5697 Uppsatser om Zero inflated negative binomial model - Sida 29 av 380
Konkurser utan gränser? : En utvärdering av Altmans Z´-scoremodell på företag i Sverige
Purpose: To investigate if Altman´s Z´-score model, which calculates financial distress, can be applied on companies established in Sweden and if the financial crisis in 2008 made previously healthy companies go bankrupt.Methodology: Quantitative studies with a positivistic foundation. Empirical data will be collected in order to examine if there is generalizability among the studied objects. Conclusions will be made by comparing the empirical data with the theoretical foundation. Financial distress in firms will be measured.Theoretical perspectives: Altman´s Z´-score model, designed to predict financial distress in private firms.Empirical foundation: A selection of 93 private firms that have gone bankrupt in the years 2008, 2009 or 2010. The firms selected all have a turnover that exceeds 20 million SEK.
Bedömning och betygsättning i bildämnet : En kvalitativ studie av elevers och lärares syn på bedömning och betygsättning i bildämnet
The purpose of this paper is to try to understand which negative effects grading and judging in art class can have on the students. The emphasise lies on how the media specific parts of the subject is affected. The goal is to get knowledge how students experience getting judged and graded and how this affects them, hence understanding which factors affects them in a positive or negative way in this process. The literature study starts with a historical survey of the swedish grading system and the art subject in Swedish schools. It countinues to explain the current curriculum with an emphasise on art.
Inställningen till partnering En jämförelse mellan byggmarknaderna i Stockholm och Göteborg
This bachelor thesis has the purpose to visualize and document the air movementsprovided by different ventilation principles in an operating theatre. The visualizationwill be made as simple as possible in a physical model. The model and thedocumentation should be able to use in educational purposes.The study is based on the two most common systems for airflow, currently used inoperating theatres. The first principle is displacement ventilation in which the air issupplied at low velocity along the floor. The second principle is vertical parallel laminarairflow in which the air is compressed like a piston from ceiling to the floor.A review of literature resulted in the choice of size, design, and scale factor for themodel, as well as choices of ventilation principles and airflows.
Bromodellering genom bromodulen i Revit Structure - Anpassning av programvara för skapande av ändskärmsbroar
This bachelor thesis has the purpose to visualize and document the air movementsprovided by different ventilation principles in an operating theatre. The visualizationwill be made as simple as possible in a physical model. The model and thedocumentation should be able to use in educational purposes.The study is based on the two most common systems for airflow, currently used inoperating theatres. The first principle is displacement ventilation in which the air issupplied at low velocity along the floor. The second principle is vertical parallel laminarairflow in which the air is compressed like a piston from ceiling to the floor.A review of literature resulted in the choice of size, design, and scale factor for themodel, as well as choices of ventilation principles and airflows.
Folkbiblioteksverksamhet på webben: En kvalitativ studie av svenska folkbibliotekswebbplatser
The aim of this Master?s thesis is to investigate and increase the understanding of Swedish Public Library Websites and to determinate which activity they mediate. To analyse the Public Library Websites Andersson and Skot-Hansen?s model of roles for the Public Library has been used. This model in¬cludes four roles for the library: the library as a cultural centre, a knowledge centre, as an information centre and as a social centre.
Man har ju i alla fall tak över huvudet : En kvalitativ studie om natthärbärgets effekter på hemlösas självupplevda psykosociala hälsa
This is a qualitative study, whose purpose is to examine if night shelters effects homeless peoples self-perceived psychosocial health. In Sweden alone there are almost 18000 homeless people, and 12% of them uses a night shelter. The homeless can?t be seen as a heterogeneous group but instead homelessness counts as a state of being in. The Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare have done mapping over the homelessness since 1993 and the problem is an important part of what the welfare system has to fight against.
Konst som investering: En studie av investeringar i svenska kvalitetsmålningar under perioden 1985-2006
This paper analyses how Swedish fine-art oil paintings sold at auctions has performed as a monetary investment during the period autumn 1985 until spring 2006. An average price technique as well as a hedonic regression technique, applied to a sample of 19 213 auction sales, is used to construct price indices. The indices show somewhat different results, which is explained by the inability of the average price model to adjust for relative differences in quality between periods. The hedonic regression model on the other hand captures this effect, why the hedonic index is applied in a financial return model. By adjusting for transaction cost, the financial return of an average investment in paintings is calculated.
