

1052 Uppsatser om Consequences - Sida 1 av 71

Bilden av Mörk och Ljus turism : En semiotisk analys av destinationsmarknadföring

In this essay we have been trying to get an understanding of what Swedish charter tourists cares for when they are going on vacation. The Tourism industry is a major field with a lot of winners, but it also comes with Consequences. The purpose with this essay is to get an understanding of how aware the Swedish charter tourists is of these Consequences. We would also like to get a perception of how the tourists themselves believe that their presence effects the locals at the destinations they are visiting (if they assume that they are). There are several different types of Consequences that can appear in the context of tourism, but we have decided to focus on one kind.

Beskattning av skadestånd och liknande ersättningar

The purpose of the thesis is to illustrate how payments of damages between companies are treated from a taxation point of view, and to analyse, in a tax law perspective, the Consequences that follow the transactions. Furthermore, a comparison is made between damages and transactions similar to damages, such as amicable settlements and fines between companies, to ascertain whether they are treated similar. Finally, there is an analysis of the Consequences of taxation of insurances, both premiums and compensations, followed by a comparison with the Consequences of taxation of damages..

Charterturismens sociala effekter på lokalbefolkningen : Svenska charterresenärers medvetenhet om de sociala konsekvenser som drabbar lokalbefolkningen på olika turistdestinationer.

In this essay we have been trying to get an understanding of what Swedish charter tourists cares for when they are going on vacation. The Tourism industry is a major field with a lot of winners, but it also comes with Consequences. The purpose with this essay is to get an understanding of how aware the Swedish charter tourists is of these Consequences. We would also like to get a perception of how the tourists themselves believe that their presence effects the locals at the destinations they are visiting (if they assume that they are). There are several different types of Consequences that can appear in the context of tourism, but we have decided to focus on one kind.

What goes up must come down - Modelling economic consequences of wind turbine decommissioning

At the time being there is limited experience within turbine decommissioning in Sweden and the economic effects are unknown. Despite this, there are expectations that revenues generated by sales of materials will cover decommissioning costs. The model developed identifies thirteen parameters that vary between different types of turbines and that affect the economic Consequences of decommissioning. The three most important parameters are turbine location, tower material, and the scope of decommissioning. Trends in the wind energy industry show that these three factors are developing in a manner that increases decommissioning costs dramatically.

Benzodiazepinanvändning bland äldre - Konsekvenser av långtidsanvändning -

Benzodiazepines are drugs used to treat insomnia and anxiety. This group of drugs should be prescribed with the duty of care to the elderly because of it´s negative effects. Life expectancy is increasing because of the progress of drug development. Aging brings physical and psychological changes leading to changes in pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic features. Drug treatment is becoming increasingly widespread and contributes to the increasing number of interactions and complications for the elderly.

Samhällets Sårbarhet för Klimatförändringarna

The effects of the climate changes are expected to generate several substantial direct and indirect Consequences on both ecosystems and societies. It is the extent of the negative Consequences that determents the vulnerability of the things or the ones exposed. The knowledge of the effects and Consequences by a changing climate provides an opportunity to take measures to reduce the vulnerability.Our society?s vulnerability depends on how we choose to act out of the existing knowledge and what measures we choose to take. Karlstad municipality has good knowledge and perception of the increased flood risks the climate changes will generate and the probable Consequences that most likely will follow. How the municipality decides to manage the flooding issue is not just affected by the will to mitigate the vulnerability but also by the vision to increase the number of citizens.

Digital eller mänsklig service åt användare av folkbibliotek? En diskursanalys av artiklar ur fyra svenska bibliotekstidskrifter 2003-2004.

The aim of this Masters thesis is to examine the user service discourses in the field of public libraries that can be identified in four Swedish library journals. Also which underlying causes that control the discourses and the Consequences of them are examined. Questions in this study are: which discourses can be found, what characterises them, what kind of different discourses concerning technology in society control the user service discourses and what are the Consequences of them. The theoretical starting-point is Ernesto Laclaus and Chantal Mouffes discourse theory. The method is text analytic.

Ungdomars riskförståelse angående damm (brott)

Requirements engineering is a widespread topic in the research field of informatics. However, there is little research regarding lack of requirements documentation and how it is perceived. The same applies for how requirements engineering in retrospect can be implemented. This is a debated issue on blogs and forums but it has not been reflected in the research area.Therefore, this study concerns research questions regarding how the developers, testers and requirements analyst experience the lack of requirements documentation and how requirements engineering in retrospect can be implemented.To answer these questions, data collection has been conducted through qualitative interviews with individuals affected by this problem in their everyday work.This study has provided an explanation of how the problem is perceived and what the Consequences are, both direct and indirect. The impacts are divided into three categories and are presented as, emotional Consequences, system implications and Consequences regarding re source consumption.

Gymnasieelevers uppfattning om DNA, gener och genteknik

Rural development in Southeast Sweden- three different views and their Consequences for the agrarian landscapeThis paper deals with the future for the rural areas of the southeast province of Östergötland, Sweden. The aim is to unveil, analyse and compare different views on rural development and their Consequences for the agrarian landscape. Three views are considered, namely that of the different levels of Governments and their departments, that of the farmers and landowners and, finaly, that of the inhabitants of the rural areas.Differences in the views upon rural development is reflected in differences in the ways of thinking of landscapes. Is the open, and actively cultivated, landscape the ideal for all? Who is to decide what needs or ought to be done to achieve certain desired values and/or goals ? and who pays for it? The one thing that is, and should be, clear from the beginning is that all development, whether positive or negative in an area, bears Consequences for the landscape.

