

1021 Uppsatser om Zero flow - Sida 19 av 69

Nya renings- och uppgraderingstekniker för biogas

Biogas is a renewable energy source that is produced by anaerobic digestion of organic mate-rial. In Sweden, biogas predominately comes from sewage water sludge and landfills or from organic waste of households and industries. Small scale digestion plants at farms are espe-cially expected to contribute to increased biogas production in the future. Biogas can be ob-tained directly in it?s raw form and used as fuel in a combustion chamber.

Vandrarhemmet Gamla Gefle : Investering eller ej?

Purpose:The background to this study is an upcoming sale of a property. Owner of the property is currently city of Gävle and tenant is Jan Ekroth who runs the hostel Gamla Gefle in the buildings belonging to the property. The purpose of this study is to investigate whether Gamla Gefle AB has the financial ability to acquire the property and if it can be defended in a commercial plane.Method:In this study a qualitative method has been used, in which empirical data has been gathered from interviews and financial data taken from annual reports. These empirical data have been put against our theoretical framework and led to our analysis. In the analysis, cash flows and discounted future values have been calculated to determine the outcome of the investment.Results & conclusion:The study reaches the conclusion that the hostel Gamla Gefle should complete its acquisition of the property, in spite of an decrease of the annual cash flow.

Framtidslayout för Motala Wire Work

This master thesis was conducted at Motala Wire Works Ltd (MWW) in Motala during the autumn and winter of 2007-2008. The thesis named ?Future layout of Motala Wire Works? focuses on making a better planed layout for the factory, which also take in to consideration future changes.Motala Wire Work produces wire mesh products of varying sorts for the white goods industry. The factory was started by Electrolux during the 1950?s.

Extrem-/äventyrssport innanför gymnasieskolans väggar

Syftet med vår undersökning var att undersöka om extrem-/äventyrssport hade en plats i kursen idrott och hälsa A. Vi valde att skicka ut förfrågningar till 20 skolor i Malmö och grannkommunerna, av dessa fick vi svar från tio och endast fyra ville delta i undersökningen. Detta gjorde att vår undersökning omfattar fyra intervjuer med utbildade idrottslärare på fyra olika gymnasieskolor i sydvästra Skåne. I vårt resultat kom vi fram till att tre av lärarna hade extrem-/äventyrssport vid ca fem lektionstillfällen per termin, och en hade inga lektioner alls med denna typ av aktivitet. Det var många faktorer som spelade in när lärarna beskrev varför de inte hade så många lektionstillfällen med anknytning till extrem-/äventyrssport bland annat tid, resurser, skaderisk, engagemang och förutsättningar i närmiljön. Alla lärare vi intervjuade hade en positiv inställning till extrem-/äventyrssport i skolundervisningen och skulle gärna vilja få in fler lektioner med denna form av aktivitet, eftersom det hjälper att stärka elevers självkänsla, ger en allsidig träning och är ett bra verktyg för teambildning. Tre av dem såg det som väldigt viktigt att idrottsundervisningen i skolan följde med i utvecklingen, anammade de nya aktiviteter som ungdomar sysslar med utanför skolan och att extrem-/äventyrssport hade blivit ett stort fenomen i samhället.

Inverkan av flisig krossballast på betong

Concrete is one of the world?s most common construction materials and is composed of 70-80 % stone material. Today crushed stone is used as aggregate in concrete in order to replace natural aggregates due to strong environmental reasons. Stone crushing yields flaky material and in this thesis studies are made on the flaky particle shape and how it influence properties of concrete such as workability, rheology and strength. The concrete recipes used in this thesis have fixed values, the only variable is the flakiness of the crushed stone.

Flaskhalshantering genom materialstyrning : En fallstudie på LB-Hus

Title: Bottleneck management through materials administration Course:  4FE05EAuthors:  Mikael Karlsson and Johannes Mueller  Examiner: Helena ForslundKey words:  Bottleneck management, material management, process description, timber, proceduresPurpose:   The objective of this study is divided into three parts, all three parts of the purpose aim for the same goal. Namely, to improve the material management so that this enables the bottleneck in the planing mill to keep a continuous  flow, and thereby minimizing the risk for production stops at LB-Hus.  Part.  1:  Identify  and  analyze the material management  connected to  the planing mill  in order to identify problem areas.Part.2:  Identify  improvement potential  in the material management connected to the planing mill.  Part.3: Suggest improvements in the material management connected to the planing mill. Theoretical framework: Process mapping, inventory accounting, balance safety, inventory availability / service levels, safety stock and reorder point, forecasting and routine descriptions.Empirical foundation:  Interviews carried out at LB-House,  illustrated with the help of process maps and a description of each process.  Conclusions:  To work with  the  suggestions  given  and  to  follow  clear procedures  in  all  processes would  result in  a more  efficient  inventory management,  it would also present  a  solution  to  the problem regarding the planing mill being a bottle neck.Suggestions for further research: Review and map the information flow from demand to production start.

Enumerating Atlantic salmon smolt production in River Vindelälven based on habitat availability and parr densities : consequences of using different density estimation methods

Habitat mapping was conducted in the main stem of River Vindelälven in the autumn of 2009 along the salmon distribution area. The aim was to estimate the quantity of potential reproduction areas, including spawning and juvenile rearing habitats. The mapping included 61 km of various stream sections along the river length of 269 km. The total area of stream habitats was estimated to 647 ha of which 396 ha (61%) were considered as either potential or optimal juvenile nursery habitats. The area of these two habitat classes were used to estimate the smolt production in the river by using electro fishing densities of juveniles (0+ per 100 m2).

