

2097 Uppsatser om Definition - Sida 1 av 140

Hur definierar och presenterar folkbiblioteken e-böcker på sina webbplatser? En innehållsanalys av folkbibliotekens webbplatser 2014

The purpose of this thesis is to see how the Swedish public libraries present e-books on their website. This study has tried to answer the following questions:1. How do the public libraries construct their Definitions of the word e-book, and what patterns are there in the Definitions?2. How is the e-book Definition presented in the context of the public library websites?This study has formulated its own theoretical framework in regards to how you can categorize Definitions in four different categories to help see the way a Definition is constructed.

Jämställdhet och etnicitet i svensk nationalsocialism : En textstudie av Paulina Forslunds krönikor

According to the widespread concept of deception, deception is to intentionally cause someone to acquire or continue to have a false belief.  This paper refutes this notion and argues for a Definition of deception based on a view that deception is the misuse of communication with the purpose to achieve a further end; an end that, is believed, can?t be reached without the misuse of communication. It is shown that this new Definition can handle cases that earlier Definitions could not handle without leading to absurd pragmatic consequences. In addition, the proposed Definition makes it possible to properly distinguish between deception and attempted deception..

Närproducerat : Attityder och definitioner bland Uppsalastudenter

From an environmental and climate perspective we are becoming more and more aware of what we eat. Consumers want to know how their food is produced and where it is coming from. A term commonly used in this discussion is local produce. At this time, there is no clear Definition of the term and a wide range of Definitions can be found. However, despite this lack of Definition, the term is often being used by producers, traders and consumers..

Lyssnandeaspekter på retoriken i den offentliga debatten

The purpose of this study has been to investigate the extent of listening in a debate in the Swedish media. If the debaters listen to each other in a complex issue such as religion's place in society and if a debater who has a high degree of listening initially already in problem Definition phase, has more possible solutions than the one that has a lower level of listening. The results show that there is a listening in all the articles, but the articles that have a broader Definition of the problem also have a broader problem solving, than the articles that have a more narrow Definition of the problem.The articles with a broader Definition of the problem and a broader problem solving, have a predominantly agonistic debate strategy. Even if the debate rhetoric is primarily designed to win over the opponents, there is partly a genuine listening and an interest in finding new possible solutions. But despite that the opponents? arguments are mainly used to present the authors own arguments, the authors? intentions seems to be predominantly honest.

Begreppet "upphandlande enhet" enligt lagstiftningen om offentlig upphandling

The government procurement legislation ? i.e. the Swedish procurement law, the EC procurement directives and the WTO?s Government Procurement Agreement ? applies on public procurement. Such a procurement exists when the contractor meets the conditions stated in the directives that the organ is to be considered as a contracting auhtority.

Dupera: att missbruka kommunikation

According to the widespread concept of deception, deception is to intentionally cause someone to acquire or continue to have a false belief.  This paper refutes this notion and argues for a Definition of deception based on a view that deception is the misuse of communication with the purpose to achieve a further end; an end that, is believed, can?t be reached without the misuse of communication. It is shown that this new Definition can handle cases that earlier Definitions could not handle without leading to absurd pragmatic consequences. In addition, the proposed Definition makes it possible to properly distinguish between deception and attempted deception..

Närproducerat - ett begrepp i den redan komplexa grytan : En kvalitativ studie om åtta kommuners uppfattning gällande definition av begreppet närproducerat

Bakgrund: Idag finns ett ökat allmänt intresse för närproducerat, både hos konsumenter och hos kommuner. Någon rikstäckande Definition på begreppet finns däremot inte. Istället förknippas närproducerat ofta med andra närliggande begrepp såsom lokalproducerat, regionalt och småskalig odling. Att få in närproducerat i offentliga upphandlingar är dessutom svårt då det enligt lag inte är tillåtet att specifikt efterfråga begreppet vid upphandling.Syfte: Att undersöka vad personer involverade i kommuners livsmedelsupphandlingar har för Definition av begreppet närproducerat och hur detta begrepp kan få betydelse då kommuner genomför upphandlingar.Metod: Kvalitativ studie med hjälp av semistrukturerade telefonintervjuer med åtta kommuner från olika delar av Sverige. Intervjuerna transkriberades och analyserades baserat på delar av grounded theory.Huvudresultat: Av studiens åtta kommuner är det idag en som uttryckligen har tagit fram en Definition för närproducerat som de arbetar utifrån.

Sverigedemokraterna och deras väljare -populister?

The Sweden Democrats (Sverigedemokraterna) has for a long time often been labeled a populist political party. It has however not been the subject of in-depth study to what extent the party really is populist. A study on whether the party and its supporters fulfill the criteria that a social science Definition of populism would stipulate is therefore needed, in order to establish accurately whether the party is populist.    The Definition used in my study accentuates three qualities that specify populist organizations: an antagonistic attitude against prevailing power structures, demands for increasing democratic influence and advocating a certain people?s rights ahead of others.The qualitative analysis of documents central for the party shows that it fulfills all of the criteria illustrated in the Definition that is the basis of my study.

