

1052 Uppsatser om Consequences - Sida 2 av 71

Vilka personliga egenskaper är utmärkande för spelberoende indivder samt vilka konsekvenser medför ett spelberoende för individen

For many individuals gambling gives an opportunity for relaxation and social relations. The positive effects of gambling are for most individual?s considerable more than the negative effects. Even if gambling gives positive effects there is individuals that cannot control there gambling and therefore develop an addiction which disturb there life situation and health. The aim of this study was to describe which personal characteristics distinguish people with a pathological gambling and which psychological, physical and social Consequences this pathological gambling causes for the individual.

Umgås på Internet eller på ett café? : ? en studie om Internetanvändningens sociala konsekvenser.

AbstractTitle: See each other on the Internet or on a café? A survey about social Consequences of Internet usage. (Umgås på Internet eller på ett café? ? en studie om Internetanvändningens sociala konsekvenser.)Number of pages: 34 (including enclosures).Author: Carolin Johansson.Tutor: Else Nygren.Course: Media and Communication Studies C.Period: Fall 2007.University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala University.Purpose/Aim: The purpose is to get increased knowledge about the social Consequences that may come up when young people at the age of 16-20 are using the Internet.Material/Method: The material consists of a questionnaire that I made with questions about Internet usage that 84 young people from five classes (from three different upper secondary schools) answered.Main results: To have access to a computer and Internet and the fact that broadband is more inexpensive now than before leads to an increased usage of the Internet. I found out that chatting, music/movies, searching for information and using the Internet for entertainment is what most of the participants spent the most time on while using the Internet.

Obligatorisk arbetslöshetsförsäkring och förhöjd finansieringsavgift

The question about how the unemployment insurance should be designed is today a veryinteresting topic. In 2007 the Swedish government introduced an increased financial fee formembers in the unemployment benefit societies. Since this the number of members in thesesocieties has decreased dramatically. At the same time Sören Öman was appointed head of acommission whose obligation was to investigate the initiation of compulsory unemploymentinsurance. In May 2008 Öman delivered a separate report describing how the initiation of theinsurance should be dealt with.

Kreditbedömning : Betalningsanmärkningars påverkan på kreditvärdighet

Credits are considered as a natural financing form for all types of companies. The financial market in Sweden is dominated by four banks and the credit appraisals that are done by these banks are partly based on credit reports from external companies. This thesis? purpose is to increase the knowledge of which the Consequences of payment remarks can imply for companies in relation to the banks. A qualitative study has been done to relay to the purpose, through the means of interviews with four companies, four banks, one rating institute and a collecting agency.

Light pollution : consequences and sustainable lighting design

Light has always fascinated humans but ever since the invention of the first light bulb, the use of artificial lighting has accelerated dramatically. Darkness has never been as rare as today and the overuse of lighting has created a new phenomenon called light pollution. Most living beings are biologically dependent on the recurrent twenty-four-hour rhythm of light and darkness, called the circadian cycle. Human beings are evolutionary developed after this circadian rhythm and the effects of constant artificial light is yet unknown. Scientists fear the Consequences of constant lighting and what it means physically, mentally and philosophically for the human species.

Barnarbete och dess arbetsrättsliga regleringar i Pakistan

Financial exploitation of children worldwide is a global problem, causing Consequences for both the national economy and labor market, as well as the working child who is deprived of its rights of education and normal development. Pakistan has several national laws in order to work against and to regulate the existence of child labour. Another important mechanism to fight the financial exploitation of the children is the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. This Convention was ratified by Pakistan in 1990. As a result, new national laws have been admitted, already existing laws have been amended, educational projects have been established and the common knowledge on the problems regarding the subject have attracted a lot of attention.

Skapad ex nihilo. Om skapelsens konsekvenser för människans vara

This thesis discusses the existential Consequences for the human being in creatio ex nihilo, where the main subjects of discussion are contingency, freedom and identity. The starting-point of the discussion lies in the presentation of the history of the doctrine of creation, especially the doctrine of creatio ex nihilo. Once the historical and philosophical importance of the doctrine of creation is clear, the anthropological and theological Consequences are obvious; creation is contingent and at the same time deeply dependent upon God. The contingency of creation may bring a sense of non-necessity among people, and therefore it makes the question of human freedom and identity in the doctrine of creation utterly important..

Konstruktionen av en "invandrare" - I mötet mellan tillskrivandet och behovet av en kollektiv identitet

The way society categorize different people into groups is problematic in the sense that the categorization can seem stigmatizing and have social Consequences for those being categorized. Immigrants are one of those problematic categories.The following essay studies this categorization of ?immigrants? based on a governmental investigation of structural discrimination that took place in 2002-2008. The aim is to study the use of the category ?immigrant? and the Consequences that follows such a categorization.

