The second Dimension is the didactic-, including the what-, why- and how-qustions. The results of the study shows that teachers experience their first year in teaching different, depending primarly of the ascpets of the psychosocial Dimension.

Väljaren i centrum? En jämförande studie om valkretsrepresentation

In this essay I discuss and analyse if we can witness any signs on regional Dimension due to regional representation from our elected representatives in the five constituencies Malmö, Blekinge, Norrbotten, Uppsala and Stockholm. Two seperate terms of office between 1991-94 and 1998-2002 has been compared. In political science there has been much debate about the relationship between voters and their elected. By measuring each and everyone elected representatives in the work of produce introduced bills towards their own constitiency during both terms I have tried to see if there is an occurence of a regional Dimension.The theory that´s been applied is based on geographical representation where one might aspect that central metropolitan areas and peripheral regions is somewhat over-represented in legislatures. By using a method of comparison between the five chosen constituencies and theirs elected representatives I have come the the conclusion that there is a weak tendency that this might be the case seen to a regional Dimension perspective..

På EU:s gränser Den nya nordliga dimensionen

In this paper I attempt to analyze the ways the European Union defines its external borders in cross-border co-operation with its neighbours. The analysis is based on case study examining the founding components of a updated version of the Northern Dimension policy of the European Union.The analytical framework of the study is composed of three different perceptions on the cross-border co-operation; regionalisation, integration and flexible integration. I conclude that the model of cross-border co-operation laid by the Northern Dimension policy would have an impact on the EU's external border with Russia, making it more flexible and vague.As far as the geographical terms of the co-operation are concerned, they seem to shift from regional co-operation to greater emphasis the role of networks as basis for co-operation instead of traditional regions..

Sexualitet och informationsbehov hos män som behandlats för prostatacancer

Background: Men that have gone through treatment for prostate cancer may lose their sexuality as result of treatment. The sexual ability might symbolize manliness, despite age and sexual activities. Aim: The aim of the literature study was to describe; Influence on sexuality and the daily life for men with prostatecancer and their experience of informationneeds. Method: The material for the literature study was searched through databases; 13 scientific articles were selected and two articles through manual search, all 15 articles were examined. Result: Five categories were found in the result of the literature study; physical Dimension, emotional/mental Dimension, social/practical Dimension and informationneeds.

Identifiering av upplevelse av smärta hos patienter med cancer som får palliativ vård : en litteraturstudie

One third of all Swedish people will suffer in cancer. Pain is a common symptom in cancer patients. The pain is subjective and includes several Dimensions. The Dimensions of pain are the physical, psychological, social and spiritual. This is a literature review and the aim with this study was to identify the pain experience in patients with cancer receiving palliative care.

Bara för att morsan sitter bredvid då måste man säga ja : Elevers uppfattning av särskilt stöd i grundskolan

Studier om elever i behov av särskilt stöd domineras av lärarperspektivet, få studier har ett elevperspektiv. Den här studiens syfte är att beskriva och förklara uppfattningar som elever i behov av särskilt stöd har av det särskilda stödet, vad det gäller vari problematiken ligger, stödåtgärdernas utformning generellt sett, det egna lärandet och på de specifika åtgärderna utvecklingssamtal och åtgärdsprogram. För att beskriva elevers uppfattningar har metoden i studien en fenomenografisk ansatts. Data har insamlats via intervjuer med 11 elever i grundskolans senare år. Resultatet visar att eleverna uppfattar särskilt stöd i tre Dimensioner, individ Dimension, gemensam Dimension och yttre Dimension. I individ Dimensionen är elevernas uppfattningar fokuserade på individnivå, eleven har problem med ett eller flera skolämnen. Lärandet är inriktat på att nå målen för godkänt utan att reflektera över nyttan av kunskaper.

Service i privat sektor ? En kvalitativ studie om servicearbetarens upplevelse av sitt jobb

The aim of this qualitative study of service work in the private sector is to examine how the service worker experiences his/her work. There are three Dimensions of the service workers experience in focus, and they are the base of my formulation of questions. The first Dimension refers to how the service worker experiences the emotional labor demands from the employer. The second Dimension concerns the relation between service worker and customer, from the view of the service worker. The third Dimension problematizes how service workers experience efficiency.I have interviewed three call center customer workers and two hotel receptionists, using semi-structured interview technique.

Eurocodes : Beräkningsjämförelser mellan eurocodes och BKR

In the year 2010 a transition will take place here in Sweden from the present rules how to Dimension buildings in to the common rules with have been developed in Europe, the Eurocodes. Eurocode is the term for a collection standard that contains calculation rules in how to Dimension constructions and buildings. They are developed by the European standardize committee.The purpose with this examination work is to get an insight of what changes this will contribute to, and how it will affect the Dimensioning. Are there going to be any differences in the Dimension you finally chose?To investigate these possible differences two constructions will be calculated first in the present Swedish rules, and then in the coming eurocodes.One of these two constructions will be build completely in steel, while the other will be build completely in concrete.

