

1021 Uppsatser om Zero flow - Sida 38 av 69

Analysis of CD4+ and CD8+ T-lymphocytes : A comparison between EPICS XL and Celldyn Sapphire

Flowcytometric technology has been widely used for measurement of the absolute numbers of T-lymphocytes subsets in Human Immunodeficiency virus (HIV), defining the disease state, monitoring antiviral treatment, and identifying any risk for opportunistic infections. A manual preparing of the samples is required. More recently an automated and enclosed blood cell counting, Celldyn Sapphire has been introduced. In this study the performance of the Flow cytometer EPICS XL as a reference method for analysis of CD3+, CD4+ and CD8 T-lymphocytes was evaluated with blood from 40 individual?s samples.

LEAN i ankomst och kontroll : Processkartläggning av ankomst och kontroll av material på Sanmina i Örnsköldsvik. Syftet är att genom analys identifiera slöseri i processen och genomföra förbättringar som eliminerar eller minskar störningar

This report is the result of a thesis at the company Sanmina in O?rnsko?ldsvik. The thesis is the final work at the mechanical engineering program at Umea? University.Sanmina has in 2015 launched an initiative to ensure that all sites are using LEAN principles and tools to enhance their business. As part of the plan for the LEAN-work, an LSS (Lean Six Sigma)-project has started to study the company's receivehall and inspection.

Akta er för dörrarna - en observationsstudie av dörröppningar i en hybridsal

SUMMARYPrevious research has shown that there is a connection between the doorways and postoperative wound infections. Despite recommendations from Socialstyrelsen and the individual hospitals' PM there is still high traffic in the operating theatres. In a hybrid theatre environment combined X-ray techniques of surgery, resulting in it being further two categories inside the operating theatre. This may generate an increase in traffic flow. The study is a prospective, non-participant observation study conducted in the spring of 2013 at a university hospital in western Sweden.

Hur tron finner ankarfäste. Pastorers informationssökande i sin andliga tjänst

This Master?s thesis concerns the information behaviour of pastors in nonconformist churches (especially new evangelical and Baptist church communions) in Sweden in their spiritual service to the local parish. The thesis also looks into how the information flow functions in the pastors? context and why the information need appears as it does. The theory used in this study is contextual analysis based on Buckland?s, Weber?s and Patrick Wilson?s theories on authority and power structures.

Kommunikation i dubbel bemärkelse : Enkätsstudie av barnfamiljer och SL:s digitala plattformar 

As a result of a successful human development around the world an extensive urbanization of societies are taking place that are networked in various ways. In these networks, increased travel and digitization are central where individuals and organizations converge in a constant and immediate wireless and mobile technology flow. An example of this is Stockholm and its public transportation company Storstockholms Lokaltrafik (SL). Although most participate in most of the network society, SL is struggling with an audience that seldom travel with them: families with children. We intended to find out how the communication of SL´s digital platforms could get families to travel more with public transportation.

Textilindustrins avloppsvatten och avloppsslam ur ett miljöperspektiv : Underlag för internationella riktlinjer inom projektet Sweden Textile Water Initiative

The aim of my thesis is to obtain knowledge of textile wastewater and textile sludge from an environmental perspective, which can be used as a basis for the  ?Sweden Textile Water Initiative? guidelines for a sustainable sludge management. In my study I have mainly focused on textile dyes, salts and metals and their routes during wastewater treatment.This paper is partly a literature review, which I began by identifying the pollutants discharged from each textile process. Then I studied wastewater and sludge quality, environmental aspects, possible treatment and recycling methods. I have also tried to find existing type of guidelines in order to make comparisons.

Ekonomiska sanktioner ur ett sjömaktsteoretiskt perspektiv

Fleets have the ability to affect an adversary?s use of the seas for transportation. Nations have in numerous occasions exercised this power in order to ravage their opponent?s trade in times of conflict with the purpose of diminishing their military might. Great naval thinkers like Mahan and Corbett have described this use of seapower during conflicts in great depth but theories regarding the use of seapower to affect a nation?s peacetime economy in order to achieve limited political goals is lacking.

Digitala servicescapes : En undersökning om samspelet mellan dramaturgi, storytelling, och servicescapes i en digital miljö

Denna undersökning utgår ifrån Mary Jo Bitners servicescape-modell om hur fysiska miljöegenskaper formade efter en berättelse eller tema påverkar serviceverksamheter. För att sedan implementera modellen i en digital miljö. Resultatet av att nyttja teorierna kring servicescapes på exempelvis serviceverksamheter ger besökare möjlighet att fly undan vardagen, medvetet eller omedvetet, genom en kombination av olika sinnen. I undersökningen såg vi att besökarens självmedvetenhet kunde jämföras med Mihaly Csikszentmihalyis teorier om ?flöde?, där medvetandetillståndet hos en individ blir uppslukat av individens aktivitet.