Tillämpning av Toyotas produktionssystem på Electrolux Distriparts AB

Uppgiften som låg till grund för denna uppsats, var att ge förslag på produktivitetshöjande åtgärder på Electrolux Distriparts godsmottagning. Vår avsikt var att tillämpa delar av Toyotas produktionssystem på den befintliga processen. Detta resulterade i en serie förslag som, om de tillämpas, drastiskt kommer höja produktiviteten i den aktuella processen..


This thesis includes a mechanical engineering design work performed incollaboration between ÅF and Halmstad University. The work is done by FredyOlsson?s methods of Principle- and Primary Construction and David Ullman?stheories of Design for Assembly.The group was commissioned by ÅF to produce a concept to narrow down theassembly time of today?s luggage doors by reducing the numbers of adjustmentoptions. They also wanted it to be easier to mount the assembly by making itpossible to adjust the door in a closed position. Today luggage door takes, with its10 adjustment possibilities, around 4 hours each to assemble and ÅF wanted anassembly time around 10 minutes per door.Initially a preliminary study was made where the group began reviewing today'sconstruction and mounting of rails and doors on buses.

Beräkning av pumpkapacitet samt konstruktion av pumpfundament

Ett undersöknings- och utvecklingsarbete för att lösa ett problem med att dränkbara pumpar i ett vattenavrinningssystem gick sönder med perioder på två år i genomsnitt, utfördes i samarbete med Cementa AB i Skövde. Orsak till pumpars haveri söktes och fanns vara bristande rutiner och kunskap om det underhåll pumparna krävde. För att lösa detta problem utvecklades riktlinjer för nyinköp av torruppställda pumpar för att möjliggöra kontinuerligt underhåll. Då möjligheter för placering av torruppställd pump saknades utvecklades ett pumpfundament för placering av torruppställd pump. Krav för utvecklingsarbetet togs fram i samarbete med Cementas underhållsavdelning och teoretisk dimensionering av dränkbara länspumpars dåvarande volymflödeskapacitet utfördes.

Brunnsviken : Utvärdering av åtgärder för förbättrad vattenkvalitet

Periods of hypoxia are a recurring issue in Brunnsviken. Main factors that trigger hypoxia in Brunnsviken are eutrophication  due to anthropogenic emission of nutrients, stratification in the water column due to salinity and temperature differences  that prevents mixing and a sill inlet that prevents water exchange. As an attempt to improve the oxygen levels, bottom water is pumped from Brunnsviken causing aerated surface water to flow back into the basin.  The objective of this Master?s thesis was to study the change in dissolved oxygen levels due to pumping.

Implementering av verksamhetsbaserad arkivredovisning i statliga museimyndigheter

The  change that has occurred during the past few decades concerning the development of electronic records, information technology and the constantly increasing quantity of information, have confronted the archival discipline with new challenges. In the digital world, the concept of ?record? has changed from representing something lasting and physical to something much more abstract and transient. The way to approach archival description has also changed, from focusing on the static preservation of archival records, to documenting the transactions of organisations, and to clarify operational processes. The discussion about the general purpose of the archival discipline, and its place in a changing world, has led to a new approach to archival description.

Utveckling och tillämpning av en GIS-baserad hydrologisk modell

A distributed hydrological rainfall-runoff model has been developed using a GIS integrated with a dynamic programming module (PCRaster). The model has been developed within the framework of the EU-project TWINBAS at IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute, and is intended for use in WATSHMAN ? a tool for watershed management developed at IVL. The model simulates runoff from a catchment based on daily mean values of temperature and precipitation. The GIS input data consist of maps with soil type, land-use, lakes, rivers and a digital elevation model.

Tabula Rasa

Syftet med denna undersökning var att utforska den lärandes perspektiv genom att lära oss spela ett nytt instrument. Genom att försätta oss i en sådan situation och sedan granska våra egna läroprocesser hoppades vi kunna bemöta våra framtida elever med djupare förståelse. Vi ville på detta sätt försöka synliggöra faktorer som påverkar vårt lärande och bilda oss en uppfattning om hur vi påverkas av dessa.Undersökningen utfördes med oss själva som studieobjekt där vi under hela processen noggrant förde dagbok över våra upplevelser, både skriftligt och med ljudande inspelningar. Inspelningarna bifogas som en bidragande gestaltning till det avsnitt som kallas Processen. I Processen förekommer diskuterande tolkningar som fullföljs i Epilogen.Vår studie visar att det är svårt att till fullo sätta sig in i en nybörjares roll.

Interna processer : Modell för ett effektivt returstålsflöde

The last decade has created an increasing pressure on companies to decrease their impact on the environment and to increase their effectiveness of recycling the company?s resources, especially for the steel industry. Companies have also started to realize the economic aspects of an effective internal reverse logistics. In the past the value of an effective internal reverse logistic was something that companies tend to underestimate and there are few academic studies done in this area. The purpose of this essay has been to identify key factors to create an effective in plant storage, transport, sorting and handling of returned steel. From these factors a generalized model for creating an effective return steel flow will be developed.

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