Hållbar konsumtion av nötkött och mjölk

Sustainable beef and milk consumption. The consumption of beef and dairy products in Sweden is high. A lot of greenhouse gases are emitted from the production of these products. The production of beef in Sweden has decreased but the import has increased. The number of dairy cows has decreased while beef-production with suckler-cows has increased in Sweden.

Temabyn - landsbygdsboende i en intressegemenskap? En studie av boendemiljöns värden i Söderby hästby, Haninge kommun

Denna masteruppsats tar sin utgångspunkt i en utveckling av nya boendemiljöer som genom sin lokalisering och utformning vill främja aktiviteter i ett specifikt fritidsintresse, ett tema, till att utövas lokalt i boendemiljön. Denna form av inriktade boendemiljöer benämns i uppsatsen som temaby.Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka vilka värden i boendemiljön som är framträdande hos boende i en temaby. Genom att besvara syftet kan det praktiska utfallet för boendemiljöns inriktning sättas i relation till övriga aspekter av boendemiljön som framkommer som värdefulla. Uppsatsens frågeställningar baseras på fyra Dimensioner (karakteristisk-, relationell-, platsspecifik- samt temaDimension) som spänner över regionala och mer lokala aspekter. Dimensionerna fungerar även som en sammanfattning av uppsatsens teoretiska avsnitt som applicerar temabyn till en större vetenskaplig diskussion om begreppen plats, rum och boendemiljö samt landsbygdspraktik.

Tjänstekvalitet i bankbranschen: och dess inverkan på

Banks find themselves at a highly competitive market where it is important to achieve high customer satisfaction if they want to attract customers and stay competitive. Some studies suggest that the gap between customer expectations and perception within the five quality Dimensions influences the customer satisfaction. With SERVQUAL the authors of this thesis have investigated the suggested relationship and have discovered no indications of a relationship between the gap and customer satisfaction. Instead the results indicate that there is a relationship between perceived service and customer satisfaction. The thesis also indicates that the most important quality Dimension for the bank customer is reliability.

Det sociala området i EU, sett genom dokumenttexterna Romfördraget, Lissabonstrategin, den socialpolitiska agendan och Sveriges strategirapport.

The social Dimension in the EU, explored through the document texts of the Treaty of Rome, the Lisbon Strategy, the Social Policy Agenda and the Swedish Strategy ReportThis paper explores the social Dimension of EU social policy, except the aspects of the economic and labour market. The EU documents reveal an underlying line of thought stemming from the alignment of the six founding countries, spearheaded by France, with the conservative corporatist welfare model. As one of four European welfare models, the conservative corporatist model emphasises labour market issues, corporate social responsibility and the subsidiarity principle in EU social policy. It also influences how the texts define the terms social, social policy and social exclusion. The definitions determine how policymakers combat problems such as social exclusion and identify the policy issues to be included in EU social policy.The Swedish Strategy shows how the country is responding to the objectives that it has been assigned by the EU and how it plans to attain them.

Dyslexi ur en pedagogisk didaktisk dimension

Arbetets art: Examensarbete, om 15hp inom lärarprogrammet. Vårterminen 2008.

Vad man ändå fått vara med om! Det är otroligt, egentligen! : körsång som en möjlig nyckel till en annan verklighet

Har kyrkan något att ge en människa som söker motvikter till den yttre pågående strävan? Ett svar på den frågan kanske en blick emot kyrkokörsången skulle kunna ge. Många människor går till sina respektive körrepetitioner varje vecka för att ge en del av sin tid åt sången, fortbildningen, förberedelserna inför framträdanden, gemenskapen och vilan från vardagen. Finns där också en upplevelse av en transcendent Dimension som än mer motiverar sångaren att ge av sin tid till kyrkokören?Denna uppsats vill ge några aktiva kyrkokörsångares svar på denna fråga.

Det tillfälliga rummet : en temporär dimension av landskapsarkitektur

Syftet bakom denna uppsats har varit att belysa och skapa en förståelse för en temporär Dimension av landskapsarkitektur. Uppsatsen behandlar det temporära som ett gestaltningsbegrepp och undersöker hur det praktiskt skulle kunna tillämpas samt om det finns behov i staden av tillfälliga upplevelser. Arbetet baseras på en litteraturstudie och för att bekräfta denna utfördes även en lättare observation av en temporär installation. Resultatet tyder på att ett förändrat synsätt på staden och stadens rum är aktuellt. Det tillfälliga skulle kunna berika den sociala Dimensionen, våra minnen och skapa mer kreativa stadsrum.

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