

58 Uppsatser om Autonomous - Sida 1 av 4

Autonom bil med enkapseldator och ultraljudssensorer : tillämpning av en Arduino mikrokontrollerplattform och HC-SR04 sensorer

 Autonomous cars or robot cars havebeen on the agenda ever sinceHollywood started with their Sci-Figenre, maybe even before that. A lotof things have happened since then andnow the self-driving vehicle is notfar away. In this project, theAutonomous car with microcontrollerand ultrasonic sensors, we are lookingat a way of making a small, regular RCcar Autonomous with relatively simplemeans and investigate how the bigcompanies does it to learn more aboutthe development of the Autonomous carsand their technology.We used an Arduino Uno R3 supplementedwith an Arduino Motor Shield R3 as ourmicrocontroller board and three HCSR04ultrasonic sensors. By removingalmost all of the old parts of the RCcar,except the two DC motors, andreplacing them with these new parts wemanaged to make a vehicle that drovearound in a room without crashing intoanything. We could have used entirelydifferent sensors, or supplemented theexisting setup with other sensors tomake it even more accurate andobstacle avoiding.

Autonom UAV

In Abisko National Park there are a numberof weather stations. To be able toretrieve the data from the nodes in thefuture a Quadrocopter-prototype has beendeveloped during this master thesisproject as a first step. A quadrocopter isa helicopter with four rotors placed in across formation. The quadrocopter cannavigate Autonomous between different GPSpositionsthat are updated during flighttrough Xbee-modules. All levels fromsources code, design of the electronics todevelopment of the chassis was performedduring the project.

"Det internationella kortet": En undersökning av det politiska samtalet kring Ålandsexemplet

Over the past few years the Åland islands have attracted growing internationalattention as an example of how to successfully secure the position of a minorityregion, and in the current situation the government of Åland has an intention toextend the efforts of spreading the example of Åland. The purpose of this essay isto shed light on the political discussion about the example of Åland, andinvestigate the underlying political reasons for emphasizing the example of Ålandinternationally. Through interviews with leading politicians on Åland I analyzeÅland as a norm entrepreneur. The research shows that besides altruism, selfinterestis a factor behind emphasizing the example of Åland. The essay showsthat the theory of norm entrepreneurship also can be applied on an Autonomousarea, but instead of influencing international organizations themselves, theAutonomous area use norm entrepreneurship as a tool for influencing domesticpolitics..

Barns lek och autonomi i förskolan : En filosofisk granskning av barnets och lekens etiska ställning i den svenska förskolan

This essay is a philosophical investigation of the relation between children and their play. My aim is to see if children are Autonomous when it comes to their play. Is there a moral boundary between those who take part in the play and those who do not? This topic is especially important when it comes to the moral status of a child in the Swedish pre-school. How should educationists act when it comes to children?s play?  Through an analysis of the notions of play and autonomy I show that play can be understood as something of a moral value to the child and if children should be seen as Autonomous when it comes to their play.

Inkluderande engelskundervisning : En fallstudie av Autonomous Learning och Europeisk Språkportfolio som metod för inkludering av elever i svårigheter

Bakgrunden till studien är att forskningen visar att elever i svårigheter utvecklas mest kunskapsmässigt och mår bäst socialt av att inkluderas i klassens undervisning. Trots detta finns det väldigt ofta en önskan att exkludera dessa elever eftersom många lärare inte anser sig klara elever med specialpedagogiska behov inom den ordinarie undervisningens ram. Detta har lett till en rättvise- och inkluderingsdebatt såväl som en debatt med ekonomiska förtecken. Frågor som lyfts är ?Var mår eleverna bäst och finns det metoder som fungerar så att alla elever kan inkluderas?? Min studie syftar till att undersöka möjligheten till ett inkluderande arbetssätt i engelskundervisningen med hjälp av Europeisk Språk Portfolio och Autonomous Learning.

Konst Kräver Offer : En analys av Nathalia Edenmonts konstnärskap i ljuset av Pierre Bourdieus kulturteori

Nathalia Edenmont is a controversial and uncompromising photo artist who has caused the whole world to rage over her obscene photographs. In this thesis I have researched Edenmonts artistry with help of the sociologist Pierre Bourdieus field analysis. By using Bourdieus's different field concepts I have researched Edenmonts artistic career by concepts such as habitus, consecration and different principles.The starting point of this research has been that Nathalia Edenmont is in the Autonomous artistic field. I give examples of images that have been highly debated and I have collected information of how Edenmont sees her own images and her artistry. In this thesis I show amongst other things an example with Edenmonts photograph of dead rabbits with Elizabethan hair styling, cut up mice that work like finger puppets and children who are bound up in wire.Nathalia Edenmont Autonomous artistry is deeply rooted in her background and the environment in which she was raised.

IT-stöd för träning av etisk kompetens

Ethical competence is an important precondition when people are to respond to moral problem situations as efficiently as possible. In these situations it is not easy to make choices and decisions, especially when many stakeholders are involved with various opinions and interests.The purpose of this thesis was to generate a web-based support tool to train and promote ethical competence of the users of this tool.We first created a theoretical basis by studying the major theories of ethics in general and ethical competence in particular. The importance of ethical competence and its main subject, namely, the autonomy in the theoretical part described and specified. In addition has the practical ethical reflection over morality preferred and characterized to the classical ethical passivity over morality. We have also preferred and characterized the Autonomous thinking to the heteronomous one.Based on the theoretical base a prototype tool to support the training of ethical competence was designed and developed.