?Pengar dödar kreativitet? : En kvalitativ intervjustudie av kreativa skapandeprocesser

Studien syftar till att undersöka hur personer som ägnar sig åt kreativt skapande motiverar detta arbete, samt hur de uppfattar att detta skapandehar påverkat dem som individer. För att tillmötesgå detta syfte tillämpades en narrativ intervjumetod, respondenterna bestod av fyra individer som håller på med olika kreativa skapandeformer. Studiens resultat visar på att den största anledningen till att individerna väljer att skapa kreativt i sin vardag helt enkelt bygger på att de mår bra av det, det stärker deras identitet. Utöver detta visar även studien på att de genom sitt kreativa skapande även upplever att de blir en del i ett sammanhang, de känner tillhörighet med likasinnade.Vidaremenar även respondenterna att deras kreativa skapande har lett till att de känner sig mer självständiga och på så vis lättare kan stå emot olikanegativa sociala normer de annarsskulle påverkas av i högre grad.Slutligen kritiserar respondenterna även det rådande samhällsklimatet genom att hävda att det i hög grad fråntar individer deras möjlighet till kreativt skapande, och i och med det även stora delar av människor möjlighet till att skapa en identitet som en självständig och kritiskt tänkande individ..

Att investera via delägarbaserad crowdfunding : Motiverande och yttre sociala faktorer som bidrar till ett investeringsbeslut

The purpose of this research was to examine what motivates and influences an individual to invest in a project or company through equity-based crowdfunding. The intention was therefore to identify internal and external motivation factors and examine how external social factors such as the Internet, other individuals? investment decisions and interaction in social groups affect an individual when he or she invests through equity-based crowdfunding. The results showed that both internal and external motivation factors are important components of an investment through equity-based crowdfunding. External motivators proved to be for example yields and helping entrepreneurs.

Processkartläggning samt förbättringsförslag vid Götene Stål & Verktygs AB

The purpose of this report is to come up with possible improvement suggestions to the distribution central at Götene Stål & Verktygs AB (GSV). GSV is a wholesale dealer located in Götene. The company doesn?t produce anything it self, it buys in products and sells them to customers.The distribution central at GSV is the place where the products comes in and gets ready to deliver.To come up with possible improvement suggestions we started with process mapping over the main process and the distribution centre process. The main process here is from the point where the customer gives GSV an order to the point where GSV deliver the order.Our result shows that the major problem in the distribution central at GSV is the big volume differences in the incoming goods.

Arenans betydelse för en stad : En studie av en arenas tillförande av väde i platsmarknadsföring

AbstractThe purpose with this essay has been to gain a greater understanding and clarify how an arena can create value within place marketing and development of a place brand. This will be achieved through a description of which values an arena causes in the surrounding areas and an understanding of how these values can be interpreted through the place brand. We decided to base our study according to the following two questions:1. What are the underlying reasons why there has been such a big trend with arena project?2.

Samkörning av databaser-Är lagen ett hinder?

Title:Comparison of databases ? Is the law an obstacle?Authors:Alexander Ankarberg, Applied Information Science.Tutors:Lars- Eric LjungProblem: Cross running databases is getting more and more significant during the development of the information flow. There are huge benefits if we start to use the technique that already exists. The law is today an obstacle, so what would happen if the law wasn?t so stern.

Asplund : Arbetsbord

In recent years, the Internet has exploded with different kinds of social media, where a significant function is to share your life in text and images. This changes how we form our identity, our religious identity included. The aim of this paper was to study how Instagram forms a space for the creation and development of religious and spiritual beliefs. For this purpose, Instagram updates from five women with yoga oriented Instagram accounts have been analyzed in relation to two theories: Paul Heelas? och Linda Woodhead?s theory of a spiritual revolution and Heidi Campbell?s theory of networked religion.The aim of the study was to explore how these women presented themselves in their Instagram flow and what part religion and spirituality had in their presentations.

Energieffektivisering av färskvattensystemet på Skärblacka pappersbruk

The purpose of this master thesis was to study the water system for mechanically cleaned water at Skärblacka mill, in order to find and evaluate possibilities of using energy more efficiently. The thesis also includes an evaluation of the software tool ?Pumpanalys?Skärblacka mill produces pulp and paper. The large amount of water required is cleaned mechanically through filters and called mechanically cleaned water (MR0). The MR0 water is pumped out to the factory by four crude water pumps.

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