Fastighetsbestämning och särskild gränsutmärkning i Sverige

The purpose of this thesis is to describe property Definition and special boundary demarcation and to analyze the differences between the two cadastral procedures. Property boundaries, especially unlawfully determined boundaries created through unofficial parcelling, can create conflicts between landowners and make it diffi-cult to know which land that a property contains of. It is possible to clarify the boundary conditions through a property Definition or through a special boundary demarcation re-establish boundary marks.The methods used are: (1) A literature review to collect background information, (2) A case study to summarize court cases and (3) A questionnaire study to collect opinions from cadastral surveyors.The result is summarized in two comparisons. Firstly between restoration of landmark and special boundary demarcation (which replaced restoration of landmark in a legislative change in 2010), which demonstrated that the change in the law is considered positive because special boundary demarcation gives a legal effect on the boundaries. Secondly between property Definition and special boundary demarcation which demonstrated that the two procedures are similar to each other.

Lycka: nyckeln till en önskvärd socialpolitik - en begreppsanalys

This essay deals with the same task that utilitarians have tried to solve for a long time, what is happiness? In the eighteenth-century utilitarians suggested that happiness should be the base for social political decisions. But the lack of Definition disposed so that GDP became the measurement of happiness, which proved to be wrong when the unhappiness continued to increase. More than two hundred years later scientists came up with a new Definition of happiness and new ways to measure it. And during the last decade economists have taken the discussion to a higher level.So once again we?re dealing with the same old issue, if happiness ought to be the base of social political decisions.

Skälig misstanke : Ett begrepp utan definition

Vad krävs för att en person ska anses som ?skäligen misstänkt? och hur påverkar det polisers och åklagares arbete? I följande rapport har vi gjort en granskning av begreppet ?skälig misstanke?, vad det innebär, hur bedömningar av omständigheter runt detta begrepp görs och vilka beslut om tvångsmedel som kan tas därefter. Vi har utgått från litteratur, lagtext samt JO´s avgöranden. För att få en bild av huruvida avsaknaden av en Definition av begreppet upplevs som ett problem hos polis och åklagare har vi även hållit några kortare intervjuer. Trots avsaknaden av en klar Definition på begreppet uppfattas detta inte som ett problem enligt de vi intervjuat.

Mobbning i förskolan : En studie om förskolepedagogers definitioner av begreppet mobbning

Bullying is something that is often times talked about in relation to school, in spite of that it's still something that is a very common problem. It is also rarely ever clearly defined, and is subject to a heap of different Definitions. In order to prevent something, we must first understand it, and therefore define it. With that the purpose of this study is to examine swedish preschool-teachers Definitions of bullying. How do they define bullying? Do their Definitions differ from one another?The investigation was qualitative and used qualitative interview methods to interview four pre-school teachers about their deifnitions of bullying.

Rörlig eller fast bolåneränta : resonemangen hos låntagare

The purpose of this thesis is to describe property Definition and special boundary demarcation and to analyze the differences between the two cadastral procedures. Property boundaries, especially unlawfully determined boundaries created through unofficial parcelling, can create conflicts between landowners and make it diffi-cult to know which land that a property contains of. It is possible to clarify the boundary conditions through a property Definition or through a special boundary demarcation re-establish boundary marks.The methods used are: (1) A literature review to collect background information, (2) A case study to summarize court cases and (3) A questionnaire study to collect opinions from cadastral surveyors.The result is summarized in two comparisons. Firstly between restoration of landmark and special boundary demarcation (which replaced restoration of landmark in a legislative change in 2010), which demonstrated that the change in the law is considered positive because special boundary demarcation gives a legal effect on the boundaries. Secondly between property Definition and special boundary demarcation which demonstrated that the two procedures are similar to each other.

En intressant gemenskap - En analys av begreppet intressegemenskap i ränteavdragsbegränsningsreglerna

The establishment of loan-based structures within a group of associated enterprises with the purpose of lowering the group's taxes by using deductible interest payments to transfer money has become increasingly popular in Sweden during the past few years. The legislator has therefore implemented new laws which restrict the amount of interest payments that are deductible within a group of associated enterprises. As a consequence the Definition of associated enterprises has become of high importance. The Definition has been criticized and is perceived by many as vague and difficult to interpret. The purpose of this thesis is to examine the Definition of associated enterprises in Swedish tax law with the aim of clarifying its scope and meaning.

Fast driftställe enligt OECD:s modellavtal i ljuset av elektronisk handel

The purpose of this thesis is to examine whether the concept of permanent establishment, as defined in Article 5 of the OECD Model Tax Convention on Income and Capital, is applicable to electronic commerce and if so whether the current Definition is able to appropriately deal with the challenges of electronic commerce.In 2003, the OECD added a new section to the Commentary on the Model Tax Convention on Article 5. The new section is a clarification on the application of the permanent establishment Definition in electronic commerce.The current Definition of permanent establishment in the Model Tax Convention relies on the physical presence of a foreign corporation as the threshold for source taxation. While the current Definition, prima facie, might be applicable on electronic commerce, the highly mobile nature of electronic commerce might affect the current revenue distribution equilibrium between states..

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