
Akta er för dörrarna - en observationsstudie av dörröppningar i en hybridsal

SUMMARYPrevious research has shown that there is a connection between the doorways and postoperative wound infections. Despite recommendations from Socialstyrelsen and the individual hospitals' PM there is still high traffic in the operating theatres. In a hybrid theatre environment combined X-ray techniques of surgery, resulting in it being further two categories inside the operating theatre. This may generate an increase in traffic flow. The study is a prospective, non-participant observation study conducted in the spring of 2013 at a university hospital in western Sweden. A total of two observations were done. The authors have observed how many times the door of a hybrid theatre has been opened, from the instruments are opened to dressing is placed on the patient. Results from the study shows that on average there is a door opening every two minutes from the moment that the instruments are opened until the bandage is placed on the incision. Surgical nurses accounted for the second highest and third highest number of door openings in the observed operations. The greatest number of door openings occurred when the patient was in the operating theatre, before the incision was made. The study demonstrates the need for increased awareness of the number of door openings and knowledge that door openings may lead to postoperative wound infection.Keywords: doorways, infections, hybrid theatre, ventilation, hygiene, patient safety, scrub nurse


Jennie Hallberg José Ramos


"Magisteruppsats". Självständigt arbete (examensarbete ) om minst 15 högskolepoäng utfört för att erhålla magisterexamen.

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