Human-cattle interactions and attitudes within dairy farming in Sweden and The Netherlands
Human-animal interaction is suggested to be a main feature within livestock production. The quality of handling, for instance, appears to be greatly depending on the attitudes and behaviour of the stock people. Various studies have been conducted on relationships between human and animals, but few have looked upon differences in human-animal interaction and attitudes between countries. Two countries often discussed in livestock production are The Netherlands and Sweden. It would be of interest to compare these two countries to find out whether (assumed) differences are reflected in the attitudes between animal handlers.
Internetportalen : en värdeskapare?
This Master Thesis treats the non monetarian aspect about the Internet Portal from a consumer and company perspective. The purpose of this thesis i st o give or create a picture and a tool, a model for how the Internetportal could be evaluated an valued. By creating a so called Dynamic Scorecard the authors of this Thesis have created a model throug which the purpose of this thesis is served. Through this model the authors have come to the conclusion that the Internet Portal can be evaluated through both economic, social, service and technical factors as well as through what relationship the companies or consumers value concerning the Internet provider. The product of conclusions of this Thesis is that there are three main factors upon wich the Internet Portal is valued.
Generation of mutated expression plasmid KRT1 and comparison of HaCaT cells transfected with expression plasmid KRT1 or KRT10 concerning keratin aggregates
Introduction The genetic skin disease epidermolytic ichtyosis is caused by mutations in either keratin gene 1 or 10 and leads to blisters and hyperkeratosis of the epidermis. At cellular level the disease is seen as aggregates in the keratin filaments. Since medicines are hard to investigate and produce mainly due to lack of reproducible model systems, there is no good treatment available for this disease today. In this article we describe how an in vitro model consisting of cells from a stable cell line transfected with expression plasmids to mimic patient cells, may be a possible alternative for screening compounds for therapies. The first step was to generate an expression plasmid required to complete the in vitro model.
"Jaha, det gick ju bra den här gången också" : En kvalitativ undersökning av seniorers förhållande till e-handel
In this paper we have examined why seniors do not use e-business to the same extent as other age groups. Seniors belong to the age group that, according to statistics from Statistics Sweden (SCB) in 2011, utilizes e-business the least in relation to the number who use the internet. To understand how seniors reason and perceive the possibility to shop on the internet, we have conducted four interviews with people from 65 years and older. We have let the respondents answer questions regarding utility aspects, e-business interfaces, general shopping habits, risks, and whether or not they usually shop online. We also found out how seniors reason when they sell products and services.
Fysikalisk modellering av klimat i entreprenadmaskin
This masters thesis concerns a modeling project performed at Volvo Technology in Gothenburg, Sweden. The main purpose of the project has been to develop a physical model of the climate in construction vehicles that later on can be used in the development of an electronic climate controller. The focus of the work has been on one type of wheel loader and one type of excavator. The temperature inside the compartment has been set equal to the notion climate. With physical theories about air flow and heat transfer in respect, relations between the components in the climate unit and the compartment has been calculated.
Tillförlitlighet i Stockholms elnät : En analys med hjälp av Tekla NIS
Outages in the electric grid can be costly for society. Because of this, reliability is one of the parameters used to regulate network companies. Reliability in electrical grids can be measured with SAIDI, system average interruption duration index, which for Fortum Distribution has increased in Stockholm?s distribution network (11 kV) in the early 2000?s.By using outage data for Stockholm from 2011-2013, sets of parameters to be used for reliability calculations in the network information program Tekla NIS were derived. Two different options for investment were then analysed: changing old cables with high fault frequencies, and installing automatic switching in distribution substations.
Fångade i diskursen : En kritisk analys av hur begreppet medborgarlön presenteras och inte diskuteras i dagspressen
Abstract Author: Maria StåhlTitle: Level: BA Thesis in Media- och kommunikationsvetenskapLocation: LinnaeusUniversityLanguage: SwedishNumber of pages: 51 This report is a critical discourse analysis of the attributes that surround the word basic income/medborgarlön in four Swedish daily newspapers. The study explores how the text in the newspapers attributes the word and what the consequences might be for the readers and for the political agenda when it comes to the discussion of justice and responsibility. The attributes that characterizes basic income in the media are mostly negative and there is no discussion where work strategy and basic income is seriously spoken of. Work strategy is taken for granted and is not questioned by anyone. The alternative that basic income could be is being ridiculed which becomes clear by the attributes that are chosen. The figuration of basic income in these media is characterised mostly by negative and depreciatory attributes.
Den ociviliserade "norrlänningen" - en studie om social kategorisering och stereotyper
In this thesis we have tried to show the problems that the categorisation of ?norrlänningar? generates. We have also tried to describe what the stereotypes of ?norrlänningar? are by examining what people say on web logs. The method we have used to find the stereotypes in our empirical material is the discourse analyse.