"Organisationsförändringen blev räddningen" : En kvalitativ studie om en organisationsförändrings inverkan på personalen

Requirements engineering is a widespread topic in the research field of informatics. However, there is little research regarding lack of requirements documentation and how it is perceived. The same applies for how requirements engineering in retrospect can be implemented. This is a debated issue on blogs and forums but it has not been reflected in the research area.Therefore, this study concerns research questions regarding how the developers, testers and requirements analyst experience the lack of requirements documentation and how requirements engineering in retrospect can be implemented.To answer these questions, data collection has been conducted through qualitative interviews with individuals affected by this problem in their everyday work.This study has provided an explanation of how the problem is perceived and what the Consequences are, both direct and indirect. The impacts are divided into three categories and are presented as, emotional Consequences, system implications and Consequences regarding re source consumption.

Samverkan bakom eldsvådorna : Ett sociologist perspektiv på samverkan under en kris

Requirements engineering is a widespread topic in the research field of informatics. However, there is little research regarding lack of requirements documentation and how it is perceived. The same applies for how requirements engineering in retrospect can be implemented. This is a debated issue on blogs and forums but it has not been reflected in the research area.Therefore, this study concerns research questions regarding how the developers, testers and requirements analyst experience the lack of requirements documentation and how requirements engineering in retrospect can be implemented.To answer these questions, data collection has been conducted through qualitative interviews with individuals affected by this problem in their everyday work.This study has provided an explanation of how the problem is perceived and what the Consequences are, both direct and indirect. The impacts are divided into three categories and are presented as, emotional Consequences, system implications and Consequences regarding re source consumption.

Thailand De tusen leendenas land : En studie om massturismens negativa konsekvenser

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate if there exists a superiority between developed and developing countries, which then in turn effects the negative Consequences, for the local inhabitants of Thailand, that follow from mass tourism.To be able to answer the questions that we have selected for this thesis, we chose to perform open interviews with six respondents which were all involved in the tourism industry in Thailand. Four of the interviews were carried out on location in Thailand. In order to deepen our understanding of the selected questions even further literary studies have been made as well. The theories we have chosen concern the topics of imperialism and figurations.Our empirical material gave significant results. It showed that there is indeed an imbalance of power between the western world and Thailand.

De spelberoendes barn : En kvalitativ studie av nio personers upplevelser av att vara barn till en spelberoende

The aim of this essay was to examine children's experiences of having a pathological gambler as a parent, which Consequences this led to socially, economically and emotionally, if those children got any help and in that case where and what kind of help.Central questions asked where:* In what way did the child experience Consequences from the parent's gambling?* How did the child experience the gambling parent during the gambling period?* In what way did the gambling affect the relationship between the parent and the child?* How did the parent's gambling affect the child socially, emotionally and economically?* How did the child handle this?* What help did the child itself think it required?* Where did the child got help?This is a qualitative study of nine today adult persons that grown up with a pathological gambler as a parent. The method is qualitative semi structured interviews.The results of the study are that all of them experienced large Consequences socially, emotionally and economically. The Consequences varied depending on the total situation in the family. The result shows that all of them have got coping abilities and they have applied more to emotion-focused forms of coping than to problem-focused coping..

"I en optimal värld skulle det inte se ut som det gör idag" : En kvalitativ fallstudie om vad som ha?nder na?r kravdokumentation inte tas pa? allvar

Requirements engineering is a widespread topic in the research field of informatics. However, there is little research regarding lack of requirements documentation and how it is perceived. The same applies for how requirements engineering in retrospect can be implemented. This is a debated issue on blogs and forums but it has not been reflected in the research area.Therefore, this study concerns research questions regarding how the developers, testers and requirements analyst experience the lack of requirements documentation and how requirements engineering in retrospect can be implemented.To answer these questions, data collection has been conducted through qualitative interviews with individuals affected by this problem in their everyday work.This study has provided an explanation of how the problem is perceived and what the Consequences are, both direct and indirect. The impacts are divided into three categories and are presented as, emotional Consequences, system implications and Consequences regarding re source consumption.

Landsbygdsutveckling i Östergötland : - tre aktörsperspektiv och deras konsekvenser för landskapet

Rural development in Southeast Sweden- three different views and their Consequences for the agrarian landscapeThis paper deals with the future for the rural areas of the southeast province of Östergötland, Sweden. The aim is to unveil, analyse and compare different views on rural development and their Consequences for the agrarian landscape. Three views are considered, namely that of the different levels of Governments and their departments, that of the farmers and landowners and, finaly, that of the inhabitants of the rural areas.Differences in the views upon rural development is reflected in differences in the ways of thinking of landscapes. Is the open, and actively cultivated, landscape the ideal for all? Who is to decide what needs or ought to be done to achieve certain desired values and/or goals ? and who pays for it? The one thing that is, and should be, clear from the beginning is that all development, whether positive or negative in an area, bears Consequences for the landscape.

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