Läraren i praktiken : En studie om lärares förmåga att inspirera och medvetandegöra elevers inlärning, samt omforma sina akademiska ämneskunskaper

Denna uppsats, Läraren och den praktiska verkligheten, handlar om hur lärare gör föratt omforma sina ämneskunskaper till ämnesdidaktiska, vilka metoder de använder iundervisningen för att medvetandegöra elevernas inlärning, samt hur lärarna gör för attutmana och inspirera elevernas lärande och kunskapsutveckling. Teorierna som använtsi studien är läranderum, proximala utvecklingszonen, Autonomous learning, learning tolearn och pedagogical content knowledge, vilka även ligger till grund för denanalyserande delen.Resultaten i studien visar att en fungerande gruppdynamik är avgörande för en godarbetsmiljö, en ständig dialog utifrån elevens perspektiv bör föras för att skapamedvetenhet hos eleven gällande lärprocessen. Utveckling av självständigt lärande skergenom tydlig kommunikation mellan lärare och elever, det vill säga att läraren är tydligmed anledningen till arbetsområdet, informationen kring anvisningarna, samt finns somen tydlig vägledare för att guida eleven genom ämnet. Vidare handlar omformning avämneskunskaper för lärare i praktiken om att reflektera, utvärdera och utvecklaplaneringen och den genomförda undervisningen..

Decemberkompromiss eller Januariförlovning? : - en komparativ studie av svensk och finsk avtals- och arbetsmarknadsstruktur, reglering kring kollektivavtal samt reglering kring stridsåtgärder och sympatiåtgärder.

Declining union memberships are a fact in both Sweden and Finland. At the same time, the Autonomous labour market parties and the high membership rates are the most significant factors for the two countries compared to Europe and the rest of the world. These two factors have in turn been developed and strengthened since the beginning of the twentieth century. By Autonomous labour market parties I refer to the fact that the labour market parties themselves through collective bargaining are agreeing on the labour market conditions, without interference from the government.This paper is therefore taking it's stance in the question of what happens with the Autonomous labour market parties when the membership rates are in decline. With this in mind, this paper describes the judicial development, the collective agreement and labour market structures, the legal consequences of collective agreements and the opportunities of industrial and sympathy action in both Sweden and Finland. The two countries' systems of labour law have caught some negative attention, hence two of the most discussed cases of recent years are given some attention as well. The collective judicial conditions are very similar in both Sweden and Finland regarding the labour market main actors' collaboration, the collective agreement structures and legal consequences and the opportunities of industrial and sympathy action.

Navigering, sensorfusion och styrning för autonom markfarkost

The aim of the Master?s Thesis work is to study and develop algorithms for Autonomous travel of a UGV (Unmanned Ground Vehicle). A vehicle for the mounting of sensors has been constructed in order to perform the work. Since the UGV is to be used outdoor in urban areas, GPS can be used. To improve precision and robustness, inertial navigation is used in addition to GPS, since GPS reception is likely to be diminished in such areas.

Assistansrobot "Slangaren"

This project is a step towards automatic firefighting. The goal is to decrease the number of personal injuries by replacing the human firefighter with robots or similar technical tools. Especially in very hostile environments due to risk of explosions or building collapse. A robot is easy to replace and can be maneuvered from a safe distance. The idea of the project comes from the company Drones Networking which aims for developing a totally Autonomous firefighting system.

Konstruktion av tvåhjulig balanserande robot

This report discusses the development of an Autonomous system that can travel a distance of atleast 30 meters on two wheels. The system, the robot, detects black lines and stops if one isdetected. A remote control can be used to start and stop the robot. The robot is constructed ofmainly steel with smaller, more detailed, parts in plastic. A significant amout of time has beenused to enable the robot to balance on its own.

Likvärdighet, i vilket syfte för vem och när? : En idéanalys av likvärdigheten i utbildningssystemet från grundskola till gymnasiet utifrån frihetsbegreppet

In which purpose, for who and when does equality get fullfilled in the education system? This studie takes aim on the upper level and second upper level school system to study what the curriculum says on the one hand and what the system brings out on the other. With critical theory as method, with Herbert Tingsten as founder, this studie analyzes the logic of the education system to set out if the pupils choice of education, after the upper level lower secondary school, in second upper level is legit with democratic principles such as freedom (of choice). The theory, used to analyze the individuals progress to be Autonomous, uses Adam Swifts definition of freedom as an individual being Autonomous. The findings of the study shows that what politicians chases as equality really i´snt equality.

Metoder och design av visionärt personbilskoncept

I projektet, som är ett examensarbete från programmet högskoleingenjör i teknisk design vid Luleå tekniska universitet, har ett koncept på en delvis förarlös bil tagits fram. Arbetet har utförts mot instutitionen för arbetsvetenskap och har givit värdefull erfarenheter inför fortsatta studier vid Umeå Institute of Design. Resultatet är en lyxig fyradörrars kupé med tänkt lansering omkring år 2020. Bilen sköter till största delen av tiden körningen på egen hand men tillåter även manuell körning på ett nytt och revolutionerande sätt. Fordonet är även en social mötesplats där passagerarna får uppleva en ny dimension av att resa med bil..

Positionsindikering i bilder och video för WITAS dialogsystem

Denna rapport beskriver arbetet med en utökning av ett dialogsystem till en UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, obemannad flygande farkost). Arbetet är utfört i WITAS-projektet (Wallenberg laboratory for research on Information Technology and Autonomous Systems), ett projekt som har som mål att utveckla en helikopter som ska kunna verka autonomt i t.ex. en trafikmiljö. Syftet med dialogsystemet är att en operatör med talspråk ska kunna ge kommandon till och få information från helikoptern. Detta examensarbete har som mål att utöka dialogen till att bli multimodal, dvs.

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