Om att skapa en bättre vardag för de många människorna. En studie om IKEAs översättning och implementering av CSR

This thesis discusses the existential Consequences for the human being in creatio ex nihilo, where the main subjects of discussion are contingency, freedom and identity. The starting-point of the discussion lies in the presentation of the history of the doctrine of creation, especially the doctrine of creatio ex nihilo. Once the historical and philosophical importance of the doctrine of creation is clear, the anthropological and theological Consequences are obvious; creation is contingent and at the same time deeply dependent upon God. The contingency of creation may bring a sense of non-necessity among people, and therefore it makes the question of human freedom and identity in the doctrine of creation utterly important..

VD-hybris i samband med företagsförvärv: en studie på den svenska marknaden

In this study, we examine the presence and Consequences of CEO overconfidence in the Swedish market. We identify overconfidence with two insider-trading based measures and find that overconfidence is apparent among one third of CEOs in companies listed on the Swedish stock market. We also find that these CEOs are more prone to carry out acquisitions, as the probability of conducting an acquisition increases by 27 % if the CEO is overconfident. However, we do not find evidence that acquisitions by overconfident CEOs are more value-destroying. This finding contradicts results from previous studies conducted on Anglo-Saxon markets that suggest that overconfidence has a negative impact on the value-creation in acquisitions.

Dyslexi och dyskalkyli : Finns det några samband?

This exam essay will look at dyslexia, dyscalculia and the connections that may exist between these two phenomena. My purpose, from the beginning, was to investigate if there might be any connections between dyslexia and dyscalculia, or if the Consequences that appear as a result of dyslexia, might lead to problems and difficulties in mathematics.   I found it very hard to find literature that deal with dyscalculia, both as a subject of its own and together with dyslexia. Therefore, I was more or less forced to focus on difficulties in mathematics as a result from dyslexia.   From what I have found, dyslexia and dyscalculia cannot be connected, at least not without more research on the subject. Two Consequences; an impaired short-term memory and also an impaired spatial ability are both common, both for persons with dyslexia and for persons with dyscalculia. Other than these, there are no connections, apart from the difficulties in mathematics that are directly, or indirectly, caused by dyslexia..

Beröringsrädsla Om konfliktundvikande i parrelationer

The purpose of this study was to examine experienced family counselors view regarding the concept of conflict avoidance in couple relationships. Twelve family counselors working in different parts of Sweden was interviewed using a semi-structured interview guide. They were asked to reflect on the following: their description of the concept of conflict avoidance, the Consequences of conflict avoidance in couple relationship, gender differences and their own view on how to create conditions for constructive, therapeutic work in this respect.The result shows that the fear of conflicts, difficulty in expressing needs, different perceptions and expectations together with a difficulty to negotiate about differences, creates a lack of emotional and physical contact together with an absence of dialogue. The Consequences of this in the long-term, a majority of the respondents perceived, are feelings of anger, resignation, powerlessness and unhappiness..

"Jag blev intresserad av matte" : Ett aktionsforskningsprojekt med formativ bedömning i matematik

This thesis examines the implications of a shorter  intensive action research  project on  the formative assessments  key  strategies  four  and  five  that  are  activating  learners  as  learning  resources  for  one another and activating learners as owners of their own learning.  The research questions were ?How do the pupils experience the formative approach?? ?What didactic Consequences does the formative approach  mean  for  the  role  of  the  teacher??  and  ?How  does  the  formative  approach  affects  the pupils?  results  on a  short term??. The results were that the  majority of the pupils liked the approach and that they felt like their efficiency increased. The didactic Consequences were that the teacher had to spend more time on evaluation but had more time during the lesson to listen to and discuss with the pupils. The pupils? results were not changed in comparison with the control group..

Barn med språkstörningar : En studie om språkstörningar och dess konsekvenser

AbstractThe purpose with this essay is to get knowledge about the Consequences that speech-defects bring for children in pre-school ages. I got interested in this matter when I, during my teaching practice, got in touch with children carrying this specific disorder. I chose to apply qualitative interview as a method to investigate this and as a starting-point I used these aspects: How does speech-defects affect learning, understanding, friendship relations, and development in general?I interviewed three pre-school teachers in two different schools. One school in a smaller district and the other one in a middle-sized town, in the middle of Sweden.

Från snabbfotade glada amatörer till mindre smidiga proffs- En studie om Experians uppköp av Marknadsanalys

Purpose: The puspose with our essay is to investigate how an acquisition can affect leadership. We want to specialize us by analysing how a leadership and the employees in a smaller company can be affected by an acquisition by a larger organization. We also want to investigate how a good leadership should be in a small company due to an acquisition.Methodology: This essay is based on a qualitative method.Theoretical: We have used theories concerning leadership, theories about small and large organizations and theories about Consequences after an acquisition. Empirical foundation: Our empirics are based on stories from our five interviews from employees and leaders in Experian.Conclusions: Consequences can appear due to an acquisition. Only mild Consequences appeared in the case of Marknadsananalys.

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